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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Hotspot can be done by Wireless, Bluetooth or USB. Usb to LAN cables are widely available for a few baht.
  2. I was in a similar position as the OP. 1. I was told by the land office (Korat) that my child needed to be 21 years before she could own land. I still have the email from the land department somewhere, but to lazy to go look for it. 2. If you are named as the father of the child on the birth certificate, you are the father of the child. But to get custody of the child your ex-wife need to sign an agreement with you at the Amphur or get a court order (very difficult). In my case, my ex-wife was short of cash and could not give the child the necessary care. So, she signed a paper in which she gave me the "Sole Parenthood" for a few Baht. Caveat: Once the child has 21 years, the child can chose to go back to the mother freely despite all your efforts to raise the child. 3. The mother can try to convince the child to sell the house for her own needs. You will never have a guarantee that your good intentions will be followed by the child. 4. As a last advice, before doing anything that you might regret, hire a (good) lawyer and let him analyze the background of your ex- and your child. He/She might find things you didn't know about.
  3. Back in the days of buying Internet cards (ADSL) with a validity of a few hours, I used a router (D-link) connected to my phone line. But nowadays, I use an old phone which is constantly used as a "Personal hotspot" with an Unlimited Sim Card. No need for a separate router.
  4. 22 posts???????????? 555555555555555555555555 I don't even take the time to read your diatribe ....
  5. What about the kits to copy SIM Cards? I have such a kit, with some Blanco SIM-Cards and it's very easy to copy a SIM-Card and even edit them.
  6. To all the posters who claim that we are "Guests" or "if we don't like it, go home". First, most of us are not guests but tourists or "Non-immigrants" and we have rights also. One of the most important of these rights is that we are not required to lick the feets of third-world people. If the Thais like to give a r..s a.s about the laws and the rules, it's up to them. Please continue to ignore the helmet rule/law and other rules/laws that are in place for your own good, be my guest and join the other 26,000 Thais that are killed every year. But it's not because a few stupid people that we are required to do the same. Most of the Thais drive without rear lights because a ghost may follow them. The real ghosts are Thais in cars and pickups who didn't see them and add them to the 26,000 per year. But it's not because a few stupid people that we are required to do the same. Thais drive on the fast lane at 60 km/hr because the left lane is mostly destroyed by heavy traffic. The traffic laws are very clear about that and it's forbidden. But it's not because a few stupid people that we are required to do the same. Second, most of us are leaving this f***d up country already. So, don't worry about this. Last, most of the people who give these answers, are foreigners who picked up a (bar)lady in Pattaya, Phuket or whatever and are feeding the whole village in order to stay here. I pity them.
  7. A few years ago, when they had nothing to eat and no jobs because of COVID, they were very happy to get free lunchboxes and free drink water from the foreigners. Now, barely 2 years later, they hate the same foreigners who feeded them and want them kicked out of the country. NEVER FEED A SNAKE BECAUSE WHEN IT SEE AN OPPORTUNITY IT WILL KILL YOU!!!!
  8. Is the word "F..k" really rude? title-artist.mp4
  9. Amateur. Why go to the Dominican republik to make fake passports when anybody can buy them on Khaosan Rd.
  10. All the machines we designed at work were equipped with the "Power Switch" in a case that could not be "accidentally" activated. It was called a "Monkey Proof" switch. But Thailand has not passed to the Monkey stadium yet.
  11. The "bleck box" is not only for speed control. They are recording everything in the car. Brakes, condition of car and driving, maybe recording sound, etc. If your lights are broken (like most motorcycles in Thailand), the black box will record itt.
  12. Digital currency Governments will control every dime you earn or spend and eventually block your account when you are not pleasing them
  13. Au contraire, mon cher. The vat on each black-box x the number of cars = cash for the governments
  14. Some of that "new technology" is already implemented and used in Thailand as well. As far as I have followed the stories, it seems that Tesla (and many electric cars) are connected with a Database and the dealer can put your car to a complete HALT if you are behind with the payments. Several other new technology are implemented in the new electric cars. China is becoming a major producer of electric cars and in China your credit score can be nullified for simply jay-walking in the street. In a non-distant future, you may find that you want to drive your car to work and the autopilot will drive you to the dealer or the bank. You are right that the future will be without freedom and I am happy to not be here anymore when that time comes.
  15. "Spain introduces mandatory black boxes for cars. From July 8, all newly registered vehicles in Spain will come with this safety device pre-installed". What do you think about this if it would be introduced in Thailand? No more "Brake failure" excuse. No more "I was driving at low speed" excuse. https://spanishnewstoday.com/spain_introduces_mandatory_black_boxes_for_cars_1000091487-a.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3AeTJnBRtPH3U02g-7IlNObKrjKx_sqFhsFgNqSpv56ZDD3my9s6NVl6U_aem__RpXYPHAH5vWuSRdgd78eA
  16. In other words, night new under the sun.
  17. Closest to electrocution was about 10 years ago, when my water heater turned faulty. The water made contact with a heating element and the water at the tap was conducting electricity (220V) Lucky for me, I only get a light electric shock from the water and turned the electricity OFF. If this would have been happen as I stepped in the shower, I would not been writing this.
  18. Korat immi is the same. If you go outside the province, you are <deleted>. I didn't try to spend a weekend at a local hotel, but chances are that you will be <deleted> as well as the hotel will alert immi. Feels like we are prisoners here. Maybe the next step will be to fit every visa holder with an ankle gps.
  19. The TM30 is not a requirement for 90 days reports. But if you have failed to report to have been out of the territory, you are flagged at your next 90 days reports.
  20. Immi Korat has a different opinion on this. Last time, I spend 2 weeks in Pattaya and didn't report that I returned. Had to pay a fine for that when making my 90-days report.
  21. I know that if someone stay in a hotel/condo, the hotel log book has your name +Address and this will go every day to immigration. For short stays the normal procedure is that when you return home, you need to report to immigration. But what happens if you want to stay away for a longer period. Example, renting a condominium for 2 or 3 months? How do people get their TM30 when they own 2 places?
  22. Where can I find a link to the tax scales for civilians?
  23. As always, it was a "misunderstanding". After all. Thai Police are well known to be misunderstood when exchanging the brown enveloppes. Corruption of a third world country worth.
  24. NovaCova: Not yet available in TH. ???????????????
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