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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. https://fb.watch/sw-KXkzSJh/ https://www.facebook.com/nakonyod45
  2. Amerikkans = convicted Brits. Same same Remember the Mayflower
  3. Did you made this post from your barstool n Pattaya at Soi 6? Making a hop over the border would have been a BIG PROBLEM FOR ME. I was recovering in the hospital from a recent OPEN-HART surgery and was lucky to get a taxi to the Brussels airport. Go on border-hopping was totally out of the question at that time. And jumping on a train to "Brexistan" was also totally out of the question at that time. How was I supposed to go buy a railway ticket or all these Mumbo-Jumbo your are brabbling from your barstool from my hospital bed? Exactly, what an utter gobledigock you are brabbling from your barstool in a bar in Pattaya at Soi 6. Did you find that out with the help of the bargirl in Pattaya? yes, you are brabbling utter nonsense. But you knew that already, or not?
  4. About the home schooling, a couple who lives in the same town as me, has 3 children and they never went to a school. They are American citizens. The woman takes care of the education of her children and most times other children from their community. The man spend his days visiting people on his bicycle with another "preacher man". They are Mormons. I visit them regularly, and their children have more knowledge and speak better English as any child from their age As for future perspectives, they don't live exactly in poor conditions. So, where is the problem?
  5. Why can you be denied boarding? This includes for reasons of health, safety or security, or inadequate travel documentation. So, for example, it is reasonable for an airline to deny boarding if the passenger does not have a valid passport or, where required, the correct paperwork to prove a negative Covid test. https://www.caa.co.uk › passengers Denied boarding - Civil Aviation Authority
  6. READ FIRST THE TOPPIC BEFORE MAKING STUPID ASSUMPTIONS!!!!!! The fly ban was made in BELGIUM AFTER THE SURGERY!!!!! NOT IN THAILAND!!!!! I was recovering from a heavy surgery at the hospital in Belgium. There were other inquiries planned during my recovery at the hospital such as Gastro-Intestinal inquiry for possible Morbius-Crohn disease. After 3 weeks recovery, I wanted to go back to Thailand where I had been living almost 2 decades and had all my friends. I asked the hospital to prepare my release papers as I wanted to fly back to Thailand. The hospital prepared the release paper, but clearly marked a NON-FLY ban for 14 weeks. As the hospital was aware that i was going to fly back to Thailand, I ASSUME that the hospital would have made the Airport security aware about this and would have flagged me (Belgian Travel Airport Security). Anyhow, this whole discussion has nothing to do with the OP.
  7. The trip with a cargo ship is indeed an option. But if you need medical assistance during the trip, I don't know if they will accept you.
  8. My residence is in Thailand. I have left legally my residence in my home country by signing a "Model 8" formular. A few years ago I was looking for a repatriation insurance. An insurance in the kind of Europe Assistance. But the answer from all insurance companies was that I was resident in Thailand and that was the country of repatriation. I don't know for other people, but if I would be diagnosed tomorrow with a life threatening disease, I would be prepared to try to get to my home country and get (almost free) health care and surgery. I had something similar 5 years ago where I was diagnosed with a life threatening AAA. Surgery in Thailand would be not possible with my budget. I took a flight to my home country and had the surgery performed there. I am not rich, but I have enough savings to spend my final days in a health care home in Europe. As said before, I had a life threatening disease 5 years ago and I was lucky to get out of the country. I had a NO-FLY ban by the Thai doctors as my aorta was to much damaged and would not resist the high pressure of a flight. But what if another life threatening Disease is detected tomorrow? Would be nice if i could travel to Europe and have the surgery performed there.
  9. I don't know if making a trip which will last a few weeks is a viable choice for an elderly person. Also the Medical Care on a Cargo ship might not be adequate for an elderly person.
  10. Om the second video I posted, she is studying Muay Thai. But I am sure that you will belittle that also.
  11. This has nothing to do with the op. If you are interested in the topic "blacklist"you can start your own thread
  12. I was blacklisted without my knowledge. But I knew that I was not allowed to fly for 14 weeks.
  13. Not exactly "without me knowing" as it as mentioned CLEARLY on the release not from the hospital. "Patient is forbidden to fly for a period of 3 months, starting on this date."
  14. I don't know about this as I never had this problem. But I think that a cruise or a trip with the Orient Express will be in the same price range as a 1st class air ticket.
  15. I don't know who flagged me. The Hospital? The Health Care System? Your guess is as good as mine. I only know that when I went to the airport to book a flight out of the country, I was on the blacklist of people who were not allowed to book a flight.
  16. In a recent thread, there was an old lady who could not leave Thailand because she was declared "not fit to fly". I had a similar experience in 2018, when I was declared "not fit to fly" for 3 months after a surgery and was flagged at all the airports. Lucky for me, I found an airline which was willing to fly me from my country to Thailand under the condition that I would take the responsability. But what if I find myself in a similar situation in Thailand? Is there a "Plan B"? I read on the Internet about a trip from Europe to Thailand by railway. It would involve a railway trip to Moskou on the Orient Express; Followed by a railway trip from Moskou to China; and finally a railway trip from China to Bangkok. A friend of mine offered his newly wed Thai wife a trip on the Orient Express from Moskou to Paris and she said that it was a "once in a lifetime experience". But the problem was that the connection between the railway stations in Moskow and in China had to be made by bus or taxi. Which could be a bottleneck for older people. I read ls about a Bus trip from London to Calcutta (?). It would be fairly easy to arrange a bus/railtrip from Thailand to India. But the trip was very "bouncing" and would take a long time sitting in a 3rd class bus. Again, not to advise for older people. The third plan would be to book a boat cruise (lots of them published on Facebook) and travel to Europe or an other country. The prices for these cruises are not very expensive and are booked very frequently by retired people. One of the couples interviewed said that they sold their house and live from cruise to cruise. What are your thoughts about this?
  17. That move, happening all over the world, is the main reason that young people have chossen to do all kind of "jobs" which can earn them money without the involvement of the governments. Digital Nomads. Retirement is now already around 70 years old for most countries. Most people don't make to that age. The people who make it to that age, are mostly too old to enjoy their pension. So, for what should people work their ass off to contribute to the NS? Bettere cash all the money you can and soend it while you are alive. It's a complete different mindset as we have been using for years. In a few decades, only a few people will be working in 9-5 jobs. Most people will be working for their own on the internet or in jobs abroad.
  18. From today's news: You can not beat the system, which is rotten to the core.
  19. Here another movie clip from my daughter. Not exactly Steven Seagal. 20180121 164359 muay thai.3gp
  20. A few years ago, a THAI friend on mine his child was beaten by the thai teacher (see picture). this happened in one of the high-end schools. The THAI friend was not "poor", he had a few restaurants over the whole nation and was enrolled in selling food with OTOP plan. He engaged a lawyer and started a law suit against the school. The school won the lawsuit and the boy was not accepted in any school in Thailand anymore. I guess that is the "conservative" indoctrination you want for your kids? My daughter was enrolled in an ENGLISH PROGRAM in one of the best schools around. Still, she needed, like every other child, stand every morning to listen to the hymn and the Thai flag rising. Het, cold, rain made no difference. I guess that is the "conservative" indoctrination you want for your kids? In the Thai lessons, the teacher wanted the kids to deliver their work crawling ON THEIR KNEES. That was the Thai culture and was done everywhere. Even when abunch of high-placed persons were crawling like a coackroach for a painting. I guess that is the "conservative" indoctrination you want for your kids. When your child will finish her studies at a thai university. she can go find a job for 9,000 Baht per month as a cassiere at Mc Donalds. I guess that is the "conservative" indoctrination you want for your kids? Reading the posts from other members in their answer to you, everybody knows already what a person you are. PLONK
  21. The Thai curriculum is based on learning to respect the religion, your superiors and your parents. If you want a school who don't follow this curriculum, your choice is limited to very expensive international schools with ONLY foreign teachers. Good luck with that. Many kids move abroad to have a PROPER education and an education that is not based on the Thai ideology. Most high-level students like doctors move abroad to learn their job. A doctor who only had Thai school would not make it to a successful doctor. And yes, there are boys abroad too, but I don't see the girls being molested by boys or teachers like in Thailand. The teacher, the school and other involved people would see the finish of their career behind bars. I have been a teacher in my country and I can guarantee you that the things you see in Thailand are nowhere else Thailand is a third world country and it will remain like this as long the dinosaurs are in power.
  22. You can propose all the FOREIGNER tricks you want, at the end his daughter will still have to live in Thailand and face the Thai school system. WITH your lawyer, sueing, etc. You will make live just more difficult for her. If she is not able to handle the "molesting" by herself, get her out of Thailand and give her a better education abroad. A tip: enroll your daughter in a self-defense school. This was my daughter learning Aikido/Muay Thai. Not many boys dare to touch her. 20180513 183000 aikido.mp4
  23. If the OP as an individual and a foreigner makes too much trouble, he will simply brought to better sences and his daughter will be kicled out of the school. She will have nowhere to go continue her education in Thailand after that. I learned the hard way, in the military service, that you should never threaten a superior. You may win the case, but you will need to spend your remaining military service at the military and they will make you be sorry for what you did.
  24. Yes, if he can afford that. My daughter studies in Belgium University now. Far better education as the Thai education which is for the biggest part concetrated on being obedient to Thai customs and Thai Bouddhism. Not really education. My daughter was learning at an English Program in a good school, but 80% of her day was spend on Bouddhism rules, visit Bouddhist temples and help with the daily care of the temples (cleaning, cutting grass, listening to monks, etc.) Not anything that would be an asset in future life.
  25. Start learning the words you will use the most, such as: - How much sin-sod will I need to pay for you? - How much gold do your mother asks for marrying with you? - How much will your family will ask on a daily base? - In what bar you learned to speak Thinglish? - Etc.
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