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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Killing an off-duty police officer who is coordinating an accident scene will bear a MAXIMUM penalty of 200,000 Baht!!!! This is a clear sign to everybody in Thailand about what a life is worth in this rotten country.
  2. What's astonish me is that this dissertation was written by a Thai and not a foreigner. What made this Thai student write such a paper about his own people?
  3. Found this book on the internet about Thailand and the Thai people written by a Thai. Very good lecture (22 pages). NATIONAL CHARACTER IN THE THAI NINE VALUES ORIENTATIONS Suntaree Komin1 (1990) Link: http://thaisunset.com/downloads/Suntaree Komin Thai National Character.pdf "Suntaree Komin, Thai Fulbright Scholar of 1991, has conducted a research study in “Psychology of the Thai People : Values and Behavioral Patterns” in 1990. With her kind permission, TUSEF considers it useful to have an excerpt of the study posted on the website for our Fulbrighters and grantees as well as interested individuals to further explore on their own, similarities and differences. Through respective direct exposure to Thai people and culture, they should be able to gain greater understanding about Thais for increased mutual understanding of people across different cultures, so very much needed in a globalized world of heightened mobility and interactions."
  4. DeeMoney ask to convert the money first from Foreign Devices to Thai Baht. DeeMoney CAN NOT ACCESS YOUR THAI BANK ACCOUNT. Use SWIFT or BANK TO BANK transferts. Period.
  5. Not only on YouTube. It's the same all over the Social Media. Facebook, if you click "Like" on a picture of a woman, your next fresh Facebook will be full of woman in Bikini or woman showing their genitals. Most of them are at the age where they make most man puke. Sign of the times
  6. There are so many "Content creators" who were left badly injured or died because they wanted to record a dangerous content. Just for the number of followers. This generation is doomed to get extinct with their Social Media and their phones.
  7. Thailand, the hub of illegal software in state enterprises ...
  8. Thailand, the hub of illegal software in state enterprises ...
  9. The Thai "EXPERTS" predicting again? Did they consult the "Fortune tellers"? ROTFLMAO
  10. A few years ago there was a program on TV about one of these Chinese rescue members who visited the parents from boys, mostly under 16 years old, and showed the results from a motorcycle accident. Most of these boys were left disabled and many of them had brain damage. Was a good deterrent for this behaviour.
  11. There are talks to adding "Hobby Horse" to the Olympic games. So, there is still hope for any silly sport to be added as an Olympic sport.
  12. Why spend money of a Windows 11 key? I purchased a second-hand laptop a few months ago with Windows 10 installed. Upgraded the Ram (4GB to 16GB) and the Hard-disk (128GB to 500GB) and downloaded an OFFICIAL Windows 11 from Microsoft. Rebooted my laptop and launched an "Update" and everything was fine. https://www.microsoft.com/software-download/windows11
  13. At the school of my kid in Korat, I saw kids driving to school with big cars and motorbikes. Amongst them was a Ducati and a Nissan Z. Not exactly "poor" people. The school was accepting this because their parents had made a big "Donation" to the school. Amazingly, these students were every year in the Top-5 best results. TIT
  14. In the early '70s, I saw an accident happening where the car in front of me slipped and went off the road. Stopped and went to look if I could help. The driver was still sitting behind the wheel but his head was missing (was before belts was required). Now, almost 50 years later I can still see the headless driver in my dreams.
  15. "He was shocked to discover that the woman staying in the room had been found dead with her throat slit. The body of the deceased has been sent for an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death." Cause of death: "SLIT THROAT"?
  16. Agree with you, but the biggest deal is to continue your life after you have seen a kid's brain plastered on the road by the car you were driving.
  17. A few months ago, the police was giving out free helmets for these poor farmers. The helmets were sold before the farmers got home...
  18. If they are underage they can have no insurance, tax, or whatever legal documents
  19. Poor excuse. Will you let your children drive a motorcycle, with a lot of children on the same motorcycle and without protection go joyriding? I think not
  20. Worst thing is if you are involved in an accident with them, you will foot the bill and eventually have to life your life with the thought that you killed some children
  21. When jumping off from a cliff is the shortest way to reach your destination, do you jump off the cliff?
  22. Amazing that the driver had no baby in the basket in front of the motorcycle.
  23. Thailand in 2024. Older but not wiser.
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