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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Does anybody here uses Starlink? Is Starlink available in Thailand? Any information on using Starlink in Thailand?
  2. This "scam" is diiferent from the Nigerian scams First, the amount of money they talk about is very low compared to the Nigerian scams. Second, they ask to loan a low amount of money from people in their own friend circle. Mostly "Friends or Followers" in their Social Media circle. Although the asked sum of money is very low, it can easily grow to very profitable amounts. But the friends circle may go down to Zero with that Scam.
  3. Yesterday I was chatting with a Thai girl friend, when she came up with her new "Money making" scheme. I did hear already of many different schemes to make money from her before, but this was completely new. She got it from another girl. The trick was to send a message to her friends, asking to "loan" 500 or 1,000 Baht. She showed me her bank account, specialy made for this "loan" and she had gathered already almost 250,000 Baht. Amount which would equal to 250 friends giving her 1,000 Baht. Her Facebook friends only amounted to 6,253 "Friends". Not counting other Social Media channels. When I asked her how she would pay that back, she simply laughed and answerred "Do you ever get money back from a Thai?" Are they going to the cops or to a lawyer for 500 or 1000 baht? If you get a message from a friend asking to loan 500 or 1000 Baht, don't fall for it.
  4. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Hint/HintBiz/BIZ- Funds Transfer#:~:text=- The maximum transaction amount is,processed on business day only. SMART – Credit Same Day method: - Transaction will be processed on business day only. - The maximum transaction amount is 2,000,000.00 Baht. - The approved transaction is submitted to the Bank before 9.00 a.m. on the transfer date. SMART – Credit Next Day method: - Transaction will be processed on business day only. - The maximum transaction amount is 2,000,000.00 Baht. - The approved transaction is submitted to the Bank before 9.00 a.m. one business day prior to the transfer date. https://www.bangkokbank.com/-/media/files/personal/other-services/payments-and-top-up-services/aml_en.pdf New Anti-Money Laundering Ministerial Regulations From 25 August 2011, all commercial banks are required by the Ministerial Regulations issued by virtue of the Anti-Money Laundering Act to identify and verify, and maintain copies of, the identities of customers, and to report certain types of transactions as required by law. In some cases, banks will be required to request additional information from the person conducting the transaction, including the identity of the beneficiary. Examples of common transactions where additional information may be required are as follows: A transfer conducted at a branch counter where a walk-in customer sends cash to an account at another bank, and the amount is 50,000 Baht or more for ORFT or BAHTNET (see the table below for more information), the bank is required to verify the customer’s identification for each transaction by requesting a copy of the customer’s ID or passport. If the amount is 100,000 Baht or more, the beneficiary’s ID number will also be required. Please note that if the customer refuses to provide the requested information, the bank will be unable to proceed with the transaction for the customer.
  5. You go tomorrow to your Thai bank (assuming that you have anything in a thai bank) and tell the people at the counter that you want to withdraw a few million baht in cash. And please, tell us all where and when so that we can have a good laugh with you. Every Thai (and many foreign banks) bank requires that if you want to withdraw that amount of money, you have to ask it a few days on forehand.
  6. If I want to pull any amount of money via phone/qcode/etc., I get immediatly a notice on my phone and I need to agree with that notice. If I want to pull money on any ATM, I am limited to 26,000 Baht/day. If I want more, I need to go to the Bank and explain why I need so much money. If I want to transfer high amouts of money (like 800,000 baht) I need to spend several hours at the bank, filling all kind of formulars and wait 1 or 2 weeks before the transfer is done. How can this guy transfer +3 millions of baht between bank accounts instantly? Assuming that the transfer would be between Thai banks. If the transfer involves a foreign bank, transferring that amount would require 1 or 2 weeks. Something looks like this guy is pulling a leg....
  7. Compared to Europe, he maybe seems a poor guy. But not compared to most Thais. I was chatting with a woman, living in Bangkok and working for a Robinsin story. She will retire next year and her calculated retirement will be 3,000 baht/month. Good luck to live your retired days on that pension.
  8. If you open any Social Media channel and look at amount of SCAMS that are published every day, most "Supported" by the Social Media provider itself, than it is more than ridiculous. How can any Goverment let this grow to such proportions without acting? Should the Governments not be there to protect it's citizens?
  9. I don't know if that still exists in Belgium, but when I lived in Belgium one could face huge fines for leaving valuables unattended. Police was going to parkings and stations and if your car was not closed or a window of your car was open, the car was towed away and you faced a huge fine. Same things in stations where someone leave their bags or valuables unattended. Police would take it to the Police station and you had to pay a huge fine to recover your items. If the owner of the phone in this case would have left his/her phone unattended, he/she would face a huge fine.
  10. Every time I try to make a new post and, I am interrupted by an advertising. When I close the advertising, I am returned to the top of the post and all the previous typed message is lost. That's SUPER ANNOYING. Can Aseannow let us return to the message after closing the advertising instead of returning to the top?
  11. That is the shop of his wife in the us. Not bullsh@T.
  12. I have been looking out for an apartment or house in Spain and there are several places to rent, a few minutes from the beach, between 590 eur to 1000 eur (look in Kyero). And that are not "basic" places. Many people living with a family in Europe and the vs with far less as 3000 eur per month. Unless you have a family of 5 and everyone has his own car. A friend of mine was married to a Thai woman and had 3 children. He was tired of living on a teacher wage and going through the silly immigration requirements every year. He moved to the vs 3 years ago without a penny. They are living now in their own house, he and his wife are working and have a very good income and the children go to a high school, far better as any Thai school. I can give you their Facebook page if you want. That story of 9000 eur a month is bullsh@t.
  13. Not sure if that was a reason for the attack, but being a member of the political party "Vlaams Belang", who was previously named "Vlaams Blok" is not a good reference. This is a ultra-right party who wants get rid of all foreigners in Belgium and even tried to get rid of the Walloon (French) part of Belgium. They are well known for unprovoked attacks on foreigners. One of their top members has been in court many times for beating foreigners to pulp.
  14. In most of the European countries you can live a basic lifestyle with 2,000 EUR/month. Agree, it is far more expensive than living in Thailand, but Thailand is becoming far more expensive to cope wiith all the rules that are in place and rules that are in the make. Not to mention, the additional head ache at an older age. Also, I have several friends who chose to move back to their country with their wife and/or family, and thy are doing very well abroad. Many of them have opened a restaurant or are working and make far more than they ever will in Thailand. A friend of mine who recently returned from the USA is selling everything in order to move back to the USA as his wife are planning the exodus, not him. If you don't have the funds/income to live abroad, you can look to stop living here permanently and go live on a 180 day visa. Spend the other 180 days travelling to other South-east Asian countries and have a worryless life.
  15. The numbers you quote are TAX-Form numbers. I was referring to my bank account. My bank account shows the monthly deposit of my pension (= monthly income with tax already deducted), but also other deposits like refunds from my health care provider / refunds of the taxman / etc. These are not income as it is a refund on money that was already paid by me. If the Thai IRS will use my bank account to calculate the taxes rather than my tax declaration, it will include several deposits that are not an income.
  16. A few members of this forum that I know personal left Thailand already. And a member who returned last week with his wife from the vs is now selling his house and all his belongings and will go back to the USA Count me in..
  17. This is getting crazy. Better leaving Thailand and don't stay here longer that 179 days. That's what they want, or not?
  18. So, Thailand will refer to the income in your bank account for their taxes claim? Your income, but also every amount that is put in your bank account as a gift, donation, etc.? Crazy The Belgian tax rule is that taxes are levied on the PREVIOUS YEAR. So, the due taxes of 2024 calculation is based on the revenues of 2023 (a whole year). PS.: The bank does not have information about how much tax was already paid. Example: The bank account shows a revenue of "x Eur" monthly, but don't show that "y Eur" tax was paid on the "x Eur" revenue.
  19. Yes, the report os part of the exchange between my bank in Belgium and the Thai IRS. Yes, my bank has my residence address since 2002, date at which I quit my residence in Belgium and filed my residence at the Embassy in Thailand (Model 8 formular). m I have not registered a Thai Tax ID-number (was rejected as published in this forum). My savings/current bank account only shows a total saldo in my account. The saldo is not specified year by year. How can that decide what was there before 2024 and after 2023/ Crazzy
  20. Today, I received a letter from my bank in Belgium with a copy of the information they exchanged with the tax department in Thailand in the "Automatic Exchange of Financial Information" program. I can not publish a scan of the letter as it is in Dutch and attachements are accepted only in English. Short, my bank in Belgium gave the IRS in Thailand a COMPLETE OVERVIEW of the details of my account in Belgium, including the revenues and total saldo on December 31, 2023. Link to https://web-archive.oecd.org/2016-01-27/238340-Automatic-Exchange-Financial-Account-Information-Brief.pdf As far as I have been following this thread, Thailand would only tax residents based on the Income/transferred money into Thailand. Not the amount of money in the bank account abroad. Am I missing something here? Will Thailand claim Tax on money that is in my Savings account since 45 years?
  21. OMG, and I was always thinking that the police could not press charges if the vistim did not press charges.
  22. The discovery of the hands https://www.v6online.net/
  23. You can follow all the news here: https://www.v6online.net/
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