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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Lasix was forbidden by my doctor after I was hospitalized urgently with a bladder stone attack.
  2. Maybe I can try to visit Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi in 1 trip. Although Saigon would be nice to spend a few days. Saigon was the place where most of the war happened.
  3. Mine too, after my legs looked like an elephant leg.
  4. I want to see (and take pictures) as much as possible from remains of the war in my years. I had also planned a trip to Nagasaki/Hiroshima, but I don't know if I will make it.
  5. I will turn 70 this year and would like to do a trip to visit Vietnam. - I am not a "nightlife" tourist and I don't fancy the "barlife". - Top of the list are place like Ho-Chi-Minh and other places with rich cultural background. - I can not do long walks or mount any high hills so I would need a place where transport is not difficult. - Trip would be between 7 and 14 days. Suggestions welcomed: - Good hotels/gueshouses and prices. - Financial tips (ATM available, what to take care off). - What to avoid at all costs. TIA
  6. As far as I understood my Neprologist, he told me to avoid "yellow fruits/vegetables (banana, pumpkin, avocado, etc.)" and eat more green fruits/vegetables (cabbage, salad, etc.). What fruit/vegetable diet do you suggest for someone with high Potassium?
  7. I suffered a nearly fatal stroke in 1995 due to my left kidney and my hypertension and I can assure you that I don't want to be in the same boat again at 70 years
  8. Sorry, forgot. The nephrolog did not like to prescribe that medication too, but he had no choice because my BP was still too high I took that already with a grain of salt. IYKWiM The bananas were on sale and I wanted to eat banana milk shakes. My err He is a nephrolog and the best doctor I meet in Thailand
  9. I suspect that eating bananas is the culprit. I ate the last 4 days 3 bananas a day. And last month I ate 5 kgs of Avocados (bought at a sale-out). What do you mean with Sodium? Salt?
  10. One of the best doctor I had in my life. He told me about 1 year ago that he stop prescribing me medication for Diabetes. Even Sheryll suggested to go visit a doctor at Bangkok Hospital. I needed to control my Daibetes with my food and drink intake. My Sugar level is now on average 110.
  11. I am nearly 70 years old, on Pacemaker, had recently a dedoubling of my aorta (Aneurysm), suffer Kidney Failure stage 3.5, suffer from HT. Cesoline W 25mg 2 tablets/4 times per day Azilsartan 40 mg 1/2 tablet in morning Lercadip 20mg 1 tablet in the morning Doxazosin 2 mg 2 tablets each morning/night Atorvastatin 40mg 1/2tablet at night Maforan (Warfarin) 5mg 2 tablets at night Not prescribed: 101 Vitamins and Minerals 1 tablet per day
  12. Yesterday, at the monthly check-up, the Potassium levels were too high. The doctor advice me to adapt my diet and eat more "white" vegetables such as cabbage. Avoid the "yellow" vegetables and fruits. My Potassium level was 5.1, and in August 4.6. Any tips how to bring Potassium levels back to "normal"? As I can see, the Potassium levels are very fluctuating, just like sugar levels.
  13. A declaration of war by Israel and a thousand of casualties had been going on for years? Can you give me 1 year when this happened?
  14. "A man who has nothing to lose is a very dangerous person." Palestine has send his citizens all over the world (Arab's), ready to become terrorists if Israel should win this war. A very ugly outcome of this war due to the support of all nations, specially the USA, to Israel. If the world don't act now, it will be the start of WW3.
  15. I agree with you on the ADS point. But not only YouTube. It's becoming a pest everywhere and the ADS are becoming more and more annoying by the day. Now, Google has found a new type of AD which pops-up in front of the button which need to be pushed causing an accidental pust on the AD. ASEANNOW seems happy to use this kind of AD.
  16. Last time I was in Pattaya (a few months ago) there was a lady playing pool in a music bar in Beach Road (near Soi ???? who use to play standing on 1 leg while sweeping the other leg in the air, exposing her glory hole. Funny sight.
  17. Rare sun bear cub arrives, ‘pawsitively’ brightening the day at Nakhon Ratchasima Many "RARE BEAR'S" walking around in Nakhon Ratchasima. Maybe the zoo should take them all up and transfer them to a zoo cage?
  18. Wish you success with trying to move these cops out of their aircon boots and start to do something useful. I will not hold my breath on it ....
  19. I was today at Terminal 21 in Korat, and all they did was scanning my body with some toy-scanner like they use at the airport. But I doubt that this scanner was working because I had enough iron in my pockets to trigger any scanner and the scanners from Terminal 21 didn't detect anything. About the new law from our clown-in-service, Anutin, this law has no meaning if the punishments are at the same laughable level as the road infraction punishments.
  20. Give the victims a fruit basked, offered by TAT and wait a few days until everything is back to normal again. With lots of pictures everywhere of the hand-out of the baskets. You know, the usual stuff.
  21. Put the useless RTP at the air conditionned boots to do something useful for their wage instead of sitting the whole day in an air-conditionned place looking sex movies on their phone. That might lessen the problem.
  22. I don't know Thai laws, but in my country all the charges are meaningless due to his age and the Psychiatric treatment. The worst he can look at in my country would be a lock-up in a mental institute for the next 20 years, but at his age he can not being lock-up in a mental institute before that age of 18. I understand that thailand wants make him pay for the damages he has done to the thai economy, but it doesn't work that way.
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