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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Korat has an elder home with Palliative care at a very affordable price. http://camilliancarekorat.org/th/?fbclid=IwAR1U2XSxC694N29-xHcdQNocARcA0JtPLU2SOHzkYlH8K3iDQzbW1WOtQn8
  2. So, if you would be in his situation (3th stage Cancer and Metastases everywhere), what would be your option? Cling to life at high costs like my friend or face the truth and go home to die peacefull?
  3. A friend of mine, JDG, lived happily with his wife (who could be his youngest daughter) until he began to feel a permanent headache. At the time, he was already over the 70'ties. He went to several hospitals in Korat, but everywhere he got the same answer: "Nothing serious. Nothing you need to worry about. Here, take a Paracetamol every 4 hours and you will forget your headache." Luckely for him, he still had his house in Begium and he went to a Belgian hospital. The answer: "Stage 1 Cancer in the brain." As the cancer was in stage 1, he started with Chemo and Radiation. That was 5 years ago. He still returns every year during Christmas and New Year because of his wife and her family, but if it was to him he would give this place the middle finger.
  4. My ex-wife, 65 years old was hospitalized last year with urgency for the 99th time. Could not breath. Happened every time the weather was sunny and the temperature raised above the 25 degrees. Her lungs were gone to the dogs by her heavy smoking habit. When she was transported to the hospital she was still conscious and she signed a paper that if her situation would get worse she would refuse to be kept alive with machines ($$$$$$). She died peaceful after 2 weeks in the hospital without machines.
  5. That's exactly what is happening to my friend now. He has no insurance and must pay everything out his own pocket. He is spending now lots of money on hospital bills, whilst knowing that he will not be cured. Only delay his faith. Is this worth the suffering?
  6. That's the point of this discussion. My friend is dying slowly from cancer, and I strongly doubt that he is enjoying his life now. Would it not be better to go to a high rise building and start skydiving? I live alone and struggle with walking. My health is not so good anymore. I have nobody I care off. When things go worse and I would live in pain and isolated at home, would it not be better to chose the easy way out? I remember someone who had a successful website in Thailand, and got a stroke. He lived in Chiang Mai if I remember correctly. One day he put a plastic bag over his head and went to sleep. That was the end of his life.
  7. The last few months, a lot of friends exchanged the life on earth for the eternal life. Some even a lot younger than me, and in good health (aparently). A few weeks ago, I got the news that a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer. I saw him almost every day in his shop where he walked with a big smile to the Diary Queen shop to buy his ice cream. A friend setup a Go-Fund.me to collect money for his treatment. But in less than a month time he was gone. Another friend of mine, send me a picture of his neck with a huge open bulge on the side of his neck and said that he was diagnosed with cancer. He had no money for the treatment (Chemo + Radiation) and the hospital bills, and asked me what to do. As far as I could see from the picture, he would have at best a few weeks to live in pain with that bulge, before the cancer will close the blood to his brain. I, myself, am not in a very healthy stage anymore (almost 70 years old), deteriorating Kidneys and had a big surgery 5 years ago. I am already older and start having problems with walking and fear that I will need a walker soon. In my country, people who are in a situation where life is not worth living anymore, can ask for Euthanasy. A quick get-out of this world. There is even a case now where a convicted criminal (Paedophile) is asking for Euthanasy to not harm children anymore as he fears that he will always be fond of children (in a particular way). When I go to Pattaya, I see people in a wheelchair or otherwise disabled people, driving around in their motorized wheelchair with a stunning girl on their lap and having fun despite of their disability. I see lot of grandpa's, some as old as Mathusalem, hanging in some bar with a stunning girl and having lots of fun. Of course, this kind of fun (love) don't last long and need to be heavy funded. What is your POV on this subject?
  8. Not about Diabetes, but a lot of members posted in this thread that they are controlling what food they eat/drink. I can imagine that in my younger days, where we cultivated most of the food and drinks in our own garden, we know what we get on the table. No "unhealthy" stuff added to our garden products (these stuff was anyway too expensive). But how can you control what you eat nowadays? Very few people are farming their own vegetables/fruits and I don't this that many members are raising their own cattle or other eat products. We all know that every vegetable/fruit has been treated with products to keep insects away and grow faster. There is no 'Safe" additional product to protect the vegetables/fruits that is 100% safe for humans. We all know that most of the vegetables/fruits are produced by a few big companies and not much is disclosed about how they cultivate their products (Ukraine is the biggest grain producer in the world). We all know how cattle and other animals are elevated (a pig can be ready for slaughter in 3 months) and full of additives to keep diseases away and enhance growth. Worse, Europe is passing a new law to reduce the cattle elevation (bad gasses for the environment) and according to what I am reading, Bill Gates is buying all the farmland to control production in the US. Every single product of our daily consumption has been processed in some way.
  9. Almost everybody in my family had and has Diabetes. Yet, my brother is skin over bones and has Diabetes 1 while I am fat and have Diabetes 2. Strange, we learn that we suffer from Diabetes AFTER a surgery whilst visiting the doctors regularly.
  10. If everything works fine for them, then no need to change or be a nerd. But when a package doesn't meet your expectations after you spend money on it, it can be frustrating. So better be informed before chosing a sim card that should meet your expectations.
  11. I don't think that anybody can make a prediction of what will be in 25 years. When I was young, we ate mostly food which was grown in our garden. Meat and eggs was provided by our own chickens, our "waste bin" or the pig in the garden and a few rabbits who were multiplaying ...like rabbits (Vlaamse reuzen). Most of our neighbors did the same. There was no supermarket or a 24 hours store. We went every morning with a 2 liter can to the farm (about 5 km away trough the fields) to get our milk, fresh from the cow. There was hardly fat people as most people was working a full day job and after the job working on their field. When I came to Thailand, more than 2 decades ago now, there was no fat people. Although their daily meal was constitued of a bowl of sticky rice and some barbecued chicken. On Sunday or a special day, Som Tam was served with barbecued chicken. Nowadays, most people go eat at a mall or get their food from a supermarket or a delivery (Grab, Line Food, etc.) This food is full of taste enhancers and other bad ingredients. Meat is transported in an open truck from some place in Isaan to Bangkok where it will be processed. Rotting and full of flies. But everything seems clean when you get it on your plate. When I was young, a slaughtered chicken had to be cook or fried on the same day and consumed within 24 hours. After that time, the stench was awfull and the meat started to be sticky. Nowadays, a chicken is slaughtered at a process plant, sent to a producer who will pack it and then semd to a seller. Sometimes 1 week between the process plant and the supermarket. Yet, the chicken looks fresh and tasty when you buy it. Every food that is consumed in the last 20 years has been processed or genetically modified and these chemicals are consumed and modify the people that eat it. And the life style from now is not making things better. I and many people I know have changed their life style and are trying to eat healthy food and drinks now. But the majority of the people stick to their meal delivery guy, drink sugary drinks from the coffee shops which are growing faster than rice, and buy cakes and other food from an outlet at a mall or supermarket. It will take a lot of time to change that habit.
  12. Untill 1995, I was going every day to the gym after work. From 6pm to 8pm do a full body workout and end with a sauna session. I had a beautiful athletic body, size 28. End 1995, I suffered a stroke which left me in a hospital bed for 1 1/2 month. I was fully paralyzed, though I recovered about 90% of my body functions. When I recovered, I went back to work and to the gym every day. Although, not the "hard" gym and doing softer exercizes. Everything was going better, untill I suffered several heart attacks. Luckely for me, I suffered the heart attacks while I was having a checkup in the hospital and they gave me immediate help. When I woke up, the Cardiolog gave me the order to stop working immediatly and above all "NO EXERCIZE WHATSOVER". I tried later to do some little exercize, but every time I tried I started to have the same excrusiating pain in my cheeks and I had to stop. I gained a lot of weight by the lack of exercize and was diagnosed with Diabetes 2 in 2005. There is NO WAY for me to exercize. Even a simple walk ends with excrusiating pain in my cheeks (low oxygen in the blood) which will end in a heart attack if I don't stop immediatly. It's easy to point a finger to fat people, but you need to thing a little bit further as your nose length.
  13. My brother is very tin, yet he suffer diabetes 1. He can eat a full meal every hour and still remain thing. I can eat very scarsely and careful and still I am fat. Same for my oldest daughter who tried everything, even under medical supervision, and dont lose any significal weight. All depends on how the body exchange your food intake. Not all fat people are fat because they want it.
  14. In 2017 a giant centipede came to visit my house. Unfortunately, he died while entering my house. My nephew in europe (10 years old) liked such things, so I decided to put in a plastic box filled with Resin and send it to him. He enjoyed it very much.
  15. Wrong decision from that lady in so many ways. - The AOT has more financial power than that lady and they (AOT) will keep dragging this trough all possible courts. She will lose a lot of money on lawyers and courts and at the end she will get nothing. AOT will play the game untill she rans out of money and has to give up. 2. The AOT still have the CCTV recordings and they will not give it out untill the lady goes to court. It is obvious that the AOT keeps this hidden because they can use it in court to protect them. A few years ago, another foolish guy tried to do the same with Elon Musk and lost in all courts. Never try to sue something or somebody that has a lot more money and power as you.
  16. Please, stop whining about a lady losing her leg in a travelator. There has been published in the travelator accident/incident thread 2 statistics about the many accidents that happened with travelators/escalators. Go look at it. I will not go back and copy the link for you again. Have something better to do with my time as dancing for your stupidity. Read what was written. If you need to ask if there was a CCTV recording while it was CLEARLY written in the first report, something is really wrong with your reading skills. English is not even my 3rd language and I did read it. Also, it was CLEARLY written that the lady didn't lose her leg by the travelator. It was a decision of the emergency team to CUT THE LEG OFF because that would give a better chance to reattach the leg. Again, read the WHOLE thread. If they would have dismantled the travelator, she might have still have her leg, but bleed to death. Machines are causing accidents worldwide. Some by the error of the operator, others by misusing the machine and others by simple accident. People lose their toes in lawnmowers, people lose their fingers and limbs by mechanical saws, people die or get hurt by car accidents; etc. Shall we abolish the use of every mechanical device until they are 100 safe to use like you propose? If that is what you want, go ahead. I will be driving my car tomorrow, use my water heater to shower, use my microwave to prepare my breakfast and go to The Mall to drink a coffee using the escalator and the lift. This lady was at the wrong at the wrong moment and ended as a number on the statistics. Maybe because she did something wrong in her past life and Buddha send the Kharma to her? By the way, YOU ARE IN THAILAND. Read my thread from yesterday about the decision of the court on the girl who throw her baby in the river and where so many ASEANNOW readers where given their opinion.
  17. There has several statistics been quoted about accidents with travelators/escalators. Also the case a few weeks ago in China of a mother who died. Machines are machines and accidents with machines happen worldwide. And nobody gives a flying f.. k about your opinion to close every machine in the world.
  18. The Embassy of Belgium offers 2 kind of services to their citizens. 1. The citizens that chose to keep the address in Belgium or somewhere else outside Thailand. 2. The citizens that chose to shift their address to the Embassy of Belgium when they move to Thailand. In the case that a citizen chose to be REGISTRERED at the Embassy of Belgium, the Embassy will keep a personal file about that person and will take care of all the official documents which would be to asked to the Belgian authorities otherwise (Birth certificate; Divorce certificate; etc.) You can ask your Embassy if they have a similar convention.
  19. Maybe that "someone" is keeping the CCTV recordings for the case this would endup in the court and the CCTV recordings proves that the lady was the cause of the incident?
  20. Surveillance camera clips show that a bag had hit the woman on the travelator causing her to fall which then led to her left leg being ripped off to the knee.
  21. There is actually a CCTV recording of the incident according the original first post. But it has not been released to the public.
  22. The number of people suffering from diabetes worldwide will more than double to 1.3 billion by 2050 driven by structural racism and gaping inequality between countries, new research predicted on Friday. Every country on the globe will see an increase in the number of patients with the chronic disease, according to the most comprehensive analysis of global data projecting out to 2050. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/diabetes-cases-to-double-to-1-3-billion-by-2050-study/
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