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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. I remember a few weeks ago, cars on the way to terminal 21 were parked hundred meters away from Terminal 21 and inside terminal 21 there was so many people that the 6 floors were full. People screaming and applauding wildly. Later I found out that a TikTok influencer with his dogs was on stage and everyone came to see these dogs.
  2. Bush and Blair got nothing for killing millions of innocent citizens and destabilizing a complete regio, Moral of the story: If you want to kill, do it big and you will not be punished.
  3. Drivers License SCAMMERS ผู้ดูแลเว็บไซต์ กรมการขนส่งทางบก <webmaster AT dlt.mail.go.th> Wed, Nov 1, 9:04 AM We are not complacent about the actions of criminals. We are continuously reporting to Facebook because the Department of Land Transport have received a lot of complaints about cases like this. Therefore, if you want information from the Department of Land Transport Please follow the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/PR.DLT.NEWS/ Regards, Department of Land Transport <webmaster AT dlt.mail.go.th> <https://www.dlt.go.th>
  4. I got my driving license (cars) in Belgium in 1971. No test, no questions, nothing of that at that time. Just pay 500 Baht (500BFR) at the police station and get your driver license for life (Cat. B). Drive the first year with an "L" sticker on your backscreen. 5 years later I went for an upgrade for buses and trucks and had to go to a driving school (2 days theory amd 2 days practice with a teacher). Paid 1,500 baht (1.500 BFR) at the police station and got a Cat "F" driver license (for life). But these Driver License were FULLY LEGAL, where the Facebook Scams are ILLEGAL!!!
  5. I wouldn't say that it is a "Thai" or "Asian" thing. The responses to the cheap and fake "Amazon" sales, are from anywhere on the globe. I have fun reading these posts and it is amazing how many people fall in that trap of a "super duper electric mountain bike for 29.99 USD". Anyone with a single working braincell would know that for that price you can not even ship that thing. Still may people asks "Do you ship to Venezuela" and get a "Yes" answer. Incredible level of stupidity in this world.
  6. You, me and some others will smell a scam and not fall in that trap But if you see the numbers of people who type "interested (in Thai)" or buy a "Super duper electric mountain bike from a fake Amazon site", the question begs if the majority of people on the internet have evolved to the human level?
  7. More or less inhuman being who the man who murdered his 2 year old stepdaughter? This society is rotten to the core.
  8. A few days ago, there was a topic about a 16-years young girl that was "raped" much elder man on social media. I will not go into that discussion, but ask the question if we are not heading to a disaster with the social media? Example 1. A decade ago, nobody would have thought of publishing sexy/barely dressed/naked pictures on the internet. Surely not of children who are barely mature and sometimes even not at the mature age (< 16 years). Nowadays, we can see in several social media channels (Facebook, Tik Tok, YouTube) pictures of children and others in sexy poses trying to make as many "Followers" as possible. Most of them with the sign "Give". Looking at the number of people watching these movies and the numbers of people "Giving" money, one can assume that many of them would make a decent income of it. A few years ago, I would hardly see any 16-21 old girl on a meeting site. Nowadays, I receive at least 3 messages per day from these girls asking for money. Sometimes, they propose to send naked pictures/movies of them in exchange. 10,000 Baht is assumed to be a fair price. See figure 1.jpg Is this not asking for trouble? Now and in the future when these girls will be mature and their pictures are all over the internet? Example 2: In Facebook, ther hundreds of advertisings of people selling "Driver Licenses". See figure 2.jpg. Looking at the number of people (mostly Thai) responding to these advertisings (100 to 1000) a quick count would give a "side income" of 3,500 x 1000 = 3,500,000 baht. A lot of money for the average Thai citizen. There is no fear of prosecution, because the DLT is too lazy and has not the means to sue Facebook. And the "Driver License" scam is only 1 example of this scam. Others like selling a 100TB memory stick for 599 baht (even on Lazada) or a Super-Duper electric bike for 29,99 USD can be read many times. Why would anybody start to work when they can make so easy money out of "stupid" citizens? Is this the "New Normal"? What are your though about this "New Normal"?
  9. Could be worse.... They could come with the idea to make full size cardboard of tourists spending money at Duty-Free shops like they did with the cops.
  10. So, you assume that they have "brains"? Wrong assumption .....
  11. Sure, a lot of negative posts about the RTP can be read every day. But I have got also many times help from the RTP without asking me any money. All depends on your attitude and how you treat them. Not everything is black or white. A lot of gray shades between them.
  12. Maybe a stupid remark, but why didn't you settle the payment with scan-me on your phone? Easy and no scamming possible.
  13. Common fault in all these threads about incidents/accidents is being hospitalised in an expensive private hospital. I go every month to the Military Hospital to do a checkup and medicine prescription (blood analyse; X-ray; 2 doctors consultation and 6 medicines) and pay about 2,500 baht for everything. Last time, about 1 year ago, I was rushed to the Military Hospital in a critical condition, and stayed there for 9 days. 4 days ICU. Total bill: 18,000 baht. And for the records, I am alone and don't have a "walking translator" with me. If you are not sure that an insurance will cover you, REFUSE treatment in a private hospital and ask to be transferred to a Government hospital. If you are still able to speak, tell the hospital that you REFUSE to be treated there and ask to be transferred to a Government hospital. Just my 2 cents into this discussion.
  14. The educational system is in a change worldwide. The old educational system with subjects like history, maths, language, science, etc. is making place for REAL skills like Marketing, Publishing and Economics. Nobody is interested in History or maths anymore. That can be done far better by AI and computers. What counts is "How can I make a successful business"? Even without business ethics. We have entered a new and most of the things we had been learning is Stone Age now. It is not a piece of paper (Grade or Diplome) which is going to pay your bread and rent at the end of the day. It's finding a good niche (even a scam of FaceSohit or whatever social media and know how to maintain the money flow that pays your wealth. The way we think about education is not relevant in this century.
  15. Dream on ........ There is NO LAW ENFORCEMENT in Thailand and that will never be. The RTP has other things to do (lining their pockets) as be your babysitter.
  16. He "confessed" the crime, so his sentence is automaticly reduced to 50% of the normal sentence.
  17. Yesterday night, while chatting in LINE with a woman, I used Google translator to translate everything. The woman only spoke Thai. In a message, she wanted to tell me that she had children. "ฉันมีลุก".nver The Translation was "I have an ERECTION". Take care if you sent translated messages, you never know what the receiver will get ....
  18. How about cleaning the false advertissements on Facebook? Like the advertising of selling Driver Licenses?
  19. Social Media, aka the Internet, is a black hole and many people don't realize the power of the Internet. Many young people post a sexy clip to a Social Media host (InstaGram, Tiktok, etc.) to gather some "Likes". But before noon, this clip has been copied to local servers and websites (including the Dark Web) and some copies have been edited to show more than in the original clip. And there is NO WAY to delete them once they are posted on the internet. By the time these young people are mature and want to look for a decent life, the same clips will haunt them. Schools and parents have a big task to learn everybody the dangers of Social Media as it iis now.
  20. In any civilized country? Maybe Belgium is not a civilized country? www,child-abduction.net
  21. We're the organs extracted from people who took a shower 4 times per day or from filthy foreigners who take only 1 shower per day?
  22. Who needs English when they master a WORLD language? THAI is a world language and should be reached everywhere. Anutin
  23. Such laws (and even harsher laws) exists in many Western countries already many years. Nothing new under the sun. Except that the worst Western country has a police force that outcry the "Real Thai Pity (RTP)" a hundred times. Way to go Thailand. But don't worry, soon we will have CHINESE COPS roaming the streets of Thailand. And China dictating Thailand what they can publish.
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