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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Move your daughter out to a foreign school. Foreign school offers better schooling, better guarantees for her future life and much more than a school in a third world country.
  2. This story is only the top of the Iceberg. Several stories about failed use of drugs and failed sex changing surgery are rising up like mushrooms. Interfering with Nature is not a good choice.
  3. Did Nirun filed a police compaint before dying? How can the police start actions in this case but not in the Englishman in Pattaya case? Something doesn't add here.
  4. Whilst the Police (aka Comedy Capers) may do nothing and wait an official complaint of the English guy(s) at their office, the Public Prosecutor my start an official case because of the reputation of Thailand has been harmed by this case. The case is not over until the fat lady sings ...
  5. You are misinformed. In cases where the person can not file an official complaint (eg.: death of the victim), the court can act on their behalf trough the public prosecutor. https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Translation:Public_Prosecution_Institution_and_Public_Prosecutors_Act,_2553_BE Section 14
  6. So, according to you it is normal that somebody present you to pay a bill of another customer and if you refuse they can call freelance security guards and use your head as a football? I have a name for people like you, but it will not be allowed by the moderators
  7. If I understand this incident, it started by the cassier of the bar who wanted to charge the customer with the bill of another person. In this case, the prime guilt lie within the cassier(e) of the bar and she should held accountable for everything that happened. But, this being Thailand, nothing will happen. The police will act like they are doing something until the case is cooled down and then "accept" a few brown enveloppes with donations to the police funds. Pity, but it's a foreigner and everybody knows that a Thai willl NEVER hold accountable against a foreigner.
  8. Thai police? Good luck with that
  9. Several pre-paid credit cards at Lazada, shopee, ao
  10. Long time ago, I purchased pre-paid cards at klang Plaza in Korat. From several banks. Very convenient. Don't know if they still sell them.
  11. Same as Immigration then. Can I talk to someone at immigration that hey cannot decide what that want in any given day?
  12. Nothing to do with "provinces". If I pay my rent at the Kasikorn bank of my house owner in The Mall Korat, I will be charged 20 baht extra fee. If I pay my rent at the Kasikorn bank of my house owner at the Kasikorn bank in front of The Mall (bank where she has opened her account) I don't have to pay the additional fee of 20 baht. The branch where she opened her account is the ONLY branch which dont charge an additional fee. However, some branches (Central Plaza) accept the deposit without charging the additional fee.
  13. Unfortunatelly, it helps you nothing to know that. If the lady in this case wants to follow the rights this lawyer gave her, she will need to start a lawsuir and hire a lawyer. The other lady can drag the case as long as she want, increasing the court and lawyer fee to a 10-fold the original sum (6,000 baht). Assuming that she wins the case, she still need to force the lady to pay. Which can be denied for several reasons. I had a similar case where my EX-wife was required by the courts to refund me about 20,000 baht and the court case/lawyer mounted to 50,000 baht at the end. Required by the court to refund me 50,000 baht + court + lawyer + interests, I still haven't seen a Penny of it as she declared herself unsolvable (living on a unemployed wage from the public assistance).
  14. I don't know, but I have the feeling that you don't know how "Franchise Shops" works in Thailand. Each Franchise shops has their own rules. Only the brand name is common. This means that a car dealer (Honda) in Bangkok can have completel different rules as a car dealer (Honda) in Pattaya. Although they are both Honda dealers, they can accept/refuse things completely different. The same is with the Banks. About 2 decades ago, when I moved to Korat, I wanted to deposit 50,000 baht in my own bank account. The bank wanted to charge me 500 baht for this transaction, while they were both UOB branches. Asked why they wanted to charge 500 baht, they said that I was making a deposit in the Korat branch and my account was a Bangkok branch. Gues that Immigration use the same rule, but not sure about that.....
  15. I still use DUAL-BOOT. Windows 11/Ubuntu Many years already. Best of both worlds. In the prehystoric times, when dinosaurs were wandering over the world, i used also DUAL-BOOT on my 386DX. - 1 boot diskette with MS-DOS 5 - 1 boot diskette with CP/M I even had some programs which required to boot from their own diskette (TeleMecanique PLC language, Siemens S5, etc.)
  16. Sorry, it should read 2 am. In that time there was no real closing time imposed, but most girls were leaving the bars at 2am.
  17. In my time, barfines at Soi Cowboy were 500 Baht.
  18. The "old thaerme" was the place for "Cheap Charlies" who wanted to dodge the barfines from the hookers in Soi Cowboy and other places. After 22:00hr, all the bargirls who were not bought for the night went to the Thaerme for a second chance. Had very good times there.
  19. Pot calling the kettle black ??? A few decennia ago, while on holiday in Spain, UK tourists were demolishing everything like true hooligans. Stone drunk every day. Seems that their holiday abroad was sponsored by the UK to avoid them demolishing everything in the UK. The UK tourists seems to have a bad reputation worldwide.
  20. I understand that English is not your native tongue. Yawnnnnn
  21. I have links/details of some bank flyers. But I never tried it. I ASKED if somebody has actually tried to move the funds to their home country and what their experience was. But you don't understand that ...
  22. Some lecture to this thread: FCD_Expat.pdf
  23. YES, I am referring to a FCD account, aka "Foreign Currency Account", aka "Foreign Devices Account", aka whatever denominates an account in any Currency except Thai Baht. Hope this is cleared up now. For the references in this topic, I have 2 FDA: 1. Bangkok Bank, totalling about 14,000 USD 2. UOB, totalling about 15,000 EUR My understanding is that transferring the funds back to where it came from is not a "Cash Withdrawal". I don't take the funds out of my account in cash (in Thailand).
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