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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. I read about these transfer companies, but they require ALL to exchange the funds to Thai baht before transfer. I would rather avoid the 2 conversions (Foreign Currency to Thai baht and Thai baht to Foreign currency) as that means a lot of lost money on top of the transfer costs.
  2. Transferred to Thailand long time ago and have the proof of transfer documented "Funds transfert for VISA purposes".
  3. Did anybody here tried to transfer a large sum of money (>800k) out of Thailand? In particular Foreign Devices? - What mode of transfer did you use? - What was the loss/expense of the sum between send and receiving? - Which bank in Thailand? - How much time between sending and receiving? TIA
  4. The choice to get assistance from a VISA agent was based on "getting VISA done the easy way" rather than "need for assistance".
  5. 2 months ago I went for my visa extension, like every year. All documents were ready and we're accepted every year before. But there were new officers and they wanted to show that they had some power. They started to refuse some documents, change other documents, and whatever they pleased to demand that day. I took the whole paperwork and went to a visa agent Paid a few dollar and I got my visa extension a few hours later. With a smile from the immigration officer. The agent will take charge of the 90 days reports and the paperwork for next year. Guess who was the happiest at the end?
  6. Next time I will go to my bank I will tell them to stop witholding 0,53 USD (approx. 15 Thai Baht) and making me a poor immigrant. ROTFLMAO. I think I will stop discussing with this Amoeba and wait untill his singular brain cell is working again.
  7. The extension stamps of the Immigration in my passport says clearly "RETIREMENT". Off course, Immigration is not as knowledgable as you and have not the same authority as you on Visa matters, MR. Woodbeater. STOP WITH YOUR WORD JUGGLING. Nobody, and not me at the least, is interested in your hair splitting all over ThaiVisa (ASEAN NOW). RETIREMENT VISA does exist and Immigration know what people are talking about when they say "Retirment" or "Spouse" Visa.
  8. Claim back a few USD. 5555555555555555 ROTFLMAO I gave more on a tip at the restaurant than the interest on my bank deposit. Do you really think that I would start to spend a day filling papers and visiting Tax offices for a few USD?
  9. She was NOT GAMBbLING as you wrote. She was ADVERTISING gambling. ADVERTISING GAMBLING is a crime but is not GAMBLING. Trying to explain the difference to an Amoebe with only 1 not-working braincell.
  10. She was NOT GAMBLING. Only advertising it.
  11. Yes, but they had no "Smart BMW Car" ...
  12. I have totally no intention to spend my time going from one TRD-Office to the other or to hang a day on the phone, at my expenses, calling a THAI Help Line and waiting till they find someone to assist me in understandable ENGLISH. I don't need a TAX-ID at this stage and they can shove their TAX-ID there where the sun never shines. About 4 years ago, I received a letter from the TAX department in Belgium and they said that someone had informed them that I was working and had a revenue in Thailand. I answerred that I could never obtain such letter from the Tax department as I was on a RETIREMENT VISA and it was not permitted to work. Besided that, working on RETIREMENT was also illegal in Belgium and when catched working illegaly they could retract my RETIREMENT. But the TAX department wanted to see a proof that I was NOT WORKING. PROOF THAT I COMITTED NO CRIME? Succes with that. I went to the Tax department (the same as yesterday) and their answer was that they could not write should as letter as I had no TAX-ID. I wrote a letter to the EMBASSY and they gave me a letter stating that I was not working LEGALLY in Thailand (signed and stamped Affidavit of income) and that was accepted.
  13. I have recorded the short discussion with tax department. I went alone. Indeed, the old Thailand problem and I am tired to dance for a couple of monkees. Have better things to do with my life at 70 years.
  14. I receive interest on the 800K every 6 months. The received interest is taxed before trasferred to my account. The bank specifies CLEARLY that interest above a limit is subjected to TAX.
  15. I went this morning to the tax department to apply for a tax-id number and it was denied. Their answer was that I had a RETIREMENT VISA which didn't allow me to work and thus I would not need a tax-id. So, for me, that's the end of discussion with the tax department.
  16. I go already 20 years to the same immigration office. Some years everything was easy, some years it was a hell. In 2019 I went to do my visa extension and it took me exactly 5 minutes from presenting my documents to leave the Io. With my documents filled in black, etc. In 2020 there were new folks in charge and everything was changed. I am 70 years old and tired to dance for a monkey.
  17. Where is this thread? Link please
  18. Where and how do I apply for a tax-id?
  19. I live in Thailand more than 2 decades on a Retirement Visa. During all these years I paid Taxes, mostly from Interest over my money in the bank (800,000 baht) and shopping items. With the new tax rules, I will be required to pay taxes on money transferts to Thailand and other things. I never asked for a tax-id as I thaught that a foreigner only requires a tax-id when receiving money from working in Thailand. Do I need to apply for a tax-id number or not? What benefit do I have if requiring a tax-id number?
  20. The service provider blocked his phone number.
  21. As I wrote in my post just above, the Sender has SMS number, or a Spam server, but this number is hiidden in the SMS. <sms protocol="0" address="ZFMGC5" date="1715487841725" type="1" subject="null" body="We can't deliver your item to your door because of no address, please enter the address: cutt.ly/eeeEAXJh" toa="null" sc_toa="null" service_center="+66938011003" read="1" status="-1" locked="0" date_sent="0" sub_id="5" readable_date="May 12, 2024 11:24:01" contact_name="(Unknown)" />
  22. Long ago, I had a conversation with my Employer. He lived in a big villa in the TOP neighborhood; he was driving in an expensive luxuary car; he had a 50 meter yacht wich he used to go on holidays; etc. When I asked him how he made so much money, he told me that he had no money. Only debts. Everything he "had" was leased. Every year, he got a return from the taxman for the debts he paid. That was his little "dirty" secret. His company went broke on a big 500 million Eur projekt. He filed bankrupcy and 2 months later he was back in businness with another company.
  23. How many people are killed by Weed versus Alcohol? If the number of people killed by Weed is a major concern for the MOH, he should consider labelling Alcohol as a Class #1 Drug.
  24. I just returned from my phone provider TRUE/DTac and got the COMPLETE SMS MESSAGE as they have them stored in their Database. My telephony provider has a number which belongs to the Sender and they Blocked this number. I publish here the complete message but DON'T click on it. <sms protocol="0" address="ZFMGC5" date="1715487841725" type="1" subject="null" body="We can't deliver your item to your door because of no address, please enter the address: cutt.ly/eeeEAXJh" toa="null" sc_toa="null" service_center="+66938011003" read="1" status="-1" locked="0" date_sent="0" sub_id="5" readable_date="May 12, 2024 11:24:01" contact_name="(Unknown)" />
  25. Most of these Scammers use a number generator (Excell) and the send their text file with MailChimp or a similar mass SMS sender.
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