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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Most people have a wrong understanding about temperature. During my job in the coalmines, I had to measure every morning the REAL temperature at the workplace (tunnel) and adjust the variables if necessary. For that, I first measured the "Dry temperature (a normal temperature bulb)" and the "Wet temperature (a dry temperature bulb wrapped in a wet cloath)". After that, I measured the wind speed in that tunnel with an Anemometer (wind speed meter). Consulting a chart with the 3 variables gave me the REAL temperature or the temperature which was perceived. If it was to warm to work, I put a hose with compressed air in an open vessel filled with water. The expanding compressed air (about 8 ATM) in the water tank caused the water temperature to drop significantly and the cooled water was transported into the tunnel by the air flow. Thus cooling the air. If you find it too hot inside or on your porch and don't want to spend much money on cooling devices, put a (closed) tank with ice cubes behind your fan and let the fan blow cool air from the tank. The REAL temperature will drop very fast.
  2. The celebration of "Songkhran" as it should be and was introduced as an UNESCO world heritage, has turned into nationwide fights and sexual misbehave. Not the "Joy and celebration" as it was meant to be. Songkhran should be reduced to a few days and waterfights should be banned nationwide.
  3. I don't spend time on investigate scammers. I report and block/blacklist them, end of story.
  4. I lost the count of calls or Messages/emails I receive from scammers on a daily base. Simply, if I receive a call or a message/email from an unknown source, I don't answer the source. I report the source and add it to my blacklist. End of the problem. I had only 1 problem, long ago, when I let a salesperson at The Mall "sweep" my Visa card. The next day, my bank called me and told me that my Visa Card was used in Russia and asked if that was me. I answerred "NO" and never heard of it anymore. My Bank blocked the transfer to Russia.
  5. "Heavy/Dangerous" industry is not based on solely 1 criteria. The reason to move industries to an industrial zone is based on a whole list of criteria and is different for every country. I agree with you that an Ice factory is hardly a heavy or dangerous industry and surely not at that size. Thailand IS a third world country in many options. I doubt that Thailand will change in that category in the next few years, but there is always hope.
  6. Every time I go on a trip wiith my Thai neighbour, he honks a few times whenever he pass a temple or a graveyard of old ghost houses. Never been attacked by the monks or the ghosts. You should try that too when you want to honk.
  7. I live alone, but I enjoy every day. In the morning, I am busy with a little bit of homework (eating breakfast followed by morning ritual of trying to digest all the medication I need to take; cleaning; reading my emails; and other houshold things) Around 1pm, I take a bath, dress myself and drive to a mall (The Mall, Terminal 21, Central Plaza, etc.). Eat lunch and then go to a coffee shop where I drink a coffee and do some work on my Notebook (writing my website and doing some archiving). Lunch + Coffee + cookie = < 200 Baht. Enjoying the cool aircon and seeing friends and having a chat with other people. Around 6pm, I pack my stuff, buy my dinner and drive home. No time to feel bored or lonely.
  8. Rayong has a similar urbanisation, where most of the heavy industry is located in the Industrial Park. In several cities in Thailand, industrial zones are being developped in a similar way as the French "Zone Industriele". Hope that they succeed and move all heavy/dangerous industry out of the city centres. Thai-Chinese Industrial Zone - AMATA Amata Corporation https://amata.com The Thai - Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone has become one of the biggest industrial cluster centers and manufacturing export bases in Thailand and ASEAN for China's traditional advantageous industries, such as new technologies, new energy, new materials, vehicle parts, machinery, and household electrical appliances. Navanakorn Industrial Zone https://www.navanakorn.co.th Nava Nakorn, Where the Industry Grow, industrial land thailand,industrial land asia,industrial park thailand,industrial park asia,industrial estates ...
  9. France started in the '70's to require that all industries should be moved to a "Zone Industriële". This had a lot of benefits, apart from the security aspect. Less or no heavy traffic in the cities; Easy logistics; Easy access to security departments (Fire brigade; Ambulance;Etc.)
  10. Not a mid-life crisis. Read the whole story here: www.child-abduction.net
  11. 4629 / 108 = 42.86 deaths per day. Nothing to brag about.
  12. What I would like to see is a stat about the REAL number of people that becomes disabled for life and become a real burden to the Thai society because of this. "Every year, about 1 million people become disabled and become a burden to the Thai society" (500 million baht according to this report). Assuming that this number remains unchanged over the years, in 30 years time half of the Thai population would be disabled. This assumption doesn't take into account the number of people which get disabled by other causes (Loss of limbs because of Diabetes and other diseases; Loss of limbs because of industrial accidents; People born disabled; etc.) I can not believe that the Thai authorities haven't calculated this evolution.
  13. This was already being practice in England long ago: Age of criminality The age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10 years old. This means that children under 10 can’t be arrested or charged with a crime. There are other punishments that can be given to children under 10 who break the law. https://www.cps.gov.uk/crime-info/youth-crime
  14. https://www.who.int/thailand/news/feature-stories/detail/turning-tragedy-into-action--advocacy-and-survival-on-thailand-s-roads#:~:text=In Thailand%2C road traffic accidents,sole cause of these accidents. In Thailand, road traffic accidents result in about 20,000 deaths and a million injuries each year, incurring an economic loss of 500,000 million baht. While drunk driving is a significant contributing factor, it is not the sole cause of these accidents. This photo essay goes beyond the statistics, portraying the real faces and stories of survivors, advocating for urgent reforms and heightened road safety awareness. It aims to transform impersonal data into powerful narratives of human resilience, underscoring the need for safer roads.
  15. The numbers listed are the "people who died at the spot" and "people who were injured by the accident". From the "people who were injured by the accident" some of them will die in the following days and will be added to the tally . The 206 deaths are not all people who died on the spot, but includes also people who were injured previously at the accident but died in the following days at the hospital. Only a total count at the end of the year can be count as more or less accurate casualty count. Also: "A fatality is defined as a death within 30 days of a crash." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_motor_vehicle_deaths_in_Thailand_by_year) https://www.thairsc.com/eng/
  16. Seems like you have the secret to the Holy Grail. The secret to avoid road accidents in Thailand. Would you please share your knowledge with us and reduce the road accidents to "0".
  17. Research and Statistical interests. I don't give a flying f//k about your "achievements" at Songkran.
  18. Whatever evil you wish upon others will return to you in 10-fold, dixit the teachings of Buddha.
  19. I would like to see a breakdown into GRAVE INJURIES (loss of limbs, brain damage, etc.) and minor injuries (non-lethal injuries). How many of these 1,593 injuries will be disabled for life and become a burden to the society? Accumulating every year on.
  20. He is an "Influencer" on the Internet with many posts in Instagram and Youtube. Was bound to happen sooner or later with his influence and his comments on other religions and LGBTW. However, a terrorist attack should never be tolerated.
  21. First, it is a misconception that when someone is alone he/she is lonely. Anyone can be alone without being lonely at all. Many people nowadays made the choice to live alone to protect themselves from all the pitfals that have been created trough marriage/living together. Specially for the man in a divorce. And they are happy with their life. Second, until 2018, I could meet a complete stranger and talk the whole day about anything. When sitting at the local restaurant, people came to sit at my table to have a conversation with me as they knew that I could have a conversation about everything. We had always fun at the meetings. But after November 2018, something broke inside, and I could hardly have a sensible conversation. Many times, I was sitting at my table without speaking a word to anybody. Only a few (good) friends, who knew what I had been trough, understood my feelings and could have a conversation with me . Avoiding at all costs sensible subjects. Since 2018, I meet a few ladies (not barladies) and we tried to have a relation. But I was unable to give and live in happiness. Now, 6 years later, I came to peace with myself and I know that I am not fit for a relation anymore. I am alone, but not lonely. Many times, I travel to the beach or to some festivity and I enjoy the moment. I have a few friends and I know a few people who are always friendly to me and are happy when they see me and have a short conversation with me. But a relationship is not for me.
  22. A few years ago, I was chilling out at the local restaurant while my daughter was celebrating Songkhran outside the restaurant. A foreigner, who was well known in the village, was participating with the water throwing. His favorite target was splashing a bucket of water, with some ice cubes, into the Songtaws. Although the Songtaws had their windows closed, he used to go behind the Songtaw and throw his bucket of water shouting "Happy Pee Mai". Most of the people in the Songtaw where girls who were going to work at the 7/11 shop or Family Market.
  23. A few years ago, I was chilling out at the local restaurant while my daughter was celebrating Songkhran outside the restaurant. A foreigner, who was well known in the village, was participating with the water throwing. His favorite target was splashing a bucket of water, with some ice cubes, into the Songtaws. Although the Songtaws had their windows closed, he used to go behind the Songtaw and throw his bucket of water shouting "Happy Pee Mai". Most of the people in the Songtaw where girls who were going to work at the 7/11 shop or Family Market.
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