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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. If the female employees look like most girls/woman in Thailand nowadays, they better keep their clothes on.
  2. The European Digital Services Act, is not only about Twitter. Google, Micro<deleted> and many other companies will come under scrutenity at end of August. Most of the big tech companies are acting against the EU laws on the PRIVACY by use of cookies and tracing peoples behavior without their prior approval. Most of the big tech companies are not paying their due taxes trough all kind of loopholes. These loopholes will be closed after August. For once, a good move from the EU that I applaud.
  3. Wowwwww You seem to know the "world". Care to list 5 countries where REAL DEMOCRACY exists? And no, the US is not a democracy.
  4. The correct wording now is: "A person who identifies as a woman".
  5. He is a "Spineless coward" but he IDENTIFY himself as a "Men". Is that better?
  6. These kind of things are not only in Thailand, but over the whole world. Girls/woman, mostly of the more beautiful kind (but with far less functioning braincells), choses a "Macho" guy as their life partner. They will go trough hell for them. They will go into prostitution for their "Macho" guy; They will give their Macho hubby all their money; Etc. Until they wake up or the Macho guy kicks them out. Then the girl will start to cry and tell everybody what a bad guy she had. Girls/woman: You want the icing on the cake, take the whole cake and stop complaining. Nobody forced you to go with that Macho guy.
  7. "You get what you paid for." Period. The electric company in Thailand should step in and only supply electric IF ALL SAFETY RULES ARE FOLLOWED. No "mumbo jumbo monkey coming out of the bushes and IDENTIFY as an ELECTRICIAN." This would benefit the Electric Company and the authorities by the increased sale of Leakage Current detectors and proper GROUND wiring. Of less importance for this country are the many people which will be saved. RIP little girl.
  8. With the millions of Royalists in Bangkok? Bring back the PAD and time for coup #23.
  9. Right to Soi Buakaow where there is more life anyhow.
  10. Yes, lots of people in Thailand gamble. And lots of people are in a financial disaster because of gambling. The RTP should to do their job and clean out the CANCER from Thai society. Years ago, an illegal casino was opened next to my house. Have seen guys come to the casino in a brandnew Toyota minibus, and leave the site walking after a few hours. And all under the eyes of the RTP who did nothing.
  11. When you commmit suicide, you don't feel anything anymore. But you leave a lot of people suffering with your deeds. RIP
  12. You hit the nail on the head. She will never admit any "killing" and she will uphold her statement that she gave the victims a Cyanede pill, but every one of them are the pill at their free will. You are allowed to sell Cannabis, but you can not be held acountable for anyone taking the drug for a wrong use and get killed by the drug. You can sell a backhoe to everybody, fully legal. But they never can accuse you for murder when somebody would kill with that backhoe. She can get away with that statement ...
  13. The body was found by people who were alarmed by the smell of rotting flesh. Not by the alleged murderer. And the body was carried away BEFORE any knowledgable forensic expert arrived and could prove the police wrong. This whole "confession" stinks more then the death people and remind me on the poor burmesee suckers.
  14. He admitted to the crime only after 14 hrs of interrogation at the police and his admittance was far from complete. That's enough proof for me
  15. not more mental problems as the average Thai male.
  16. I am pretty sure that the fine for driving without a license plate will be higher that the shooting ...
  17. I think this has be the first thing to do. I read about a country who used to exterminate your parents and your ancestors in the 3rd degree when a crime would have been done, but I forgot wihch country. That would be a better deterrent as the death penalty.
  18. If I close you up in a room for 14 hours, put some electricity on your crown jewels, put a few plastic bags over your head, and torture you with the ideas from mothers finest in Thailand, I am sure you will admit this crime too ....
  19. You hit the nail on the hat, RobU. And most of us, long time expats in this country, know very well who the real murdererS are.
  20. "He led them to the body" or "they led him to the body". Which one is TRUE? As far as I can see in the videos of the reenactement, he was led by the police everywhere and following the orders from the police. That says more than enough about the Police conducting a reenactment. Same as the poor Burmese boys where the Police found "something belonging to the victims" and led the poor Burmese boys around in the reenactment.
  21. A lot of sites will refuse to work if there is a pup-up blokker. Advertising seems to be a "pest" of these times and we will have to wait until the governments stand uo and forbid the use of collecting background information without your approval in the base that it is an infringement of your privacy rights. Europe is already making such a law.
  22. "Refused to speak" or he didn't know where the body of Ping Pong was? I have my doubts about his "confession".
  23. I guess that the stury funds of the older brother will end with the arrest of the mother and her drug sales.
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