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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Well, when the PA-Insurance pays me just to look at young nurses, that's an offer I can't refuse.
  2. If an "Intelligent Bureaucrat" would come up with this, all the Visa-Agents would be jobless in no time and the Side-Hustling of the Immigration Officers would be gone. More chance to see the Eastern Rabbit and Santa Claus on the same day.
  3. Very difficult for me as I lost the ability to write in 1995 due to a stroke with Right-Side disabled. I got about 85% of my right side back with exercises at the hospital, but the fine movements were lost forever. That's the reason why I chose to complete TM7 by typing on the computer and printing it out.
  4. I was once rejected from my application because I had printed the TM7 in BLACK ink. Must be in BLUE ink. I went to the copy shop in front of the Immigration office and asked to print the document with the information in BLUE INK. Went back to Immigration and presented the documents for review. TM7 was still not accepted because when the girl at the copy shop chose to print it in color, the original document was printed in a shade of Gray and it had to be BLACK> Took a Blanco TM7 and filled it in by hand on the spot. Presented the documents back to the officer and it was refused because I had filled my address in THAI. Must be in English. I wanted to reply to the officer how the many people who are from Burma or Cambodia do fill their TM7 in? Are they all fluent in English? Why is the TM7 in English and in Thai when we are only allowed to use English? But I tought that it would be wiser to not ask such a question to a walking amoeba. Filled my TM7 with BLUE INK in ENGLISH and I could proceed with my Visa extension.
  5. Despite all the negativity in this forum and other forums, there are good people amongst the Thais. Willing to help sellfishless a foreigner in need. In my more than 2 decades in Thailand I received help from Thai citizens and officials where my own citizens wouldn't lift a finger. Grey comes in many different shades.
  6. I used Shopee once on a reference from the supplier of my Blood Sugar strips. On the application it was possible to receive the goods at the nearest 7/11 and pay there. No need to wait at home for delivery. Very convenient. Don't know if this still possible.
  7. I saw recently an interview with Elon Musk about AI and his words were very disappointing about the future of mankind. AI, Robots and implants would degenerate human beings to "Programmed beings" with no onw identity in the near future. Very bad future for our children.
  8. - TM7 refused -> reason: printed using "BLACK INKT". Must be in "BLUE INKT". - TM7 refused -> reason: filled the dats and address in in Thai. MUST BE IN ENGLISH ONLY!!!! - TM7 refused -> reason: the TM7 was signed on a printed document. Signature must be HANDWRITTEN!!! - TM7 refused -> reason: TM7 was apparently an older version. UPDATE. The list is almost endless. MAIN REASON: It all depends on which foot of the officer touched the ground first when he/she got out of bed.
  9. Like I said before, when I feel or see something suspecious on my body, I go to a doctor to get his advice. Advice is free (PA-Insurance) and covers me if it would develop to something worse. Long time ago, a friend of mine who used to run a local restaurant, got bitten by a very little spider (2 a 3 mm big) on his finger. As it was not hurting and marks were quasi invisible, he only desinfected the byte and continued with his customers. A day later, the place of the byte, grew a little bit bigger and looked like a Comedon (a pimple). He put a bandage over it and assumed that it would burst open from itself. 48 hours later, his finger became so swollen that it was really painful. I drove my friend to the Maharat hospital and when the doctors opened the pimple a whole bunch of baby spiders came out of the pimple. Lesson: never joke with a byte in a tropic country.
  10. Update from the hospital: 1. After a quick analysis by the doctor, the marks are not from a spider in this area. Most problably a little (baby) snake. 2. Test blood on "Neurotoxins (or whatever similar)". If it would be a venomous byte, there would be traces of "Neurotoxins" in my blood. No traces of "Neurotoxins" in my blood -> OK. 3. Got an injection on my hand. Some kind of anti-inflammatory fluid. 4. Got a Tetanus-Booster as my last Tetanus shot was more than 5 years old. 5. Guess? The obvious anti-biotics. If any symptoms arise within 48 hours, return immediatly to the hospital. The bill, total 2,700 Baht was kindly paid by MTL (my PA-insurance).
  11. I have a PA-insurance which pays everything in this case. But I need to report to a doctor or a hospital within 48 hours. After 48 hours, the insurance don't guarantee a payout. The visit to the hospital is only a little inconvenience, and I enjoy a few hours with the young and sexy nurses.
  12. I will go aa doctor today anyway. I have a PA-insurance, thus nothing to be paid.
  13. Strange that I didn't feel anything causing the byte. Normally, I would have woke up when it happened. The size of the fangs suggest that it would not be a small spider.
  14. Without PROPER LAW ENFORCEMENT, any effort to improve road safety is doomed to fail. People don't follow traffic rules just because it is for their own safety. Law enforcement, aka police checks, is not in the Thai books. Just every now and then erect a police checkpoint to collect money for the "Police charity funds" is not a correct way to catch traffic offenders. Nor is putting carton board figures of a policeman at a crossing. As long as Thailand doesn't adapt to the correct traffic controls and send their police officers on the roads to catch offenders, nothing will change.
  15. This morning, as I woke up, I noticed a strange mark on my leg. Looks like a bite, 2 fangs, but I didn't noticed anything in my sleep. Normally, I would have woke up on the byte. The size of the marks, about 5mm, suppose that it was not a small animal. The place of the bite doesn't hurt or causes any anomaly. Can anybody identify what may have causes this? TIA
  16. I wonder how they made their list. Prostitution is illegal in Thailand and the number of prostitutes is impossible to list. Also, many "sex workers" operate nowadays trough Social Media and are impossible to list.
  17. My EX-girlfriend/wife told me the same story when I meet her. Her mother was living in Chaiyaphum with her son and she was working at a factory in Rayong. Every 2 weeks/month she was sending some money to feed her son. The father died shortly after the birth from a "bad liver". About 6 months after meeting my EX-girlfriend/wife, on Songkhran, we went together to visit her mom and her son. Result: Her mother had a rice-field which was given to her by the previous King in the self-sufficient program. She rented the rice field out to the mair of the town (he rented several rice fields), and he took care of planting the rice/maintenance of the rice field/etc. In return, she received enough rice for her own consumption and every harvest a lump-sump sum (enough to live comfortably). Besides this, her mother was working on cutting the sugar canes and other local work which paid daily about 150 Baht (20 years ago). The son received FREE schooling at the local temple, but needed to do after school or in the weekends some work at the temple (cleaning, cutting grass, etc.) The were far from being "poor" and could live a cosy lifestyle, but they were addicted to gambling and drinking and that was where most of the money went to.
  18. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=738362913227850&ref=sharing
  19. They are SCAMMERS roaming Second Rd. in Pattaya. Mostly 2 man. They try to engage in a friendly conversation and one of them will point at your stomach/belly. Next, they will say that they know an Indian herb which helps you to get rid of your belly in a short time. And they know an Indian shop who sells this herb, not far away. If you fall for that SCAM, they will bring you to the bazar in Second Rd. where they will sell you the herb for $$$$$$.
  20. During my stay in this country, mover than 2 decades, I have been a few times in a situation which turned violent. I never used violence myself. Just swallowed my pride and moved on with my life. On one situation, a driver was stopped by the police because he tried to pass the cars at a police checkpoint in Korat (Safe One market). It was already late at night. For some unknown reason, he blamed me for his stupidity and when leaving the police checkpoint he started to play a "mouse and cat" game with me. Driving in front of me and slamming his brakes and when I tried to pass him he would speed up and block the way. I was driving my daughter to the airport and my daughter was afraid of the situation. Near Saraburi, I turned into the Military field and told the story to the guards and asked them for their help. They called a police car and we were escorted to Suwarnabumi by a police car. Not a sign of the stupid driver. I gave a copy of the recorded clip of the car with me dashcam and let them handle everything. Never saw this driver back.
  21. Defamation laws exists in many countries and are almost everywhere a PITA. Whilst I am for the defamation laws when ther are used to protect the innocent, they are mostly ABused to protect the criminals.
  22. 99% of the private schools ask for a "Donation" to admit a student. Why is this news?
  23. DEPORT HIM!!!!!! Oh wait, it's a Thai ....
  24. Maybe it's only me, but a lot of these "crimes" seems to be comitted by YouTube/TikTak/FaceSh.t influencers/(would be)influencers. Going extreme for a few followers?
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