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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Thaksin return to Thailand. Yingluck return being prepared by Thaksin. PM visits Thaksin in Chiang Mai. Thaksin visiting CM and Phuket to promote his Pheu Thai party. Back to the future?
  2. Huh????? Working???? Abdullah is the TOURIST, not the taxi driver.
  3. If Abdullah has an UK passport, then he is a BRIT.
  4. It was actually a taxi driver in Bangkok and the victim was an American who refused to pay the fare. The American guy died. You can find it in Aseannow if you are interested.
  5. The tuk-tuk's in Krabi/Phuket are Daihatsu Cabs. Their driver cabin looks like a taxi.
  6. I remember from my visa trips to Cambodia, long ago, that they required a brand new/unscratched 50 USD (or was it a 100 USD) note for their Visa stamp. Went 1 time with the 50/100 USD note in my wallet and it got refused because in was bended at one corner. Go figure.
  7. A few years ago, I was visiting Hong-Kong with my family and decided to take the bus to drive us to a place I wanted to visit. The bus fare was about 30 HKD and I inserted a 50 HKD bill. I got the tickets, but no money in return. Asked the bus driver where my change was and he pointed at a board above the ticketing machine which said: "This machine does not return money, use exact cash money." From that day on, I carried always some cash to pay. I learn from my mistakes. Paying with a 1000 baht note where a 500 baht note would suffice was my mistake.
  8. In my country, this is the job of the investigation judge, not the corrupt Thai police.
  9. YAWN Handle her over to the COURTS and let the JUDGES decide. NOT THE USELESS POLICE!!!!!
  10. In the early '80's I was on a holiday to Spain (Ibiza) and the place was full of Brits. The common behavior of these Brits (hoolygan) was going to the nearest bar every day and start drinking beer and spirits. The first person who dropped drunk from his barstool would have to foot the bill. Unnecessary to say that in the mean time they destroyed half of the bar items. I had a talk with an elderly British family, and they told me that England was paying/sponsoring their holiday trip abroad to prevent it to happen to British pubs. Also, the closing hours of pubs made it worse for the drunks.
  11. I had an discussion with a shop owner that the person at the counter did not gave me the correct exchange. I had paid with a 1000 baht bill and received exchange on 500 baht. The security camera was only about 5 meter away. But the recorded clip was not clear and I didn't make a fuzz out of it. Solution: I always carry a 500 baht bill with me in the future and avoided that scam. No fight involved (maybe because I was not an Englishman).
  12. READ the thread before commenting bullsh*t The dispute was not about the fare but about the money paid (500 or 1000 baht note) and no exchange returned.
  13. One way ticket to jail and ruin your life over nothing. Good job.
  14. Don't forget that this behavior of foreigners, tourists or residents, are casting a shadow on the foreigners who are living in Thailand and maybe have a family. This "chase on the bad foreigners" looks like a plan to make their stay in Thailand more difficult in the future by changes in the visa laws. Seems like Thaksin is back on the track.
  15. I have asked my insurer (Viriyah) on a car accident before (published here before) and the answer was: 1. You can claim for a replacement car during the time that your car is in repair, but only for the 1st class insurance. 2. This service is NOT run by Viriyah but by a separate insurance company. 3. The sum paid out by the separate insurance company is limited to 500 Baht/day.
  16. A sure way to get his holiday paid back by youTube and the stupids who click on this bulls..t about Thailand.
  17. The last Black & Decker repairman died long ago. his name was James Brown and he was running a repair shop named "Black & Decker Sex Machine".
  18. Good to see the hunt for foreigners is still on. When will foreigners be required to stick a "Star of David" on their chest to identify themselves as "Personna Non Grata"? Kick the UNELECTED GOVERNMENT out of their offices and make NEW elections. Thailand is becoming the shame of the world with this government.
  19. https://aseannow.com/topic/1320222-simple-question/?do=findComment&comment=18872697
  20. I don't know everything about VAT, but in my understanding VAT is a Tax on the ADDED VALUE. As sending something by post or a similar carrier is not adding to the value of the item, there is no VAT to be paid. If the VAT was paid in China, when sending the package to Thailand the VAT paid on China could be reclamed back. Same like when you buy something in thailand and export this to another country, you can reclaim the VAT paid in Thailand back at the airport. Or am I wrong? If Thailand wants to apply an additional IMPORT tax on all postal packages, that's a complete different thing and I am not sure that other countries would be happy with that.
  21. "Can anyone explain this" -> CLICKBAIT POST!!!!! ChrisKC, JimTripper How can the Moderators accept this.
  22. This is the same all over the world. Not only in Thailand. I remember a case where a policeman was murdered by a drunk driver in Belgium and the case was not even reported in the newspapers. The driver was a member of the national football team.
  23. Unfortunately, this taxi driver was not driving a Ferrari. Otherwise he could have done a runner.
  24. There is no image "A" or "B". Most of the posters have figured that out without further questions. The question was why a driver license is not required for a particular image (wheelchair assisted by electric traction) but is required for another image (electric 3-wheeler). When assigning random images to a question they can be named by "A, B, C, etc"
  25. Why are their faces blurred out? Name and shame the lawlifes publicly.
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