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Everything posted by Andrew65

  1. Some guys don't like cats, but at least cats don't tell the cops where your stash is!πŸ˜€
  2. Many years ago I was visiting a friend near Nong Khai. A few miles up river boats were criss-crossing the river from the Laos side with seemingly no checks at all. God only knows what comes into Thailand that way!?
  3. Don't know about Germany but the UK has people that can smell cash.😁
  4. I don't live there any more...but I did live there for 20 years. I sort of resigned myself to it, and would buy some beer beforehand. As people used to say, can't you go for one day without going out for a drink!? Also should bear in mind that there used to be more bar closure days in the past. The King's birthday was, until he commented that he wanted people to have a good time. Constitution Day was another (Chakri Day also?)? Now it's only really Buddha days or election days.
  5. Take the neighbour's everything and give it to her, and then throw said neighbour in chokey for a few years. The only thing being, said neighbour is probably 'rich', and in Thai society the rich seem to get a pass where justice is concerned.
  6. Might be that such a country gives Thai citizens free visas also, such things are often reciprocal.
  7. From his photo he's a "Smiling Assassin". An old Scottish friend used to say that Thailand's full of them, and to be wary of them!πŸ™‚
  8. Sounds like many years ago when I was very nearly mown down in Soi Cowboy by a motorbike taxi (in the middle of the day).
  9. His biggest crime was to propose helping the less well off, less fortunate, in Thai society (something that certain other people consider themselves to have a 'monpoly' over, but don't do a good job of).????
  10. I was very fussy where and what I ate in Thailand. Like you, I never ate street food, not meat anyway (fruit's a bit different). If it's chicken or pork, I would never trust how long it had been out of the refrigerator/unfrozen etc (in a hot climate too). Also, I used to walk before dawn every morning in Bangkok. I would occasionally see rats rummaging around on the food carts that had been left chained to a lamp post overnight.
  11. To be honest with you, I'm not a very 'foodie' person anyway. Over the 20 years that I lived in Thailand I hardly ever ate Thai food. But for some people food would be a bigger consideration.
  12. For 3 or 4 years in the late 90's/early 2,000's I survived by just using my UK-based Abbey National or HSBC account in Thailand, and it wasn't a very big problem.
  13. The Phils isn't famous for it's food, also I get the impression that it's not as safe as Thailand.
  14. When I worked in Saudi (2005) one of my Saudi colleagues got into trouble there when a Thai immigration stamp was found in his passport (by Saudi Immigration). He said that they were only supposed to visit Thailand if they had a business visa, they weren't supposed to visit Thailand as tourists (at that time). He got off with a slap on the wrist due to the fact that he had 'friends in high places'.
  15. We've all long been aware that (real) prison is only for the poor in Thailand.
  16. Thanks, but the Dr put me on that for a month and it had pretty much no effect. Anyway, I have a date with 'Mary Jane' this weekend.
  17. RIP The Thai Visa Detective Agency is already on the case!
  18. Very soon I'm going to be eating cannabis in an attempt to cure my insomnia (I won't be smoking it because I gave up smoking 3 years ago). Why am I "self-medicating"? My doctor in the UK had put me on Zopiclone (sleeping tablets), but I could only have them for 3 months in case I became addicted to them. On the few occasions in my life that I did try weed, I noticed it's narcotic effect, made me very sleepy.
  19. Hotels often have a business card with their details (in English, and the local language on the reverse) on the reception counter, if I was in an unfamiliar place I would put one in my pocket for just such occasions.
  20. I don't know about alcohol, but if tobacco had only just become a thing today, or in recent times, it couldn't be sold legally (when it's so well known how harmful it is).
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