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Everything posted by Dmaxdan

  1. I have owned a Nescafe Dolce Gusto Mini Me machine now for about two years now. Would I recommend it? That really depends on how you like to drink your coffee. If you like a big mug of then it's not the setup for you. About 200ml is the biggest cup it will make from one pod, which are quite expensive. However, if you're preference is a smaller expresso style coffee then it's perfectly fine for that. One big advantage is that it very quick. From plugging it in to having a coffee in your hand takes about 2 minutes. It will also make cold coffee as well for those that like it over ice. You get a nice crema style head on your drink because it's made under pressure. I tend to buy third party pods these days from Lazada because they do work out quite a bit cheaper than the Nescafe originals. Another advantage is that the only thing you need to wash up is your cup! Although the machine itself does require a small amount of maintenance from time to time.
  2. Being a Digital TV the 'box' will almost certainly be built into the TV. All you need is an aerial point. This is the Google translation of the first part of the text on the Shopee page.
  3. Patience is a rare commodity amongst Thai drivers. Many perish needlessly on the roads because they are just incapable of stoping and waiting. Such a shame.
  4. Apparently too many members were misusing them. For example, the sad emoji was used all the time by people to dislike a post, rather than to show sadness.
  5. I'm not ashamed to say that I genuinely feel a bit tearful this morning after waking up to this sad news.????
  6. The expression "clutching at straws" springs to mind.
  7. My heart goes out to the parents of the two boys. The police need to pull out all the stops and find and arrest those responsible for this truly awful crime.
  8. Surely they might need this in the future if Thailand wishes to apply to host the world cup.
  9. This is no joke. Apparently the flat earth society has members all around the globe...
  10. What are they going to do? Literally ban everyone from using the roads?
  11. A new law has been proposed to limit the amount of people who can legally ride in the back of a pickup to six......or is it sixty? It's one of the two anyway!
  12. Actually that's the worse place for them. Way too dangerous!
  13. The RTP are going to have one hell of a Christmas party this year!
  14. So it will soon become Venice of the orient. The tuk tuk drivers will have to trade in their machines for gondolas.
  15. If true then the teacher should be made to suffer the same punishment.
  16. Lazada has a very efficient return/refund procedure on their website which includes an option for fake or incorrect merchandise. Once you trigger this and the seller doesn't respond within 7 days then Lazada themselves will deal with the problem. Forget contacting the seller or calling Lazada, just use the system in place. You can even have a courier come to you home who will print a label and return the package free of charge,
  17. Just for the record I've lived here for 13 years and I can count from 1 to 10 in Thai. And because my IQ isn't much higher than that, I've never felt the need to learn any more...
  18. Yes but deodorants will become much more of a necessity when people can no longer afford to run their air cons...
  19. Well firstly, I'd like some proof that the feller in the video is actually Stanley Kubrick and not an actor.
  20. That can't possibly be real.
  21. So it must be piscine it down?
  22. With a genuine smile, the eyes will move as well as the mouth.
  23. Why not go to your local pharmacy and speak to the pharmacist. They will be the best person to advise you as to what's available over the counter.
  24. Probably by himself...
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