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Everything posted by Dmaxdan

  1. It is perfectly possible that you just experienced a poor example of Dim Sum. I'm sure there are plenty of top quality Chinese restaurants for you to try in Thailand.
  2. You have to question the intellect of anyone who sunbathes.
  3. The resin that thais use to fix the handles to their machetes?
  4. Last night's dinner that you left on the barbecue? Hallucinogenic moon rock?
  5. Overcrowded. When you consider how many dead people's souls must be there now.
  6. I know this new interpretation of existing taxation rules started on January 1st. But am I right in thinking that I, and indeed everybody else won't need to file a tax return until the start of next year? So we will have all of this year to clarify how exactly this will effect us?
  7. As of yet, nobody really knows. I suggest people forget about it for the time being and wait and see if they are contacted by an official source. And definitely avoid all the inevitable scams that will spring up online and attempt to sell unnecessary taxation services to the uninitiated and gullible expats out there.
  8. We have a large jack fruit tree on our land. Only a handful of the fruit grow and mature. The rest blacken and die like you have stated. Maybe your young tree isn't mature enough for the fruit to grow properly.
  9. Good job Thailand. Only an average of 40 deaths per day. Pats on the back all-round.
  10. Just remember that they only include those who die at the scene of the crash in these figures. The real number of deaths could be double that if they included those who succumb to their injuries in hospital.
  11. My wife doesn't iron my clothes. Neither do I for that matter.
  12. It's 2,000 baht a month more than I give any of my in-laws. My wife and her siblings provide financial surport for their aging parents. I'm not involved at all.
  13. This is the only advice you need to listen to. Ignore everything else.
  14. Two wrongs don't make a right. By retaliating you are just as bad as them.
  15. Couple of points. Firstly, we only ever hear reports of insurance companies refusing to pay out. It is not news worthy if someone's insurance policy actually covers the cost or a claim. So it is totally wrong to assume that insurance companies rarely pay out. Secondly, insurance policies are like everything in life. You get what you pay for! If you go on to one of the many go-compare websites and choose the cheapest option then the policy is probably not worth the paper it is printed on. However, if you pick up the phone, talk to a real human being and explain everything you are planning to do, for example renting a motorcycle whilst on holiday in Thailand a taylor made policy will be drawn up for you and you will be covered. It's as simple as that. Our neighbor recently had an accident in her 6 month old Toyota four door pickup. She was over the limit and the insurance company are refusing to pay for the estimated 500,000 baht worth of damage. She broke the terms and conditions of the policy and can have no complaints. Her husband on the other hand is not best pleased...
  16. Is 52 considered elderly now?
  17. You don't have to be an expert to flag doubts over their road safety master plan. Even the village idiot knows that they will fail miserably like they do every year. The authorities are too spineless to inflict harsh enough punishments on drivers who break traffic laws and kill and maim other road users.
  18. I hoped they wiped the screen down afterwards...
  19. Whoever posted the laughing emoji on the original article is one truly sick in the head individual. For fleeing the scene, the pickup driver should be facing a lengthy prison stay. But the Thai authorities just don't have to balls to punish people like this severely enough.
  20. Xiaomi Mi TV stick or box are another option and are both Netflix certified.
  21. I would imagine that those days would be a bit early for the end of year exodus. From Friday 29th onwards would be the time to avoid.
  22. Why do you think that the HBO app is no longer available here? It certainly is on Android.
  23. I've got two different pairs of Lenovo ear pods. I've had them for a while now and for the money I can't really fault either them. One of the pairs hooks behind you ears for extra security. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.ORGtl
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