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Everything posted by Maybole

  1. I agree, My Maw and Paw endured the great depression as children and the 2nd World War as young adults. These imprinted a fear of running out of funds for the rest of their lives. Furthermore Grandchildren at university are expensive if you do not want to let them run up a large debt.
  2. I had the same idea but the helpline staff ignored my suggestion, I suspect her technical knowledge was insufficient. I had occasion just after opening the account to correct my EMail address and I wonder if their system has reverted to this incorrect EMAil.. It may be significant that, after their upgrade last December, the payment notifications which I used to get stopped abruptly.
  3. Very UK centred, football is played all over the world.
  4. I have been using wise.com for 4 years without difficulty. Recently, I started using a different laptop and the system detected that and claimed to send a conformation EMail for me to verify myself. That EMail has not arrived. I have tried several times to log in over the past week without success.The EMails never arrive nor are they in the Junk mail. I have spoken to their help line, who promissed to send me an EMail to help me reset everything. That has never arrived. Therefore, I request all members to recommend another, equally reliable and economic agency to use to send my pensions from UK to Thailand as promptly as wise.com. I intend this to be a temporary fix until wise.com can reset me.
  5. "The bus lost control" Eh? How can a bus be in control of itself? The Driver lost control.
  6. Even experienced pilots need a certain amount of retraining on moving to a new airline or aircraft type. Young newly qualified trainees are easier to train , but the bean counters will not allow the funding for it.
  7. Ordinary washing-up liquid is almost identical to shampoo.
  8. Details please of channels and times.
  9. Please forgive my ignorance, What is a Crypto Miner?
  10. Report it to the local electricity office.
  11. 10 days, but I was looking for a per diem figure. I believe she will be occupied with educational activities most of the time with a day or two free at the end. Thank for such a quick response.
  12. I am not sure which forum to post this, mods please move if necessary. My 16 year old grand daughter is going on a school trip to the London area in 2 weeks time. Accommodation in a college dorm., all meals and all educational excursions are included, so she only need some spending money. I have promised to provide this, but I am so out of touch with UK. (especially South of England prices) that I am unsure of how much to give her. I do not want to get into a bidding war (no my Grandpa is richer than yours scenario). Advice please, from those members more in touch than I am. How much per day.
  13. NOTAMs (Notices to Airmen)are issued for the guidance of pilots.Unfortunately I have known many pilots who have expressed surprise, even outrage at an unexpected encounter and when the Notam has been pointed out to him admitted he had not read it. In my experience, many pilots treat a NOTAMed restriction as a nuisance.
  14. An anecdote concerning snowploughs,(not really relevant to here). Back in the 1960s Ayr County council kept a snowplough in our village but the lorry to push it was kept in a depot in Ayr. This resulted in the plough and its lorry being on opposite sides of the drifts.
  15. Edit to above post. I think the journalist has used the latitude for Suwarnapoom. Ignorance or carelessness?
  16. The figures do not add up. Chiang mai is close to 19deg. North. The sun takes 1/4 of the year to travel from Equator to the Tropic of Cancer which is close to 23.5 N. Therefore the Sun moves 1 deg N in 4 days. The Sun will reach overhead 4x4.5 days before the solstice i.e. 18 days from June 21st= 3rd June! 14th May is 38 days before the solstice. 38 days divided by 4 = 9.5 deg south of the tropic = 14N. somewhere about Saraburi. My figures are approximate for clarity.
  17. Go to the local market and see if any trader is selling them.
  18. Will the owners of the stolen bikes get them back?
  19. My sister in law is a trained masseuse. She is brutal, but if you can endure an hour with her you will feel better.
  20. Maybole


    I like a strong cheese. Mature Cheddar or stronger. I used to buy mine from Greens Food and Drink opposite Kad Farang, but they have been out of stock for months and are now closing. Tops used to have "Seriously Strong" in small amounts at a high price but no longer stock it. Makro, Rimping and the other supermarkets have Dutch or Italian cheeses which are too mild for my taste or that processed excuse for a cheese from USA or Australia. Has anybody in Chiang mai area seen a decent cheese for sale recently?
  21. The telephone number is +44 0800 731 0469. Be prepared for a long menu and equally long wait for somebody to answer you. Then may be told that you have the wrong extension and you have to redial . Good luck
  22. They also pointed out that that was what sperm banks were for.
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