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Everything posted by Maybole

  1. Was it possibly a type of squirrel?
  2. I have 4 orange kittens, 2 boys, 2 girls , identical but for their tails. They are about 8 weeks old (exact date of birth not known . They are all robust, very active and difficult to keep out of the house.They are eating dry cat food with tinned food and an occasional treat of Pla Too. Their inquisitiveness is leading into odd places from whence they need to be rescued. All are friendly and although from soi cat ancestry, unafraid of humans. They have not been vaccinated nor neutered yet because the vet says they are too young. I want to give them away to good homes or to find an agency which will help. I am between Hang Dong and San Pa Tong. PM me.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 133 seconds  
  4. I no longer travel as much as I used to but in the past I always travelled light to Thailand knowing that I would be able to buy clothing cheaply on arrival, I was regularly approached at check in by women (it was always women) asking to use part of my baggage allowance because they were overweight (sometimes grossly so). I always refused, often to be be met with misandric abuse.
  5. heard this 5years ago, but it was a Reliant Robin flashing its lights.
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 163 seconds  
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 179 seconds  
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 53 seconds  
  9. Will the mental tests include shining a torch in one ear and seeing if the beam comes out the other?
  10. i was born immediately after the 2nd world war, there were 8 boys and 5 girls in my class in primary school and that continued for more than ten years. As a result many of my contemporaries remained single until over thirty. women had a great choice and became very dismissive of men. Also, I found this blogger gabbles at such a speed that she was almost incoherent. This seems more common with women.
  11. If I care to go out and have a beer and conversation with friends it is my business.
  12. This topic makes the usual and totally wrong assumption that all food from the UK is the same! There are huge national variations and within the countries of the UK many regional differences. A lot depends on the resources available locally. The west coasts of Scotland and Cornwall are particularly rich in seafood and Northern Ireland has a unique way with edible seaweeds.
  13. Maybole


  14. URGENT. Wife is trying to keep me at home tonight, insisting that a local decree has banned all alcohol sales tonight because it is the King's Birthday. I cannot find any proof of this . Is she correct?
  15. Maybole


    Let me Know how it tastes. It has not yet appeared in my local Makro.
  16. Yesterday evening I started to cough and started a runny nose. the cough is not painful but it continues until I run out of breath and choke I bring up a small amount of salty phlegm. Today, I have no appetite and no energy, climbing the stairs leaves me breathless I have no temperature, When I cough I now have slight pain at the bottom of my ribs. I think I have a common cold but Madamme fears it might be Covid 19. No other family members are showing symptoms. What is it? No other family members with whom I have spent the last 4 day have any symptoms. What is it?
  17. Maybole

    Bed Towels

    Thanks, I'll keep watching.
  18. Maybole

    Bed Towels

    Large (2mx2m) thin sheets of toweling material that can be slept on. I put them underthe sheet.
  19. Rain in Thailand is warm. Thai neighbours often comment on my ignoring of light to moderate rain and cannot understand that as a Northern European I am used to icy rain and gales and find Thai rain and wind completely comfortable.
  20. Maybole

    Bed Towels

    More than 20 ears ago I bought 2 bed towels in Wararot Market. The are now becoming increasingly frayed and will not last much longer, but I cannot find any new ones. Has any member seen bed towels for sale in Chiang mai area. I can find mattress toppers in many bedding outlets but these are not the 100% cotton that I want so ignore them please.
  21. When I retired to just outside Chiang mai, I sent for a lot of vegetable seeds from a nursery in the South of england. I planted Runner Beans, Broad Beans, Peas, standard Cabbages and Brussels Sprouts et al just at the beginning of the cool season and watered them well . They all failed. They germinated, put out a good show of leaf and died. The beans and peas flowered but did not produce seed. I suspect that the local pollinating insects failed to recognise the strangers and ignored them. If you go ahead make sure that they are suitable for your area.
  22. When will governments learn that banning a pleasure drives it underground and into the hands (pockets?) of organised crime. Licencing cafes a la Netherlands model would bring in revenue to the government, but, that would mean the money going into to the wrong pockets.
  23. I know it does not absolve the driver but China drives on the right, did the victim look the wrong way.
  24. No mention fthe influence of religious groups in other areas e.g. Northern Ireland.
  25. Maybole

    Pla Too

    My family often eat Pla Too (ปลาทู). Curious as to its english name, I put it to Google Translate. It came up with Mackerel, which the fish is obviously not. Can any member give me an english or even better a zoological name for it?
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