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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Got it, no happy ending forced upon you, but if she gives it a tickle and you like it, you wont me telling her to stop.........
  2. Mine just packed up. much easier with wifi.
  3. I can only speak for Asia, the only place I have been that's comparable is the PI.
  4. Yet they all drive western cars, wear western brands, send their kids to the west to be educated, all paid from their USD accounts.
  5. Great, thanks for confirming initial reports from WHO are that its more mild, lets hope it stays that way. certainly more upbeat that the sky is falling threads we have seen in the past.
  6. Read it the numerous times you posted it, if regurgitating old news from 2 weeks ago are the best you can do.... CDC, WHO, Chief of the SA medical council all say mild ........
  7. I think you are living in the past, if you have issues on how experts are now looking at this , try addressing WHO and CDC.
  8. Hopefully those posting 2 week old information may take time to read.
  9. Almost 2 weeks ago Brian, my reports from CDC and WHO are a little more recent.
  10. or the WHO chief.... https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/12/8/omicron-could-be-milder-than-delta-who-chief
  11. No idea, ask the CDC chief https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/09/cdc-chief-omicron-mild-early-data-us-spread-variant
  12. But all reports show its milder thankfully. https://www.cityam.com/anxiously-optimistic-south-africa-holds-its-breath-as-battle-of-the-covid-mutations-rages-omicron-deaths-still-zero-despite-new-coronavirus-variant-spreading-twice-as-fast-as-deadly-delta/
  13. Been lately? Jammed at weekends. Plenty of people seem to think otherwise....
  14. I did, they made it so difficult it was like they didnt wont offshore customers, SB IOM are a breath of fresh air when it comes to customer service.
  15. https://international.standardbank.com/ Geared up for people who live abroad, dont expect you to jump through impossible hoops such as Nat West International etc.
  16. I'm surprised you have not heard, all the experts out there are saying current vaccine should prevent serious illness and death.
  17. Thanks for stating the obvious.... I mitigate risk, based on initial/current reports I'm in the dont panic camp. Actually overwhelming initial reports look good.
  18. I dont believe anyone is jumping the gun, by using the word 'suggest' it shows caution. Good to see a WHO official suggesting that most cases are mild though. Too early to tell but initial reports from Japanese experts are encouraging too, 'Omicron variant may tend to cause mild symptoms, Japan experts say' Goes on to say ' According to the European Union’s European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, 109 cases of infection with the omicron variant had been found in 16 countries as of Friday, and all of the infected people showed mild or no symptoms, with no reports of death.' https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/12/05/national/omicron-mild-symptoms/ Lets hope it stays this way.
  19. How about this one? COVID-19: Most Omicron cases are 'mild' and there's no evidence to suggest vaccines may be less effective against the variant, says WHO official Early indications suggest most Omicron coronavirus cases are "mild", an official at the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said. https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-most-omicron-cases-are-mild-and-theres-no-evidence-to-suggest-vaccines-may-be-less-effective-against-the-variant-says-who-12483729
  20. Initial Hospital Data in Omicron Epicenter Shows Milder Disease 'Too early to tell' but Initial data from a major hospital complex in South Africa’s omicron epicenter show that while Covid-19 case numbers have surged, patients need less medical intervention. Brought to you from MSM .............. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-05/initial-hospital-data-in-omicron-epicenter-shows-milder-disease
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