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Everything posted by Muhendis

  1. Quite right. It calls into question the legitimacy of the doctor especially when he is reported to have said double vaccinated people are immune. They are not. The vaccine only lasts a limited length of time which varies depending which vaccine is administered.
  2. I don't know if this is good enough but for the price, failure is cheap. https://shopee.co.th/TF▶-4ml-Universal-Epoxy-Resin-AB-Glue-Strong-Adhesive-Repair-for-Glass-Ceramics-Plastic-i.105085744.2121494275?sp_atk=cecc2ca7-47bc-430e-a9d8-f1cea09c474d&xptdk=cecc2ca7-47bc-430e-a9d8-f1cea09c474d
  3. Did you Blow or did you suck?
  4. As Above Thaiwatsadu
  5. Agreed. Hilti is the best choice for fixings and allied tools. They produce a 2 part epoxy formulated for this sort of work loaded into a twin tube syringe which mixes as it is forced out into the hole. Trynotodo Thaiwattsadu sell a version of it. Used the Hilti stuff many times when concrete was found to be too weak to support expanding bolts. The hole needs to be a bit larger than the threaded rod to allow enough epoxy to surround the thread completely. eg 6mm bolt and 7mm hole.
  6. Oops. Didn't mean to offend you. My thoughts were regarding motor cyclists respect for other road users.
  7. In the bathroom probably. Have a look around the floor, there may be another drain somewhere to allow accidental water overflow to have an escape route. These are generally inadequate as regards water traps.
  8. What!? To get a motor bike license? Give over.
  9. Yes any government hospital will know what is required for about 100 Bhat. As has been mentioned, it's just a few basic pulse, BP and eyesight tests. I was also given a colour blindness test which involved looking at a few cards with coloured spots and identifying the hidden number. You will get a signed, prepared letter which the land department will want.
  10. What's your water like? Mine is hard as nails. Calcium from gypsum rock 51 metres down. I use a surface water well almost exclusively. The time when I switched over to the bore hole was for only a few months but the calcium damage was not nice.
  11. Well yes. Equipment does fail from time to time but I note yours failed "safe" which is normally the default. I expect, when this happens again, you will check your isolator/CB before having companies dig holes to look for faults. With the exception of a Safe T Cut, I have had a few MCB devices fail but always they have failed open circuit which, whilst a nuisance, is not dangerous.
  12. I understand intimately how much love insects have for rural, well lit homesteads.
  13. You might like to leave a bit of roof space for a solar hot water heat exchanger and a bit of space below for a few hundred ltrs of insulated storage.
  14. I've been using Google Sketchup (as was) for the past 20 years or so but only because it's free.
  15. That's a total of 21.6kw which is excessive for most inverters which all have limits of input power. It would be interesting to work out the angles of each batch of panels to reduce the power outputs throughout the year so that they will never exceed the inverter limitations. Have you done your power requirement calcs. yet?
  16. Looks really good. Observations are as before. Flat rooves leak. I have a flat car port roof. It leaks My neighbour has a flat house roof. It leaks. A strong DPM would be necessary twit roof concrete and final screed but then I expect your architect has something in mind for that anyway. I don't see where you are going to park the Cesna.
  17. I think you might have difficulty to finding a supplier of 125A fuses. So not needed. Make sure the Circuit breaker is rated for DC use.
  18. Yup. 5 Metres is the required minimum headroom at the lowest sag point for traffic to pass under and, as always, across a road there has to be a marker on the lowest point for drivers to spot the wires.
  19. Thanks for the sad info re. Darren I had some slight hickups getting my new passport sent on to me so I think Darren must have passed away just before that time. I found him to be very helpful.
  20. In case the OP is worrying It's important to understand this has very little to do with mounting the beasts and everything to do with manufacturing tolerances. I had some panels which were so poorly made that the ali strips were not making a good enough contact with the cells (series connections) and the higher resistance resulted in sufficient local heat to shatter the glass completely. Very rare but immediately noticeable since the output goes down a wee bit. ????
  21. We have about 9 metres of U shaped worktop and a 1 x 1 M island and it's always chock-a block. Don't put too much faith in what your wife says "will do". She is probably thinking of keeping the cost down.
  22. Serving hatch?
  23. Panel expansion is not normally a problem especially with brackets of thinner metal that can flex a little. What can happen is that, if the glass panel is a tight fit in the frame, the glass can crack under the thermal strain. I have a panel which did just that. It's like crazy paving. The panel stull works just fine because the silicone underneath is undamaged and the cracks seem to be still waterproof.
  24. Brilliant Pity they didn't do that 1st time.
  25. And strong enough for megawatts of solar panels. You seem a bit light on worktop space in the kitchen areas.

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