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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. Indeed. The best way to deal with them is just say: it was my fault too. Otherwise they are going to deny everything. They would rather die than to admit their wrongdoing. That would make them lose face. Even if they dont have a f_ckin face anymore because it was so badly injured in the accident, they still insist on keeping face.

  2. This man travels the world as a fugitive. He also gives speeches from time to time, while he is at it. He even stated that he is untouchable abroad, guess he was referring to that he can't get caught and taken back to Thailand.

    Can someone enlighten me how the hell he does it? He is not even worried about being on the run. There have been a lot of powerful well connected criminals in the past that were on the run but finally got caught no matter how well connected they were. So it makes me wonder, how does this Thaksin guy do it? He doesnt give a shit about the fact that he is a wanted person and doesn't even try to keep a low profile.

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  3. Yes it depends on the phone. But it doesn't mean that if you have a more expensive phone then you are going to have a better signal. Usually I have better signal on my Samsung that costed me 900thb than the f_ckin note and s4. Try another phone with another sim. It's the device that is unable to receive signals correctly so that's the culprit.

  4. I hope you're going to come back in the morning when your head has cleared and tell us what that's all about. I sometimes advise people to get out a bit more often, but in your case I think you should stay in for a while.


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