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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1.  @A1str8   ...I have researched religion, the paranormal and channeling and (so far) found only wooism, scams and worse,  still interested if anyone can provide real evidence.  Posted Image 
    If you have done research on it, I dont really understand why you have only found scams and worse. Sure there are people who try to take advantage of others that are gullible but who cares about these low life scumbags. The thing is that everything consists of energy therefore everything is influenced by it. Everything is based on it as everythings is pure, flowing energy. But you dont need to believe a word that I have said. You dont need to agree with it or believe in it. I am not trying to make you or anybody else believe it. If you think I am wrong, fine. I just know that it works and I know how it works. The OP asked for help and I gave him an advice that is more than helpful. On the other side I do understand you. I am the same. I tend to believe things only after seeing and experiencing them so there is proof that it works. I am not religious and its difficult to convince me about anything that I have not seen with my own eyes. But what we are talking about has nothing to do with belief. It's like gravity: if you walk up to the top of a high building and jump off..you dont need to believe that you are going to fall down. It's going to happen regardless of your belief system. If you want proof then prove it to yourself. For 2 weeks do your best to be as negative as you can. Surround yourself with negative people. Complain and curse all the time. Think about all the horrible things that can happen to you on a daily basis. Do things that make you feel bad and stressed. And in general feel miserable and unlucky. Then after 2 weeks do everything you can to be positive and happy. And stay that way for two weeks. Do things that are full of joy. Surround yourself with happy, positive people who are good company because they make you feel good and give out a good vibe. Think about all the wonderful things you can and should be grateful for. Get involved in activities that make you feel good. And in general stay happy and expect the best as you go on with your day. If you stay dedicated and dont stop it after 2 days, you are going to agree with me after four weeks. Every person is like a radio station and we constantly send signals in the form of energy. What you receive will be determined based on what you sent. What you give is what you get. The way you think determines the way you feel to an uncanny degree. And your feelings represent the energy you currently give out. Whatever that is, positive or negative.. that is going to come back.

    Interesting read. Seriously.

    And now what this has to do with voodoooooo ? In thailand.

    It has everything to do with that.

  2. A1str8 !!!   ummm I think your "test" would have predictable results.  DUH  ....  but it would not prove that we are like radio stations sending out signals to some mystical satelite that then beams back the appropriate response. ... that is the "Secret" law of attraction nonsense.   

    I was not talking about mystical things nor the Secret. By the way the movie is not nonsense, your comments are.
    • Like 1
  3. @A1str8 ...I have researched religion, the paranormal and channeling and (so far) found only wooism, scams and worse, still interested if anyone can provide real evidence. wink.png

    If you have done research on it, I dont really understand why you have only found scams and worse. Sure there are people who try to take advantage of others that are gullible but who cares about these low life scumbags. The thing is that everything consists of energy therefore everything is influenced by it. Everything is based on it as everythings is pure, flowing energy. But you dont need to believe a word that I have said. You dont need to agree with it or believe in it. I am not trying to make you or anybody else believe it. If you think I am wrong, fine. I just know that it works and I know how it works. The OP asked for help and I gave him an advice that is more than helpful. On the other side I do understand you. I am the same. I tend to believe things only after seeing and experiencing them so there is proof that it works. I am not religious and its difficult to convince me about anything that I have not seen with my own eyes. But what we are talking about has nothing to do with belief. It's like gravity: if you walk up to the top of a high building and jump off..you dont need to believe that you are going to fall down. It's going to happen regardless of your belief system. If you want proof then prove it to yourself. For 2 weeks do your best to be as negative as you can. Surround yourself with negative people. Complain and curse all the time. Think about all the horrible things that can happen to you on a daily basis. Do things that make you feel bad and stressed. And in general feel miserable and unlucky.

    Then after 2 weeks do everything you can to be positive and happy. And stay that way for two weeks. Do things that are full of joy. Surround yourself with happy, positive people who are good company because they make you feel good and give out a good vibe. Think about all the wonderful things you can and should be grateful for. Get involved in activities that make you feel good. And in general stay happy and expect the best as you go on with your day.

    If you stay dedicated and dont stop it after 2 days, you are going to agree with me after four weeks. Every person is like a radio station and we constantly send signals in the form of energy. What you receive will be determined based on what you sent. What you give is what you get. The way you think determines the way you feel to an uncanny degree. And your feelings represent the energy you currently give out. Whatever that is, positive or negative.. that is going to come back.

  4. Everything i have said is true and this is how it works. I do not need to prove my point as there is no need to prove the obvious.

    On the other side you dont need to believe in it as it is not a religion. All you would need to do is apply it and put it into practice to see that it works.

    Besides science has everything to do with it. It has been proven a million times already, scientifically. It has been shown to work for thousands of years and there is overwhelming evidence to back it up. If you are interested in it, then do some research on it.

  5. Yeah, there was a thread on here which linked to an article about a fella who waited outside the tailors and found out that a Thai guy does all the cutting and sewing for the Indians. He followed this guy, who rides a motorbike, to his home and ended a doing a deal with him where he got suits, etc for about a sixth of the price that the tailors sell them for.

    If someone can find the thread please put up the link, I'd love to read it again.

    I would love to read that too.

  6. I can't help regarding to your questions but my best wishes with the condo and living there. Keep us updated how you like the area and life there.

    And don't forget to do the hottie.

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