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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. On 12/31/2016 at 3:56 AM, Fookhaht said:

    I'm just about ready to buy a wooded property from my Thai partner's family, and your post raised a bit of an alarm in my head.

    According to my Thai partner, that was definitely a "family scam," not a "Thai scam." But you probably figured that out anyway.

    Ergo: I think I'll still keep a more vigilant watch on the plot until I use it. Thanks for the heads up.

    Bought a cheapie watch on the street in Bangkok (Sukumvit). Just can't resist those high-tech looking 100-baht watches. So, I paid the price, strapped it on my risk, took four steps down the street, and the crystal fell out onto the pavement.

    My Thai friend thought there might still be hope if I retraced my four steps, and ask for a replacement or refund for something purchased less than a minute earlier.

    The lady vendor looked at my bare-faced watch, and then trained a steady, schoolmaster gaze on me. Suddenly, I felt like the naive little child who had just made a ridiculous request (e.g. Oliver Twist in, "May I have some more porridge, sir?")

    With a straight face, and waving her finger, she lectured me: "Farang no understand. Watch made to work without glass. No problem."

    She then took the crystal, wrapped it in a little tissue, tossed it in my bag, dismissively waved me on my way, and turned her face to her next victim.

    Remarkably, without a crystal, the watch lasted longer than all my two-dozen other cheapo timepieces did. Maybe I'm onto something.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    The same thing happened to me too. I took the watch back, told him to give back the money and gave him the watch. I wish i met that woman so I could do the same to her. See who's the victim lol. 

  2. On 12/31/2016 at 3:04 AM, Kwasaki said:

    I bought my wife some farmland from her sister and didn't plan on doing anything with it for while just fenced it off but 3 months later noticed all the trees had been cut down,  on enquiry to what's going on her sister told my wife we sold you the land not the trees. :laugh:  :biggrin:


    Wife did get a share of wood sale. :thumbsup:

    If she sold the land she sold the trees as well. Which makes her a thief. Aside from being dumb, I would also take her to court. 

  3. There's this friendly practice that you make the chicken swallow a small device that explodes once the chicken is taken out of a preset radius. It's not gonna kill the thief just rip his arms off which is fine because a thief without arms is beneficial to society. As for the chicken you can collect the pieces and prepare it for lunch. 


  4. The most amazing thing is that many of them happen to be proud of it. I see the same in Europe, everywhere. 

    There are guys who pull up their shirt on top of their disgusting huge belly and walk around like that. Like in the middle age when it was actually cool to be fat coz there was such shortage on food that if you were obese, that meant you had money. 

    Who knows maybe they are stuck in another era. 

  5. I remember I was in Central Festival when there was an earthquake, I think in 2014. The building was brand new and it is huge but it started shaking like a deck of cards. I found it very amusing how people were running like ants, screaming. 

    I stayed in a restaurant ,sipping my coffee and laughing my a$$ off. 

  6. My experience is that buying from service providers is good. As another poster suggested, they swap for a new one without a problem. 

    It is only these cheapo little useless retailers that have a strict 'we don't care about our customers' policy because that's the only way they can make money. Never buy from those!!!!! 

    I had a similar problem at airport plaza in Chiang Mai when I bought the newest Samsung at this little stall on the tech floor. 

    When I took it back because the battery was defective, they actually laughed at me when I told them to give me another one or a new battery. Forget them. They are useless. 

    Buy on the official website or at one of the phone operators.

  7. I don't understand what's the issue. First, a word of advice. Next time contact the department in question instead of just looking up information. Then again, when you flew with the other airline, you should have checked with them if they allow you to carry your precious candles it would have not been a surprise that they would have happily obliged. 

    Different airlines have different policies. As for Thai Smile, those are their strict policies and keep contacting them won't change anything. Leave them alone, lesson learned. Focus on the candles. If you are not in Thailand anymore, contact the driver who has them and tell him to mail the candles to where you are and pay him and for the package. That's it. 

  8. Don't worry about the birth certificate. It's just a fictional document, that was created to fool you into thinking that you have any responsibility towards the government. I wiped my ass with mine a long time ago. It was the best toilet paper I have ever used. 

    But if you insist, you need to go to the issuing authority along with your daughter's documents of identity and tell them to correct the issue. 

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