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Posts posted by roger101

  1. Driving down Pattaya Beach Road this afternoon (4PM) I noticed a lot  of people on the beach. Some swimming some just sitting on the beach in small groups mostly  at the north end of the beach.  Also a lot more cars parked on Beach Road. Have the rules changed since yesterday.

    • Haha 1
  2. Sitting in a cafe today they had a golf tournament on the TV. It was the Singapore Open 3rd round. I knew it wasn't live but when I got home I could not find it on the internet. I checked the 2020 tournament and it wasn't that one.  It had Matteo Fitzpatrick in 1st or 2nd aster the 3rd round. Anybody know what I was watching.

  3. I started going to the gym years before. Then took a 2 year membership. When the lifetime membership came up at a couple of hundred pounds I thought at that price I just can't resist it' I would probably do the same now if the situation was similar.

  4. 21 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

    i agree

    all those guys who bought a lifetime membership at Tony's gym come to mind

    I was one of them. The difference is I bought mine 15 or so years ago. Best value thing I've ever bought.

  5. I need a gym. Not a complicated one, basically a walking/running machine and a few weight machines. The most important thing is a TV Screen so  I can watch something when I walk. I dont like walking anywhere else as I am unsteady on my feet when trying to walk on Pattaya pavements.

  6. 42 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

    If I understood the op correctly, he observed that the old man left only one-half of a 20 baht note tucked under the cup of coffee (I assume to make it appear as if it was a folded 20 baht note), and only left one half of the note.


    If I misunderstood, and in fact the old man left BOTH pieces, than that's a different story.


    Only one half of a ripped-in half currency note is worthless in any country on the face of the earth.  


    It should be noted that ripping a note in half is a crime here in Thailand because the likeness of the King is defaced.  That crime is actually taken pretty seriously here in the Kingdom so it would have been pretty ironic if the tables were turned on the old man and he would up in jail for his prank.



    I was in the Black and White bar in Walking Street with my wife many years ago. 3 guys came in after a game of golf, bought a couple of rounds and then tore a 500 Baht note in half to give to the girls. They went ape<deleted>.

    The wife managed to calm the girls down saying to them that the guys had only been here a couple of days and didn't know any better. While I explained to the guys about the king's picture on the note.

    They apologized and carried on with their evening. The following night they were back in the same bar so everything worked out.

  7. Is it the banks responsibility to make a payent to a company or does the company request the money every month and because there is a  standing order the bank pays it.

    I pay  Aetna (BUPA) 12,000 Baht a month for my medical insurance. When I went to the cash machine this morning I noticed that there was 12,000 Baht more in there than I expected. The payment is normally due on the 15th of the month. Do I query it with the bank o with Aetna.

  8. Anybody else having problems with Pattaya Mail. I get to the home page easy enough but that's it. It won't let me in to anything else. Any suggestions about what to do.

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