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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. I agree, when Charly, my Great Dane, was alive nobody, not even friends who knew him, dared enter the courtyard, let alone the house if I wasn't present and tradesmen demanded he be shut indoors before entering to do work in the garden, a sensible precaution as one day a man helping me to lift a fridge to take it away for repairs found himself on the floor with his arm gripped firmly in Charlies mouth, he had suddenly leaned in to quickly and too closely to me, luckily no damage was done, no blood drawn as he was wearing something like a sturdy long sleeved boiler suit. Nothing like a Great Dane for safety but apart from being expensive they only live for 7 years, great companions and good with kids.
  2. Yes they do but looking at my son's homework they seem to start later than we did with trigonometry and algebra.
  3. So she didn't struggle and ask for help at the hotel desk?
  4. Things should be looked at in the correct perspective, I'm sure you won't be disappointed, there will be enough people saying, 'typical Thailand' later on.
  5. She will have to drive her MG straight back to the service station, it was hardly worth her while leaving it. The report must have been interesting;- oil filter changed air filter changed handbrake adjusted rear end <deleted>
  6. True, in the US he would be dead, especially as an Asian.
  7. I've only ever taken curb crawlers (I have no idea how to order a 'grab' taxi anyway) I've only had good experiences with taxis in Bangkok, one taxi driver came from a place near my village in Isaan and was most helpful in helping me find a building that was hard to identify and even refused a tip for the extra trouble I put him through.
  8. I've just fished out a tax assessment sent to me from my German tax office from a few years ago of which I took no notice but was relieved that I didn't have to pay any tax in Germany on my income. Basically it said due to the DTA, Thailand has the right to tax my income and therefore no tax demands from Germany will be made of me. So for me it seems straight forward, I have to pay tax in Thailand. I can't be upset about that though, it means I haven't paid tax anywhere for the last 19 years.
  9. Much needed positive news about a falang for a change.......it was his van I hope.
  10. Unfortunately such corruption raises its head in all countries these days, the days of the boring but correct, unbiased, honest civil servant are the stuff of legends from yesteryear. This woman should be reinstated with promotion and given hefty monetary compensation while her dishonest colleagues should be arrested. Kudos to her, a rarity in this day and age.
  11. So despite his explanation of good intent he hasn't received any fan mail as yet.
  12. How can there be national prosperity with 36 trillion of debt and interest payments using up most of the tax revenues, to me it looks like disaster whoever is in charge.
  13. No need to wait, 2,500 years ago Buddha showed there is 'no self'
  14. Yes I suppose it was, it was just my reaction to the ridiculous situation these people put themselves in, it's something Monty Python could have thought up, let's all strip down to our underwear, take drugs and get pissed and see what happens. What could happen is that someone falls from a balcony or dies from a mixture of drugs and alcohol and his friends and family are shocked saying what a loss, how could this happen, he was such a wonderful person.
  15. Not in my underwear but otherwise I'd have nothing to fear.
  16. So that's what a gay scene looks like, they don't look the least bit happy.
  17. He was worried about getting sacked, I think he's just about nailed that.
  18. Never, my life is OK.
  19. The assailant who brought the gunman down was heard to shout "Greetings from Sheffield"
  20. Not in Isaan, kids everywhere.
  21. Be fair, she doesn't make them wear a yellow star....yet
  22. Who won the boat race last year?
  23. No, in bed by 11pm. At least your alternative wouldn't cause him to be shot in the stomach. I'm not turning my back on reality, having raised and am still raising teenagers I know how difficult control is, my 17 year old son is always on his computer talking with his international friends across several time zones, this means he is talking away until 1 or 2 am despite having school the next day but I set limits and he knows there will be arguments when I catch him, I'm just thankful that at least I know where he is.
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