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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Yes, spreading the money as well as the responsibility, when it all goes tits up nobody will know who said what.
  2. I find it hard to believe that anything could shock the inhabitants of Pattaya.
  3. Where is the electricity to come from to power these vehicals?
  4. Do they carry a credit card reading machine?
  5. Unlike Future Forward they have actually done something reprehensible.
  6. In Isaan at least, animism is mixed with Buddhism. I have studied Buddhism and Hinduism as well as reading about such mystics as Ramana Maharshi and Papa Ji for around 30 years. The psychologist Carl Jung's synchronicity's had a flavour of the mystics teachings. It is about synchronicity that I am writing now. Sometime ago I had a worrying email from my ex German company concerning my company pension and taxation, it was complicated and here there was no German tax consultant, it was also years end so trying to find a German tax consultant online was almost impossible as everyone was filing their tax claims. I eventually found a firm who gave me one of their students. She asked me to email various documents which I did, she told me this could take several weeks (I needed help ASAP). I idly went on to youtube and there was a serious spiritual teacher that I was familiar with talking about giving up a particular problem to the cosmos. One must meditate, calmly explain the problem, give it up to the cosmos, it is no longer your problem, one must have faith and definitely no longer worry, you don't have this problem. I meditate daily so I went to the temple lake, sat down, cleared my mind, explained the problem and told the cosmos I am giving the problem to you to solve. I walked back home, for a few seconds the worry came up but I banished it immediately. When I got home (I had left the computer running) there was an email from the consulting firm, she wrote that my company was mistaken, a new law that year had taken the responsibility from me to the company I need do nothing, the info was free of charge. yeay cosmos.
  7. Yes, I saw a BBC program about him, he seems very honest in his beliefs.
  8. Best for Biden to strike near election time, never underestimate the cohesive power of a war, no need for boots on the ground if you aren't going to hold territory A few sentimental presidential broadcasts and his approval ratings will soar causing old stinky to fume.
  9. It's priests and monks that do a disservice to religion and philosophy although at 97 this monk probably has dementia and can be used for all sorts of nonsense, a nice little earner these number plates. I also note with dismay the large number of rubbish podcasts concerning spirituality on youtube, the serious ones are buried under a multitude of money making schemes for the gullible or the 'would be' enlightened, one trip to an Ashram in India and they are 'enlightened' youtubers.
  10. The fire fighters escalated the situation???
  11. I thought it was going to be Gonorrhea, Syphilis and Hiv.
  12. It has many names, presence, awareness, spirit, soul, god etc. We know nothing about something so ethereal. Religions point to it with myths and stories but can't grasp its essence. Those mystics, Hindu, Buddhists, Christian etc. who have had a glimpse can't describe it. Those who have had a near death experience all say they have no words to describe it and resort to allegories. One doesn't even have to be near death to have such an experience, a monk can strive for enlightenment for 40 years and sees nothing while an atheist bus driver can suddenly have a burst of perception while driving his bus. A die hard materialist physicist Federico Faggin got up one night for a glass of water and experienced a burst of light coming from his body which enveloped the whole room, he experienced an overwhelming love, he was love, he was for a few seconds the whole universe, it changed his life forever. Tony Parsons (author of 'The open secret') experienced the same thing while walking through a park in Balham London, he sat down in shock, he was the trees, the grass, the dog for a split second, he called it 'the beloved'. See a doctor for your mouse bite, it could be life threatening.
  13. Desperation comes in many forms, no matter how futile the attempts to correct a situation is it may seem logical at the time. He was married 20 years to her and has 3 children, we don't know his financial obligations. His world has just crashed around him resulting in a mental breakdown and possibly has no one to turn to for moral support, we all have our limits, the 'persona' we present to the world is more fragile than we think. After such tragedies our false sense of self, the ego, collapses and it takes time to build a new one. She cheated on him several times, one would think the best thing to do is to walk away, that's a solution if you are dating but if married with a home and children that isn't always easy so your 'fight or flight' instinct can't be resolved, something has to break, sometimes as murder, suicide or in this case, a mental breakdown. Easy solutions come in fairy tales.
  14. NO nobody can, one could say aware of being aware makes one conscious but nobody knows what consciousness actually is. Neuro scientists think consciousness is caused by the brain but they don't know where or how. How can something non material be made by something material, where is the taste of chocolate in the brain? There are correlations but the experience of taste isn't there. Conscious awareness is experienced by everyone but we don't know what it is.
  15. Well I'm one of those nutters who has studied spirituality for nigh on 30 years and believe that only consciousness is primary and irreducible, matter is its manifestation and spacetime is its interface to its creation, your consciousness therefore was neither born nor can it die. I am in good company with such people as the cognitive scientist prof. Donald Hoffman, the physicist Thomas Campbell, physicist Federico Faggin (inventor of the micro processor) and many others. As for fatalism it seems to me that causality and not free will is life's determining factor and nobody has the power over causal events, whether you go left, right or straight on, order a beer or a cheeseburger each has a causal reason. Einstein was a believer in the spacetime block theory where past, present and future all exist together, cut into the block and your childhood is there, cut further up your wedding, further still, your death. Near death experiences and terminal lucidity seem to show that the brain is a Receiver of consciousness not a transmitter, in fact Prof. Hoffman has shown with computer modelling ( mathematics of evolutionary game theory) that the brain hides the truth of reality, without this deception we couldn't survive.
  16. You are thinking tribaly, my side can do no wrong. It's not even 'them and us' because we have no real idea what goes on behind the scenes and neither do the Russians but young Russians are absconding in their hundreds of thousands and many Ukrainians aren't too keen....no wonder. The Americans interfere and blunder internationally like a bull in a china shop. As for voting for Putin, it was Stalin who said votes don't matter, only the people counting the votes are important. There was an interesting rant from an old Russian woman in Moscow to a reporter saying voting in Russia is a farce, we all know who is going to 'win' before the vote. Before the Cuban crisis the US had missiles on the Turkish/Russian border, when the Russians put missiles in Cuba it was a threat to world peace, de-escalation came about when the US removed the missiles from Turkey and Russia removed theirs from Cuba.
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