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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Let us not exaggerate, where is the humiliation? whether he does time or not has no effect on the average person on the street, I'm pretty sure most couldn't care less, they have more pressing problems. I'm no lawyer but I'm sure a candy bar theft wouldn't see you doing time at all, a fine perhaps.
  2. Captain Pugwash music should have been playing at the transfer to the life boat.
  3. If you are Indian there is no need to get upset, my post was obviously not meant to be taken seriously, I'm British, it doesn't upset me if the pi$$ is taken out of Brits (we often deserve it). If you are just woke, get a life, there are plenty of other things to get outraged about but remember, nothing really matters considering how transient we all are.
  4. Why Biden? It's an American thing, it's one of the reasons for overpriced medical care, litigation fears cause the hospitals insurance policies to cost a fortune. You can get millions for being scalded by hot coffee in America.
  5. After playing silly buggers at sea the Indian ship will re-dock at BKK for the crew to retrieve their stolen gold necklaces and get a complimentary HIV test.
  6. "Well it was a nice day out except for the standing in line bit and listening to bull$hit, otherwise it was a good laugh."
  7. He can promise what he likes, by 2050 he will have retired.
  8. Personally I think that their crystal ball is a fake one from China.
  9. Sure, I always run away in panic when I see a policeman, they were up to no good.
  10. A bear of little brain, as Winnie the Pooh would say. He certainly hasn't been doing his 'stout exercises'.
  11. Yes but not accidents. When my 16 year old son goes on school trips an extra insurance has to be paid to the school for instance. When he did a 12 day training course with the army, same thing, an insurance was part of the package.
  12. That's not the way insurance works, out of your hypothetical 1 million tourists not even 0,01% would need hospital treatment for an accident and I think this insurance would only be for accidents, for an illness you would need your normal travel insurance. Your wife's '50 Baht system' only covers illness, not accidents. I think this move is positive why look down on any improvement that the government tries to make for tourists, there seems to be a system of damned if they do, damned if they don't here.
  13. Actually there is more slavery today than ever before so apparently it could be seen by some as ok https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_the_21st_century
  14. Power has a allure all of its own, always and everywhere. It has a special quality in Thailand, open, transparent, without shame, it has an amoral endearing charm about it.
  15. From rags to riches in the west (for some) may have been true once but times have changed, in Europe and America most people live from pay cheque to pay cheque, rents have become almost unaffordable let alone buying a house. The amount of wealth has already been carved up and the greater part belongs to very few, the majority can scramble for the left over crumbs. This is why politics is becoming so extreme, people are starting to vote for extreme left or extreme right, any demagogue who will promise to clear away the swamp seems better than the status quo, there is no room for discourse any more. Politically Thailand's constraints are more open, there is no shame and so no need for the grey Eminence in the shadows who really control. Wealth disparity in Thailand is no different except that the people in general seem happier than those in the west. As for debt, that is usually a choice, although in America especially, many are having to use their credit cards at 20% interest just for basics whereas in Thailand it is for commodities, like a motorbike or a smart phone, the basics are mostly taken care of. Wealth disparity in the whole world is huge, it doesn't matter where one lives. History has shown that when it gets too great the guillotine gets erected or dictatorships in the guise of communism sweeps through the land compounding the misery. We live in interesting times.
  16. Silly schemes abound in the West as well. You get 'raped' as a working person in the West. You can't pillage from the poor they haven't got anything to take. Every 3 months, what a grind.
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