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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. I agree, he is a mover and shaker and I have admired him for years but lately I sense there is something wrong about him, I can't express it in words, he seems erratic and arrogant but there is also something else, it's like listening to a conman speaking and you sense that somethings not right but you can't put your finger on it. He is certainly becoming too powerful for the good of society.
  2. 5555555, I agree, some years ago I sat outside a cafe drinking coffee near the main railway station when I saw a Thai man chasing another down the middle of the road waving a machete, I shouted 'Jesus'! look' to the waitress standing hear me, she just shrugged and said 'Bangkok'.
  3. but he was funny, even Kamala laughed.
  4. It's the obvious next step for a country obsessed with bureaucracy. What difference does it make? Trying to avoid paying tax is a fool's game, like not bothering to renew your visa, sooner or later you will be found out and suffer the consequence.
  5. Two B's in 'bar boy', just like Bob.
  6. I'm surprised he had a head injury, his hair is as good as a crash helmet.
  7. This where Trump gets his voters from.
  8. Let's not get too precious, she tried to pervert the course of justice with pussy and money, only when the real document wasn't handed over did she feel sexually abused. Obviously the cop should be punished and thrown out of the force, she also should be punished for drink driving and bribery.
  9. Good headlines though, normally it's the vehicle that's at fault.
  10. He is funny but he has just shown his low IQ again or is he playing to a low IQ crowd, probably both.
  11. I do like a good fig in the morning.
  12. No different from any other government. Politicians aren't experts at much at all, they have their advisors who are experts but they have to concede to the political ideologies of the day if they want to stay in their job. It may be that AI as a guiding tool has a future but getting good advice is one thing, taking it is another, 'Yes Minister' showed the truth. We are all human and hence prone to making mistakes but add arrogance, power and a sense of self entitlement into the mix and the mistakes can cost billions and cause misery for millions.
  13. I don't think EV's are the way forward, if every driver had one the grid couldn't handle it. There are alternatives in the making with hydrogen engines being one of them.
  14. Obviously mentally ill and a danger to others, one can only hope he is caught quickly.
  15. I understand now why my sister always said, stay away from doctors.
  16. Actually the Euro and pound have strengthened against the dollar even though the interest rates will fall in the Eurozone, probably in tandem with the dollar, and yet both currencies have weakened somewhat to the Baht.
  17. Of course we impact nature but we are also a product of nature, every animal impacts its environment, sometimes positively, often negatively. The greatest danger will be to the third world, it will be every man for himself and the weakest in every country will get short shrift, it will be no time to be disabled, unqualified or old but mankind will survive. One mustn't forget the possibility of geoengineering, there are several plans already but have never been tried out as what would be positive for the west could be detrimental to Africa and India by altering the monsoon rains for instance but if push comes to shove I doubt these problems would concern governments of rich nations. Enormous progress has been made getting energy from nuclear fusion, many industrial nations are working on this together, including Russia and China as clean cheap energy is a number one priority for the planet.
  18. Yes, no borders but no means of transport either and they didn't know whether it was any better elsewhere, it took several generations just to move a few hundred kilometers, following herd movements. Today adaptions will be by means of technology. In Alice Springs in Australia the Opel miners built homes underground, it is also possible to build underwater cities, if that were to become necessary mankind would obviously be thinned out as would many species of mammals. Strangely enough it is now thought that several species of dinosaur survived thousands of years, maybe a million, after the extinction event, life isn't so easily wiped out, sentient beings are the only thing giving qualia to the universe.
  19. So your EV (electric vehicle) is more toxic basically than a modern petrol engine when taking its production into account and where does the electricity come from that you tank up with.....sun flowers?
  20. When Hannibal crossed the alps the mountains were snow free. People have always adapted to climate, they even live in the Amazon jungle and lived during the ice ages. Harvests will change although man's ingenuity knows no bounds, there are now flood resistent and heat resistent rice strains
  21. So are car exhaust fumes, let's ban cars. I've read somewhere that making an EV produces such toxicity that you would have to drive it for 15 years to equate.
  22. I believe wise is also included in the CRS agreement as a vehicle of money transfer. There seems to be a false assumption here that a banks confidentially duty can hide your assets, CRS has done away with that as far as taxation is concerned.
  23. That's assuming one pays tax in a DTA home country, if not a DTA wont be of any use.
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