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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Trump loves Trump. It isn't only the left that dislike him, any reasonably educated person can see that Trump's low IQ is a danger to society in general and an embarrassment to the country. His red neck supporters love him because they can understand his 3rd grade English, his lack of knowledge is on par with their own so that makes him one of their own. He has lied and cheated all his life, he has not only refused to pay lawyers bills and county bills for his rallies but also bankrupted SME's by refusing to settle accounts for work done on his properties (yes, he loves the American worker).
  2. I asked the German tax office about taxation, they told me that my pension isn't taxed in Germany because they assume it would be taxed in Thailand, so I haven't paid tax anywhere for 20 years,....... now is pay day.
  3. My Grandfather died of stomach cancer at home 70 years ago, the doctor would make daily visits to give him morphine, eventually my grandmother begged the doctor to help him on his way, he said he wasn't allowed to do that but he could increase the morphine dose to ease the pain, an hour later my grandfather was dead, so the doctor had let his humanity rule over laws in the end.
  4. Their amulets were a bunch of cr@p
  5. Not really, if it had worked the tree wouldn't have fallen on her car.
  6. Of course, all before my time, I'm referring to normal everyday living, like not getting shot by cops or having your children murdered in school, things like that.
  7. No, I wouldn't say a sheltered life, I'm quite adventurous and have changed my environment several times and have worked in several European countries and changed professions 3 times, I learned to speak German fluently and learned to speak Bavarian through a romantic affair with a German bar girl and now here I am since 20 years in an Isaan farming village. I've never suffered violence of a physical nature, that isn't to say that I haven't encountered dangerous situations, a threatened mugging in Switzerland (he got nothing) and a threatened stabbing in Turkey by a group of youths but I was always able to deescalate situations by talking calmly, that was difficult in Turkey as my intestines felt as if they had turned to water but bravado with a little humour has always helped me get out of situations unscathed, using martial arts in Turkey would have got me stabbed. In Belgium I was picked up by some workmen in a lorry who started asking pointed questions about having to have a lot of money to travel around Europe (I had a stack of DM in my pocket) I could sense where this was heading and convinced them I had to work my way otherwise I would be taking the train, they threw me out after 1 km. when lying it's important to act relaxed and naive, never had to use violence and as a skinny 21 year old I would have come out worse. It's a case of using your brains and listening to your instincts.
  8. From who? The zombies.
  9. About time too, even pets are allowed a merciful death if terminally ill and in pain. It's disgusting that anybody should suffer in pain from a terminal illness if they are willing to die.
  10. Dumb only did what dumb does, it's good that some are off the street now, no sympathy for moron followers.
  11. Don't dip your wick in a Thai man's honey jar no matter how hot she is.
  12. The problem appears to be the USA, I didn't have that problem as I spent most of my life in civilized countries ie Europe.
  13. I don't live in Somalia or Syria. I hitch hiked all over Europe for a year in my youth, up to Lappland in winter and down to Israel without any altercation. I've never been involved in a fight in my 76 years because I mix with civilized people and don't engage in disreputable activities. My village in Isaan is full of hard working honest people and I have friendly relationships with them all. It may be that if one was brought up in a slum in Glasgow or a council estate in Liverpool 70 years ago that one would meet with mindless violence but that thankfully hasn't been my lot in life. Violence begets violence and I like to think that most peoples mentality is far removed from the teeth and claws of the jungle.
  14. A real man would be the example of that Thai man who walked 200 km carrying his young daughter so she could get medical treatment, all you've got is the law of the jungle, a silly old man who still thinks he's tough as if fists are the hallmark of a man. Try watching a discussion between professor Frederico Faggin and sir Roger Penrose discussing the connection between consciousness and the quantum field theory, superior men who have never been in a brawl during their lives.
  15. China wants a launch pad near the equator.
  16. There's 3 choices, all of them are right.
  17. That's because I'm a jerk....it's what I do.
  18. Suggestions? He's nuts or on drugs, wait 48 hours and if he is still like that inject him with strong medication and have some Indian police officers take him on a plane to India,
  19. and disgusting....at least it is the way I do / did it.
  20. Or conversely farms and villages are encroaching on the elephants habitat.
  21. The man was exercising for gods sake, it was dark in a park, he wasn't disturbing anybody. While I agree that the habit of some lowlife falang to walk in the street shirtless or in a vest or even go shopping in a supermarket topless is pretty disgusting, this was a different case entirely.
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