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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. I won't even get the flu jab, I now have zero confidence in the authorities or pharma.
  2. What is a Trump promise worth?
  3. They will only have a negative effect on the discussions regarding global warming, reverse psychology, people don't like extremism or holier than thou lectures. We are heading to a climate catastrophe and no matter what governments do now it is already too late. Enter the geo - engineers, they are going to have to buy us time, the pollutants already in the atmosphere however aren't going anywhere but we can't just stop using oil suddenly, the whole structure of our civilization is built on it, we are in a mess that's for sure, it's my children and grandchildren who will suffer, at my age I will just scrape by.
  4. Sounds like a family disagreement......the wife won the argument.
  5. Yes, I've seen programs where the police are called out to defuse situations out side of pubs throughout the Uk on Friday and Saturday nights, crowds of drunk animals, one can't describe them any other way, shouting, punching and kicking, they have no respect for the police, or anybody for that matter, it's disgusting.
  6. 'when drinking heavily' are the important words here.
  7. I suppose a compass isn't mandatory when you enter a jungle/forest.
  8. Often appeasement isn't the best course of action. 1st Georgia then Crimea, then Ukraine? where do you think Putin will stop, Latvia or Poland maybe?
  9. It was just pi$$ed off with all the BS.
  10. I don't think the Brics currency is a failed project yet, in fact it is still in the making, it's a project that many western governments fear.
  11. Watch the 'Sex lives of the potato men' on youtube, very funny.
  12. There will be mighty upheavals for sure, perhaps instead of one reserve currency there could be a basket of currencies say, yuan, dollar, and euro expressed as an index against which currencies could be measured, this would do away with the status perks of one reserve currency. or just go back to the gold standard.
  13. 'They exchanged vulgarities' 555555. some languages can be so expressive with vulgar speech. Recently I watched a Bavarian comedian, Gerhart Polt, doing stand up comedy expressing an argument with a woman about tennis,:- "She said she was going to complain about me to the management, I hope she does because continuing arguing with someone who should be thrown out with a toilet brush, this pi$$ drenched hemorrhoid slut is below my standard".
  14. They haven't received their envelopes yet, the last ones to fall get the largest incentive.
  15. As Churchill once said, "Americans always make the right decisions.....after they have tried everything else."
  16. It would seem most industrial countries have the same problem except that America's debt problem is enormous but they always have to exaggerate.
  17. He can't run, perhaps wobble a bit.
  18. What's going on, Thai men refusing cheap sex?
  19. Never under estimate a tax office, they have a bigger wooden club than you do and unlimited patience and resources.
  20. Why wait for the insurance rep, if she's drunk they won't be paying out, she's on her own.
  21. It reduces your reaction time and causes sleepiness, peripheral vision is also impaired, mix that with alcohol and you're an accident on two legs, let alone fpour wheels.
  22. The suspect was even more confused than the cops.
  23. I thoroughly agree, if it was just teenagers I could understand the fascination but now the adults are just as transfixed and it's got worse only just recently. 3 years ago I stood on the platform at Surin railway station and people spoke with one another even complete strangers it seemed, there was a constant background murmer of conversation, recently I stood on the same platform and there was complete silence, everybody from the elderly to 10 year old's were staring at their screens, I found it strangely dystopian.
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