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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. He and the central banks only think they control the market, the real economy, industry and consumer sentiment, control, unwittingly, what happens. China is desperately trying to convince people to buy property again, large sums of money are being poured into the banks who are being told to give credit to the failing property developers but consumers are having none of it, confidence has been lost. General consumption is also down due to high unemployment and so factory gate prices are falling, this is deflation which will be exported to the west. Jerome may have the data but he isn't looking at the broad picture, they are all fixated on inflation (which would have fallen to 2% if they had stopped tightening long ago), the lag effect was ignored, now they will overshoot in a destroyed economy.
  2. Traders reading the tea leaves of rate reductions, which may come sooner than expected because the central banks have overdone the tightening. The credit restrictions are destroying the real economy, once unemployment starts to rise rapidly the rates may, due to panic, fall to zero again.....too late as usual, the Fed has never been able to engineer a soft landing. When ultra low rates start appearing the banks will restrict credit even more because they aren't earning enough to offset risk caused by a lag in demand and high unemployment, ultimately this will cause inflation to drop well below the 2% mark due to a lack in demand as consumers no longer have the discretionary money to buy and we enter the dangerous territory of deflation which will destroy the stock market eventually.
  3. Growth in the west is sub par as well, If the central banks don't cut rates soon I think we are heading for a world wide economic crisis, Thailand seems to be doing relatively well from my perspective, slow but steady.
  4. Naive or calculating? What 16 year old girl goes on a dating app to meet up with men old enough to be her father.
  5. In Surin Province it's a British springtime in the morning and then back to hot in the afternoon, very unusual, I can sit outside in just a pair of shorts at 5 in the morning.
  6. No, Caucasians and Indians don't have this gene variant, Thais and Japanese people do.
  7. The best thing about getting old is realizing that nothing really matters.
  8. I believe that there is a genetic trait in some Asians that prevents the breakdown of alcohol, a gene variant which generates a non functional enzyme. I stay away from Thais once they start drinking, even if they are good neighbours, as far as I know nothing has happened due to alcohol in my village but why take the risk.
  9. Buying online and using apps opens you up to this sort of thing, the iPhone is a blessing for scammers.
  10. Quick! put the IV's back in and give him some pale make up.
  11. I was reading recently that the scores in the UK weren't brilliant either, Germany also had less than stellar scores.
  12. Cutting supply when there is less demand is like coal miners going on strike in the summer, whatever it isn't working out for them, the price is still low. Only when the money supply is allowed to increase and industry starts to rebound then an energy supply cut will cause oil prices to rise. Energy supply countries are also heavily invested in western industries so it is in their own interest not to damage these too much. Eventually this Ukraine/Russian fiasco will end and cheap Russian oil will start rolling westwards again, the infrastructure is still there and the west is pragmatic regarding profit.
  13. Because I think in 'the land of the free' you get the living $hit beaten out of you if you disagree with him, his intellectually challenged supporters have decided he is a god sent champion of the poor.
  14. Heresy, do I detect a viper in our midst? The purity of Thai rice is akin to the holy Thai blood strain apparently.
  15. Perhaps your purchases get checked and if it's not enough you get threatened with a good beating and sent back in again.
  16. Like this will be loved by all the private health insurers, one reason this wont happen
  17. I think it already is international news, good publicity for the tourist industry, not.
  18. I disagree, the price depends on supply and demand, as demand fell in the US and elsewhere causing prices to fall OPEC decided to cut supply in the expectation this would raise prices but prices still fell because demand (chiefly from car owners) wasn't there, it wasn't there because the public lacks cash to buy. What the supply cuts have done is reduce energy for industry. The reason Germany has entered recession is due to the lack of cheap plentiful supply of energy from Russia. As the major world economies enter recession industry cuts back on production as demand for products falls which causes unemployment which further reduces demand, a vicious cycle that OPEC has only made worse.
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