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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. The military are inherently right wing but they live in a democratic country and are duty bound to accept the election results, any uprising using violence is an act of treason. That scenario is highly unlikely, it would be a catastrophe for America and wouldn't be accepted by western governments who would turn their backs on the insurgents.
  2. I doubt returning to western nations is the answer, one may pay less tax (or not) but the cost of living, especially housing would negate any advantage, also there are now less and less tax free havens combined with a low cost of living. Many, like myself, who have family here can't just up sticks and move, I will just have to submit.
  3. I can agree with much of what you have written but it is still a business, a job that many do well, they are fun and fun loving and although partying in a good bar is better than working in the fields and brings in more money it can take its toll. I was never one to dip my toe deeply into the sex scene through fear of aids at that time although I had my moments but I enjoyed the bar life in Chiang Mai and struck up a few friendships with bar girls which I considered genuine because I wanted no sexual favours from them. One instance caught my attention when I met a newbie with a college education one year (before I lived here permanently), she was a lovely person. When I returned the next year I met her again at the same bar and bought her a meal and thought we could continue our chatty relationship, we could but I found she had changed considerably, she had become as hard as nails, bitter and disappointed with life, she had paid off her education debt but couldn't find a job matching her credentials and had resigned herself to being an อีตัว or slut, in her own words. Many regard the bar life as temporary, meeting Mr right perhaps, but that happens rarely and before they know it they are 35 and going downhill. They play their part well but rarely do they have any respect for their punters.
  4. Why wouldn't he have dementia, he seems to have everything else.
  5. The older one gets the less there is to worry about, the man with a noose around his neck must be the most carefree man in the world.
  6. You are suffering from verbal diarrhea in written form and have probably ingested an illegal substance at the same time.
  7. What I don't understand is that the Euro has risen against the dollar (ok due to dollars weakness) but fallen against the baht
  8. I'm afraid I can't help you there, the man has no class, no grace, little intelligence and has all of the vices I dislike and none of the virtues I admire. Even his own mother said she had raised a monster which indicates some childhood trauma in his upbringing which could account for his blustering to cover up his insecurity. The fact that he has turned the GOP into a party of sycophants isn't just his fault, it shows a general trend of spinelessness in the political class willing to pander to the lowest common denominator of the voting public, with a few notable exceptions. I am not sure about the qualities of Kamala Harris but she will win if only because Trump as an alternative is too awful to contemplate, at least she can be expected to abide by democracy and has no delusions of being a dictator.
  9. Marriage anywhere is like a transactional agreement and has lost its validity these days, where men get the short stick but at least it starts off as a relationship of mutual attraction. Do you really think a 20 year old Thai girl enjoys the groping and company of an overweight 65 year old who can't speak her language? The ''relationship'' is only made palatable with money, prostitution is a job and Thai girls are better at it than their western sisters, they can make the experience fun, they are born actresses and can keep up the act for weeks at a time. The punter should realize this to keep himself safe, play along by all means, it's part of the enjoyment but know you are just a number to be crossed off the list of 'handsam' men.
  10. He is the swamp
  11. If you want a comparison of the two parties you should start a new post, this is completely different from your original question. A Rep bad, Dem good or vice versa post will lead nowhere anyway.
  12. discretion and decency are dying attributes, I love my village life.
  13. And you believed them, while you were lifting and lowering your sorry ar$e she was thinking about how much more money she could squeeze out of you, it's not a game it's a business.
  14. Well there are western women who go to the Caribbean for some black love and I've seen lesbians take out girls from the bar in Koh Samui, I asked one of those bar girls if she was gay, she said no, she'll go with anybody, it's just a case of money.
  15. So no non binary toilets yet and no wheel chair ramps?
  16. probably two lady boys on the run giggling.
  17. Yes, plus a healthy amount of foreign money sloshing about in the vault, their central bank has some very savvy people.
  18. With your eyes open, an old but trusted way of watching films.
  19. I thought Neanderthals died out 40k years ago.
  20. plants like CO2 to breath but as a 'greenhouse' gas in the atmosphere it holds in the heat.
  21. Yes, all hope is on Israel now, if things get out of hand Israel will have to strike first with the west's blessing, things could go tits up very quickly from here on, M. A. D. wont work with extremists.
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