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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. Yes the one i got was very good timing, as it was announced in the press about the new import tax charge. I knew because it was received on my second phone i don't use for Lazada and two, no deliveries outstanding
  2. The house will go to you and you have 1 year to sell to a thai or thai company (which can be you)
  3. yes, but why just AIS, where's the action against 3BB, True, DTAC threads?
  4. ah but you don't know what you don't know
  5. If it's no change why moan?
  6. Why just AIS? 3BB is going down regularly, usual excuse is cut cable under the sea
  7. i guess their costs have gone up due to people working from home i.e. doing laundry, shopping, playing golf
  8. I really like it, facebook feeds and reels, sometimes Instagram via facebook, YouTube, I don't bother with X or tiktok
  9. Usually the case if there isn't other committee members available or wanted
  10. The motorbike insurance will cover any inflated medical bill, victim can claim direct, as it was non fault the victim can get 80k for medical. Your bill will be vehicle repair
  11. If you're after the letter, you know you can use it the next day so no major rush when you go to the bank
  12. He's using safety as an excuse for a loud exhaust, no need for it, riding safer is a better idea, problem is plonkers on big bikes like going faster, aggressive riding, definitely a hazard
  13. Meant to carry both, an excuse for the cop to extract some money
  14. Available everywhere, you need a bike licence and IDP to ride legal
  15. The news that reaches the media does seem selective, but that's the same all over the world. One death makes the news another one doesn't
  16. The moderators killed another Pattaya forum, any interesting posters were either banned or left, leaving the forum like a library, quiet and boring
  17. I haggled with a kosan road seller for a rucksack, she was convinced as it said North Face it was worth much more, but it's fake, not North Face, anyway i bought for a cheap price and as expected didn't last long
  18. If the bill will include Satang change i usually pay by scan or just leave the satang at the checkout, annoying things
  19. So in a week it's got a lot worse? in what ways?
  20. Presumably both will report to Immigration unless you say no need to one of them
  21. Also closing threads, no need really, let them fizzle out themselves
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