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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. Many are in denial, maybe you're pre alcoholic, maybe you're alcoholic, time will tell
  2. Might be something going on, Medisafe were very cagey with me when i enquired about Cialis generics, no have, even though people are ordering
  3. I like drinking once a week, the guys drinking daily are either alcoholics or pre-alcoholics
  4. I use VLC app, works perfectly and can double the volume, now I don't care if you like it or not so let's leave it there
  5. On the phone if you pull down the top screen options you'll see a casting button. Generally i view already downloaded videos, streaming sporting events. I much prefer it to the boxes i had previously
  6. Nownow has made an appearance 😆 knew it would rattle your cage. It's casting and it works great, if you haven't tried it i have no interest in your view
  7. i had 14⁰ in Pattaya last week cycling early, wore 4 layers, did the trick
  8. Until you try using a phone to cast you have nothing useful to add, let's leave it there
  9. Exactly, a memory problem, very poor specs usually, i think i had the X96 and chucked it
  10. the note 9 is Ram 4+2GB, storage 128gb, much better than most boxes often with fake specs, also 100% reliable. Phone is very easy to operate, have you noticed billions of people using one all the time? casting is very easy, yes you need a smart tv, who hasn't? maybe people with very old TVs and time to change. wifi is very fast, no need for ethernet. Try it then come back to the table, if you haven't tried it your view is garbage
  11. ah ok so if you go over speed bumps etc you still feel it
  12. What's the ADV like over potholes etc? how much do you feel?
  13. You use an old phone, i use my Xiaomi Redmi note 9 and yes it is better, better specs, not the fake specs boxes often have, then cast to TV
  14. How much better over potholes etc was the ADV? vs Forza
  15. Declare all your medical records since birth then get quotes again, otherwise any perceived cheap deal won't be cheap when claim denied. Also work out at what cost will you cancel your insurance, i.e 100k a year, 200k, 300k+, which will be in 70s 80s
  16. That's why i use a smartphone instead of a dodgy android box, phones have much better specs usually
  17. that must be the most expensive price in Thailand for Apcalis
  18. People expect it to be edible, everything is apart from that shoe leather beef sometimes
  19. I wasn't using a VPN but turned it on to UK and still nothing
  20. So basically 3 men beat up a woman, i hope they are prosecuted
  21. I'm the same as Minotaur, a mystery of life, for now anyway
  22. We are in Thailand, complaints fall on deaf ears. i did let them know, not a complaint as such, haven't bought since
  23. It's a personal account, i wonder what other functionality is missing, anyway I don't need it, if i do I'll contact Wise thanks
  24. Jars have balances and just checked the app and it's up to date
  25. Currently only THB, zero balance of GBP and a couple of jars
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