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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. They probably don't try it, like i said beef stew mostly perfect, one time impossible to chew
  2. 300 isn't good for 3 tablets, ranges from 150-300 in Pattaya
  3. I decided to keep my 12yo Mitsubishi as it's very energy efficient and quiet
  4. It's good for 99 baht but full price definitely not, some dishes are child size. I tried the 99 baht Saturday steak and chips and yes impossible to chew, but they do get bad batches same beef stew which is usually very good
  5. Yeah i have a boner most of the night without Cialis
  6. Is this the app? I can't see the Settings or Spending in the app
  7. When i recently set up jars Wise say they aren't linked to the card, by default. When you say go back to Spending do you mean transactions?
  8. Didn't Mohammad marry a 6yo and consummate the marriage at 9yo? and Islam extremists follow Mohammed so it makes sense to them to marry at 9
  9. No such hotel? maybe Citrus Grand hotel that's usually where they are. If the indians didn't walk in the road they wouldn't get head slapped, that's the only police action required
  10. Maneerat on 13/2 will be cheaper, the others charge more for nothing. Address proof can rental agreement or hotel invoice Using an agent for the first time it's 15 months, 3 months non imm O, and 12 months extension, you've not specified. With an agent you can go early 45 days easily ok, maybe more, check with them
  11. Maybe an argument for buying cheap TCL, Haier and replacing more frequently if needed
  12. Have you checked settings in the app or online? usually you can on/off, change certain features
  13. Mine is attached in a similar way, the metal bracket things must be attached otherwise pointless them being on the glass
  14. I take PrEP indian generics and they are perfect, maybe you're getting confused with fake indian generics
  15. It's certainly an argument for not spending too much on a property just in case. Unlikely to happen here because of the foreign quota limitations, worse case is they screw those people owning property in illegal company name
  16. I'm not too bothered anyway, i was experimenting for a couple weeks to see if it had any effect on getting up in the night and erections and no change, I don't need it
  17. I had the same issue with them, they are cagey about admitting they have non cialis generics /fakes who knows
  18. Kinda normal here, it's a case of finding a condo where that is minimal, my older condo has that construction noise most days (except high season where it stops), sounds like new condos can be as bad. You still have a 12 month contract not much you can do about that except leave
  19. Depends if you already own the property, you are comparing apples and oranges
  20. a sensitive issue for you i know, but yours is different
  21. I post it because guys kid themselves it isn't the case
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