New thread here specifically about UK, the other Skype threads currently going were mainly about US
I posted because that's what it indicated on their website when i checked it last time it came up and someone else agreed, don't forget that link so we can double check what you say
I just checked with Gemini and it isn't sure whether it will show or not, depends on scenario, but if you have the link that says it will, post it and I'll check it?
Skype was good for caller ID, i set my UK mobile number so when i called someone that would show on their screen, of the three mentioned only yolla does that
The other thread is full of US options which is no use.
Three best options so far for calls and sms are
mytello app
Yolla app
Looking for best app for a few calls sms a year max, so credit makes more sense.
Any experience yet? i haven't needed to try yet
Yes much healthier than ice cream as low fat, i blend with Soy milk but dairy milk would be really good also, I've started adding ginger to my smoothies and it definitely gives an edge