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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. There is a lot of wind about currently, not the sky variety but many people have mentioned it, something going around most likely
  2. When you say it has UK numbers what does that mean? personally i would want to use my UK mobile number as user ID
  3. New thread here specifically about UK, the other Skype threads currently going were mainly about US https://aseannow.com/topic/1353255-replacement-for-skype-to-call-uk-only/#comment-19628784
  4. They used to check a lot on the railway road. Driving around the bars probably ok but when heading back is the problem
  5. I thought id be a bit more scientific so asked Deepseek
  6. I posted because that's what it indicated on their website when i checked it last time it came up and someone else agreed, don't forget that link so we can double check what you say
  7. I just checked with Gemini and it isn't sure whether it will show or not, depends on scenario, but if you have the link that says it will, post it and I'll check it?
  8. Yes and you've added nothing useful so far
  9. Skype was good for caller ID, i set my UK mobile number so when i called someone that would show on their screen, of the three mentioned only yolla does that
  10. Also most of us don't need it, those farang isolated in nikon nowhere probably do
  11. Looks out of date Lolitas closed over a year ago. Massage shops 500-700 usually, trial and error. Pump station still on Soi post office
  12. Best deals for all the fast food places is via the apps
  13. According to Gemini AI turp is still the gold standard
  14. The other thread is full of US options which is no use. Three best options so far for calls and sms are mytello app Yolla app localphone.com Looking for best app for a few calls sms a year max, so credit makes more sense. Any experience yet? i haven't needed to try yet
  15. Looks maybe ok for USA calls, relatively expensive for calls to UK
  16. So Viber is only useful if someone the other end uses Viber, so same Line, WhatsApp etc
  17. Good, didn't get a feckless cop, sometimes you need a lawyer to get them to pull their finger out
  18. Not surprising, most of them are yobs trying to earn some money
  19. When i switched from agent to own money i had 800k in the bank since the last extension which was 13 months
  20. I just know that when i go there including the marine base it's often dark
  21. Won't work, same problem, maybe need to call bank etc, elderly parent technophobes
  22. Can't use Line to call landlines or mobiles. Kinda explains why Skype stopped the top up option, subscription only until they close
  23. How many years NI have you paid? you can check that by logging into HMRC, i use the app, it shows years paid, any missing years and predicted pension
  24. Yes much healthier than ice cream as low fat, i blend with Soy milk but dairy milk would be really good also, I've started adding ginger to my smoothies and it definitely gives an edge
  25. As you're in Pattaya I'd expect Nang Ram beaches, past Sattahip to be dark
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