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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. You could be right about dolphins. I think Orcas are the most advanced of the species. I've spent many a night under the stars in areas such as the Pilbara (lived and worked there) the WA goldfields (prospecting) and the Nullarbor (travelled several times). The skies in these areas, far from the pollution of the big eastern state's population centers, are magnificent and, yes, thought provoking.
  2. When still in primary school I rejected the idea of the existence of gods and the claptrap that the believers used to try to indoctrinate me. I could not accept wild stories of waters parting for people to stroll through, kids with gings killing giants on a battlefield, weaponized donkey jawbones and boats with a couple of every living thing on board floating around on a planet completely covered with water. I refused to continue attending Sunday school nor go to the compulsory scripture class at school. The education system ordered me to sit in silence on a bench outside the class for the duration. I also got into trouble for refusing to sing God Save the Queen at morning assembly on the grounds it was the anthem of another country. But that's a different story. All my life I've wondered why so many, of the most intelligent species to have evolved, have a need to believe in various (hundreds) of different deities and the many traditions and practices they have developed without a shred of tangible evidence for their existence. I can understand that barbaric brain washing of many undeveloped children can warp their minds but can't understand why they are still unable to think for themselves as adults. I also cannot work out why so many of my species have a need to worship not just an imaginary god, but also dictators, sect leaders, celebrities, families with inherited titles, and politicians. I also wonder why another religious thread is starting when the other massive one is still around. I also wonder why I bothered to respond here. I'll be invoking the "idiot" rule if anyone bothers to argue.
  3. You use the words Interrogation and deportation in the title of the thread. An interview of a passenger at the border asking about their circumstances and intentions is common anywhere. A way to avoid being in the firing line for refusal of entry is to be able to show visit plans commensurate with the type of visa (or visa exempt) you hold, have a return ticket and be able to show sufficient funds for your stay. Nobody on this forum can answer your question of, will I be refused, particularly with the lack of detail of your situation, but the odds are heavily on your side. Of course, in Thailand things can happen on the whim of an individual officer. Refusal of entry is not deportation. You need to be first cleared into a country to be deported from it. If refused, you would normally be kept in custody until the airline can organize a flight out again. If overnight, it could involve the IDC. Not sure of procedure here, but you may also be entered on an alert list.
  4. OK I would support some form of review if there seemed to be fraud involved. However, I also think 1 month pay could be insufficient in cases of genuine severe illness or injury. A valued employee should be helped for a reasonable period until able to resume. Again, review of circumstances and perhaps length of service should be a consideration. Of course, the business can't be expected to wear the financial burden of long term or permanent disability (unless the disability was work related). Government social services kick in. My opinions are based on the concept that a good employee is integral to the success of a business, deserving of treatment above that of broken machine, and not automatically dispensable.
  5. 30 a year! Without a certificate? Seems very excessive. If staff were just using that consistently there should have been some sort of system to monitor reasons.
  6. I remembered, I also had some time off when I smashed my knee playing football. It was swollen like a watermelon with the knee cap around the side. I couldn't walk and it required extensive treatment to get it working again. It was the end of my playing career. I still have pain in it now, many decades later.
  7. Thats pathetic aint it. So, an allowance in case you needed it for sickness. Not an extra 2-week holiday?
  8. OK, not trying to impress, but I do remember your posts about that at the time. You did illustrate the story with pics if I remember correctly. This is where my misperception it was you in the avatar came from.
  9. I now live in Isaan and also know that many Thais are slaughtered on local roads without the publicity accidents in Phuket and other tourist places get.
  10. I had a lengthy period off work once with a doctor's certificate. Also, I occasionally took single days off when ill. Part of the working conditions allowed for a small number of paid sick days per year. Five or six, I think. It was acknowledged by management that it was more efficient for sick people to avoid spreading viruses into the work environment. I don't consider heroes are made by soldiering on for The Man when you are genuinely ill. I worked with one guy who didn't take a day off in about 5 years, and wanted me, as a union delegate, to bring up an agenda item at national conference to reward people like him with cash bonuses or remove the allowance altogether because he considered those using it to be lazy or cheating. While admitting there were some who used up the allowance each year whether ill or not, I had great difficulty explaining to him I wasn't about to argue against a hard-won working condition gained by the union in the first place.
  11. I worked that out when the 2nd article said both bikes were carrying Thai women as pillion passengers. I did however presume the big bike was probably at fault and was probably ridden by the Russian. Stereotyping, I guess.
  12. I'm sure you're well aware I've had plenty of avatars over the years. Usually pics of old crocs. After a forum "upgrade" a few years back when the avatars of many members were deleted, I couldn't be bothered restoring it. I've never felt the need to use a celebrities' picture for an avatar in order to boost self-esteem. You were known to post copious, off topic music vids on many threads a few years back. Respect is earned not demanded.
  13. "Ten provinces with the highest mortality rate per 100,000 population is: Rayong, Nakhon Nayok, Chanthaburi, Chonburi, Chainat, Prachinburi, Saraburi, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Lamphun, Suphanburi" FSReport-2020-01 (kkh.go.th)
  14. I knew you'd be the first to jump in to defend all things British. No, but the massive amount of speculative media coverage annoys, and against my usual better judgement I threw in an opinion. When you seek publicity to enhance your career or station in life, you sometimes have to wear the downside. It's like telling a MAGA cultist their leader is not Jesus. On a personal note, you may garner a little more respect if you mothballed the avatar with the ridiculous wig and thousand-yard stare.
  15. You raging monarchists are very similar to the MAGA cultists. Making petty attacks against commentators, who may have been incorrect with their assessments, are much more important to you than concern about the actual illness of one of your deities. Placing the Laughing emoji on my post says a lot. Your admitted dislike of the wife of an outcast from the "family" because of her racial makeup, sums you up. Speculation about one of these chosen (inherited) beings stem from the fact that the palace, while always embracing the huge amount of positive publicity, secretes any bad news from the public.
  16. You're right, I was mistaken. I did respond to your initial statement of 1 train a day. Apologies.
  17. You've probably forgotten, but you're the one who started the debate about train numbers by disagreeing with me and insisting, ludicrously, that there is only one train a day on that line! You haven't conceded, nor let it go, but have degenerated to name calling. Albeit you can't even get that right.
  18. Totally out of context and as parasitic as all your rubbish Lou. I don't RIP anyone, just used the term as an indicator in this instance.
  19. Hahahaha. Your needs are my main motivation in life. Check out the Thai Rail site for scheduling as I did. Why on earth would you think the main (only?) Capital to the South Provinces line would only have 1 train? Haha Sleeping next to a busy rail line peaceful? I think not. Hidden, yes.,
  20. I think the examples in the press are in the hundreds now. They're even parading drunk drivers now. I wasn't denying the publicity has intensified making the problem more visible, and causing some hysteria, but I also believe the relaxed entry rules for some, has had a detrimental effect, as stated. I believe much of the current conversation started with the Chinese mafia before the idiot Swiss put his foot in it. Chinese mafia footprint in Thailand raises questions - Thailand Business News (thailand-business-news.com).
  21. It's the BKK to Southern Provinces route, which would include traffic to neighboring countries. There are at least 18 passenger trains a day, according to the schedule. Presumably a lot of freight also
  22. I think there has been an increase in crime by visitors, not just appearing that way because of heightened publicity. Mass tourism will always result in a few individual idiots and criminals doing their thing, but IMO, the reason for this increase directly relates to expanded government policy allowing visa free entry specifically to people from countries like China, Russia and Kazakhstan. Countries that have evolved with different cultural behaviors relating to law and criminality. Chinese mafia and gangs have introduced large scale money laundering, counterfeit goods and crypto, gambling and more. The Russian war resulted in large communities suddenly springing up in many regions resulting in increases in illegal workers to cater to them. Kazakhstan is known to have a huge crime problem. For me, Government policy is causing much of the crisis they are complaining about.
  23. Agree about RIP, missed your show of respect. Noted your attack on other posters.
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