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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. I thought that Schools had 24/7/365 Security of some kind in Thailand
  2. If all the 2200 passengers on the Ship disembark, and find their way into Sri Racha, the estimated 22 M spend will equate to 10,000 baht PP Hardly Earth shattering numbers
  3. Flight prices are well above the pre-Covid prices, and will remain high for the short to medium term for sure. There are now many other factors playing into the drop in Tourism. The artificially strong Baht being one of them. Travelers are more cost conscious than they were even just a couple of Years ago, and now they are taking their Vacations in Countries that are offering more " Bang for the Buck ", or are Holidaying in their Home countries. The fall in Exports and in General Manufacturing has been seen for several Months now by those that walk about with open Eyes. The Workers do not have the Overtime now that they once enjoyed, they are being more Mobile in looking for work and just a few Baht a Day extra in wages. With Inflation wayyy above the quoted number, there are a lot of people really hurting now, and if they are hurting, the Banks will surely follow soon.
  4. My story is not as scary as Ed,s, but Cellulitis can have very similar symptoms to Eds horrendous symptoms. Cellulitis is something that is equally as scary. I contracted this in my lower leg after a visit to a Thai Hospital for Surgery on my Eyes. Its a for of MRSA and the infection can be very painful and unsightly, with all the skin sliding off the leg and a high probability of Necrosis taking hold. My advice _ see a Doctor with all haste
  5. And as usual, those responsible for starting the Fires, whether they are Crop fires or Forest fires will be hunted down and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. NOT !
  6. should hab budget with an ATM card renewal per annum at now 300 Baht or near as.
  7. So poor Anuwat was in agony from a twisted ankle was he Words fail me
  8. Very true Get 2 Jabs One for yourself for Tetanus, and the other to put the Dog down.
  9. So ! of the 300 or so Fire starters, how many have been tracked down and prosecuted ? I would guess at somewhere near Zero.
  10. Another urgent question has to be why , if there were enough Life Vests, were they not deployed. Poor systems put in place for emergency evac ? , Poor Command chain ? , or were they simply locked away in a locker and nobody could find the Key ? Was each one numbered and had to be assigned to a Sailor for its safe return ? For what ever reason, if there were enough Life Vests, why was the Mortality rate so high in this tragedy
  11. This kind of an amount could almost be considered an insult !
  12. If the Government are to expect 200M Tourists / Visitors to the Country by 2031, they must first put in place the basic things that will be expected by those Tourists. I am talking about clean and plentiful Water for drinking and cleaning, correct and Sanitary disposal of all Human Waste and Ethical Trash Recycling. All this has to be combined with a policy of Air Pollution reduction via burning and Factory emissions. Big Roads dont hack it any more, and neither does the expansion of Airports.. People are actually starting to care .
  13. It sure is a changed place since I popped out of the Womb. And mostly, not for the better.
  14. Lunacy ! And this party wants to Govern the Country
  15. This has to be the feel good story of the Day. Thankfully the little Lass is OK, and a huge " Well Done" to the Rescue Team
  16. For sure the thing wont just sit waiting for repair. Sanctions ????
  17. How do you figure that one out Or did you not pay any Taxes of any kind+
  18. Maybe a ghost of Jerry Lee was at the keyboard of the piano playing " Goodness gracious- great balls of fire "
  19. Boeing ! Isnt that under sanctions for spares Etc Interesting to see how the Plane is repaired
  20. Not a single mention of the fact that the more competitive labour Costs are mainly attributed to workers being better Educated, more highly qualified and highly skilled.
  21. If only they could place as much commitment into the horrendous Death rate on the Roads.
  22. I have had the constant smell ( in various degrees ) of burning Plastic now for 3 whole Days, and the Hills are just a smoggy outline.
  23. They have had a 3 Year Holiday on the Scamming, and now its time to make back the lost earnings, as well as implement a few new scams dreamt up during the hiatus
  24. What the Nation is now witnessing, and having to endure, is the Monopolization of the entire Food Chain by just a handful of very large Conglomerates. They have successfully Monopolized everything from the Animal Feed, Fertilizer, Distribution, and Retailing of almost all the Foods that have seen increases of over 60 % in many cases.
  25. Of course we should It was their reliable source of information that bought to the Publics attention, the horrific Torture and Killing at their Hands by one of their Officers of a suspected Drug courier NOT !
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