Respect has to be earn't. It is not a right. Yes, it looks like she was saddled with the kids as is comon here, but it appears she gave them a hard time when she was hit and missed, and the girl snapped. But what do we know? All very sad.
Your comment is just what is wrong with the Republicans. They sink to name-calling. Just like their pseudo-leader. Without him, maybe the Party would fare better. But what do I know? I'm just an observer.
Giving makes it more likely. Don't most beach lovers go for a quick 'swim' during their hours lying on the beach? Just adding to the effluent flowing in from elsewhere?😉
Maybe if the cops could use both hands, and carry a truncheon to give them a sharp rap it might sort these idiots out a bit quickly. The cops seem to be like most people nowadays. One hand always clutching a cell phone. Don't they have phone holsters on their chests?