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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. I wouldn't want to be under an Albanese or anyone else. But if that's what turns you on. You have indicated your preferences several times.😦
  2. Obviously indulged in too many Brussel Sprouts.😉
  3. Respect has to be earn't. It is not a right. Yes, it looks like she was saddled with the kids as is comon here, but it appears she gave them a hard time when she was hit and missed, and the girl snapped. But what do we know? All very sad.
  4. Us old Brits still have a sense of humour. That's why we sent our criminals to OZ.😉
  5. "I'm not playing with you anymore and I'm taking my ball back."----"Just because you're losing!"
  6. For a moment I misread and thought you said euthanasia. Why did that spring to mind I wonder?
  7. They are just out to 'Get Carter.' Where's 😉 Caine when you need him?
  8. The existing system that I've been using and happy with, will not change I suppose?
  9. Approaching 91 I'm beginning to enjoy your posts. Sure signs that my brain is going down the tubes. What was the question?😜
  10. Come on. You're wriggling.
  11. Your comment is just what is wrong with the Republicans. They sink to name-calling. Just like their pseudo-leader. Without him, maybe the Party would fare better. But what do I know? I'm just an observer.
  12. Horrifying! She is lucky to be alive.
  13. At 90, I wake up in the mornings, look in the mirror, and am pleasantly surprised that I'm still here. 😉
  14. Giving makes it more likely. Don't most beach lovers go for a quick 'swim' during their hours lying on the beach? Just adding to the effluent flowing in from elsewhere?😉
  15. I thought the Gibber tribe and their language were extinct. It's amazing that some people are still using it.😉
  16. At least you caught it and it wasn't wasted.😉
  17. 'Breach ethical standards?' Are ethics understood here? When I look at those supposedly put there to lead the country I have my doubts.😔
  18. Maybe if the cops could use both hands, and carry a truncheon to give them a sharp rap it might sort these idiots out a bit quickly. The cops seem to be like most people nowadays. One hand always clutching a cell phone. Don't they have phone holsters on their chests?
  19. We don't have to. B******s to them.😉
  20. I wonder what they were arguing about. Payment for services rendered?😉
  21. Shocking. Watt were they thinking of? Fine them and send them Ohm.😉
  22. I'll have to think about it.😴
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