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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. To be, or not to be? That is the question.
  2. If you don't work you don't get paid applies to most countries methinks. Regarding forming unions, I think this also applies to many countries.
  3. They don't get paid when they go out on the streets protesting and get put down and arrested by the army. What could the authorities do if transport, factory and government office workers downed tools? Just surmising.
  4. It's not my country. But after nearly forty years here,with Thai child relations growing up with me, I think I have a right to an opinion and to comment for what it's worth. Do I have a solution? No. but national passive resistance to bring the country to a standstill might force the large monopolies to instruct their puppets in the government to pull out and let the party they voted for take over. Pie in the sky? I expect so.
  5. Eating mornings and evenings and smiling most of the day when reading comments on Aseannow.
  6. They weren't pulled. They gave up the ghost after nearly ninety years of work. They beat me to it.
  7. And as effective as Oh By Gum, manufactured in Yorkshire I believe.
  8. It works for half a day. But thanks.
  9. Some imaginary people seem to like him, bless his cotton socks.
  10. But maybe the next time the people won't stand for it. But again, maybe.
  11. Just having reached ninety I've lost the last anchor teeth for my top dentures. Can anyone recommend the best strong denture adhesive before I swallow them or they fall into my Kao Soi
  12. When I was at school back in the 40s, I made a statement in a discussion session that one day all humans would be the same colour. All the class laughed. We're getting there.
  13. Maybe like a steve you adore? I wouldn't want to know.
  14. Only the Democrat Party? A rather biased opinion methinks. When the reports of an alleged crooked ex president are published every day.
  15. Nivea Men? In my day when I first used it, men weren't expected to put cream on their 'boat races.' I just use Trad. Nivea. Like the old TV advert in black and white. 'Made for men. With women in mind.' I don't think it was for Nivea though and there were no TV ads or even TV then. Just rubbing it in.
  16. If it's just dry skin use Nivea creme. The real stuff. Not the stuff with whitener. When I did my army National Service training in Wales in 1952 the March winds and rain was like my face being sandblasted. The girl in the NAAFI put me onto it. The Nivea I mean. I've used it ever since.
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