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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. All very sad. Here is man who has done so much for his country, refusing to admit it is time for him to relinquish his position and retire gracefully. Or will he continue to ignore the obvious and suffer the ignominy of being remembered as the President who lost his Party the election due to his stubbornness? I'm not an American, but the USA vote affects the world, unfortunately.
  2. Meanwhile. Because of public outcry. The navy has canceled its submarine order with China and is investing in Sea Walking Helmets. They are getting advice on their use from operators on Koh Larn.πŸ˜‰
  3. The higher you go the fewer mosquitos there are. They sussed that out, the little rascals.πŸ˜‰
  4. Perhaps he was sober and just wanted to commit suicide and threw himself in front of the motorbike. Well. All the other causes have been covered by the TV sleuths.πŸ˜‰ Get well soon my old China.πŸ‘
  5. Does it matter? As my old mum used to say, "Some people want to know the ins and outs of a magpie's a**e."πŸ˜‰
  6. Good fitting mosquito nets and mosquito door closers. And give them a good talking to.πŸ˜‰
  7. Why do you bother? I have always had them in my house and take it as part of living in Thailand. They do a good job of killing off the odd mosquito. The tookays are outside the house and not allowed in.πŸ˜‰
  8. In our pub in Pattaya, we used to have a fellow imbiber nicknamed, Bull<deleted> Bob. He passed away a few years ago. But not quite, it seems. πŸ˜‰
  9. Inequality is not only between Thais and foreigners. It is between rich and poor Thais, and those connected to people in high positions. We read about it every day. The non, jail serving prisoner, is a classic example.
  10. It's not heat rash, Sheryl. But thanks for your reply.
  11. 331. Notorious for the lack of lighting. Several reports of accidents and deaths have occurred on it recently.
  12. When I was a boy I occasionally got raised itchy bumps on my skin that disappeared after a while. Many years older now, I get them again. What causes them?
  13. Maybe the bar mentioned is owned by a cop?
  14. One of the benefits I am most happy about is being able to do my 90 report on line. At least I only have to go to Immigration once a year, for my retirement extension. After thirty seven years of doing it and living in the same place I'd have thought Immigration could have come up with an easier method for us long stayers. But....🫠
  15. Heinz Baked beans! 'I fart in your general direction.' Monty Python. Yes. 'Ayam what Ayam' Popeye.πŸ˜‰
  16. It looks like corrective muscle damage wear. Ugly!
  17. Stop. I can't take anymore. I'm filling up.--How many more stories like this?
  18. That would finish me off now. Those days are over. Been there. Got the T shirt.πŸ˜‰
  19. My daughter treated me to a laptop with a separate keyboard and a monitor. The eyes are not what they were, so everything is comfortably large and clear. I enjoy the old British films and the American ones from a time when they spoke English I could understand. Marlon Brando is not exactly Cary Grant. πŸ˜‰
  20. Yes. Or like just now, I've just had a gin and tonic that I enjoy.
  21. I'm up at 0545 and out for a short walk and basic upper body exercise to get the bits moving. I'm in and out of the kitchen all day that has two steps down to it, and the house is up ten steps. So during the day I'm doing step ups that people go to the gym for. Not complaining as I have no health problems other than getting old. Some of us are lucky enough to reach that point. Thanks to those that commented on a pretty inane subject.
  22. What's the general opinion of the benefit of old people using computers. I'm ninety and my wife for thirty seven years, complains that I spend too much time on my computer. My reply is that it keeps my mind active and of course the benefits of communicating with family and others. What do you think?
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