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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. In some places there are two right lanes for turning. But yes, a confusing article, like many.
  2. Like rats running around in a bucket. Crookedness to be elected as respected representatives of Thai politics. Ah well. Par for the course.🀨
  3. Keep a watch out for the Watch Man. Hypocrisy knows no bounds in Thai politics.
  4. Lawyer. He looks Slavic to me. Work permit?😦
  5. I read about twenty to thirty I guess. Being well past my 'Best Before' date I read when I go to bed. Sometimes during the night to send me off to sleep after my regular soft shoe shuffle in the early hours to the kharzi to send me off to sleep again. One of the benefits of old age is that you can read the same book after six months and enjoy it because you forgot subject. I'd be lost without a book. Now what were we discussing? πŸ˜‰
  6. I suggest you get into rehab. Germans Pearl Harbour?πŸ˜†
  7. I'm not so sure. About twenty years ago. A young Thai friend of the family was well into alcohol and maybe drugs. His wife persuaded him to go to a Buddhist rehab centre run by monks. After a week there he was found hanged in the ablutions section. Sometime later there was a newspaper report that another rehab centre run by monks was being investigated for severe abuse of the rehabees. I've always had my suspicions about his death.
  8. Stupid boy!πŸ˜†
  9. Here. Here. I'll drink to that. Cheers. Bottoms up!
  10. So do I. Yes we know the addicts are self inflicted but that doesn't excuse physical punishment by those entrusted in treating their addiction. I would suggest that it increases their craving for drugs to escape the affects of the abuse. It would seem that these rehabilitation centres are run on military grounds. And we know how military recruits are treated.
  11. Give it to those that need it. Burn it? What sort of thinking is that? More clickbait?😦
  12. Great stuff. What a combination. Beck and Clapton.πŸ‘πŸ‘
  13. A mouthful of what?πŸ˜‰
  14. And everyone else's, with your continuous drivel.
  15. My tolerance of this OP is waning rapidly with his/her limp wristed comments. As regards two male nurses kissing. I suggest they stop buggering about and get on with the job they are paid for. That goes for this Mrs. Mop also. Or is he just winding us up?πŸ˜‰
  16. Bloody hell! That must have been a powerful knock for six.
  17. For me at 90 it could be sooner than later. But so far, so good.πŸ˜‰
  18. Doesn't the song say 'home is where your heart is?'
  19. And what country would that be, pray?
  20. In Thailand and a person of influence you can be guilty and proved innocent. It will cost you though.πŸ˜‰
  21. But I did. Political correctness knows no bounds. So urine is OK is it? It looks like we are in the brown stuff.πŸ˜‰
  22. Oy mate. Don't knock those 'Hundred year old eggs.' Horse <deleted> or not. They are the dogs naughty bits. I don't want to get censored.πŸ˜‰
  23. Perhaps a week in the army will teach you to drill. But then I don't think they would allow you in.
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