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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Overwhelmed by the spirits at the religious festival.
  2. 'You have enough mouth for two sets of teeth.' Passed down by my mother. R.I.P.
  3. No. The spire with the priceless ancient gold artifacts and blue sapphires and gold rings.
  4. Trying to impress my kids at the airport restaurant asked for the bill in Thai. The waiter looked confused. My wife asked me what I had said to him. She said you have asked him to fill your tank up. Red face. Another one when trying to get a fine lowered after being wheel clamped at 2am on Walking St back in 1987. Yes, I think I must have been one of the first. At the police station I told the desk sergeant that my Thai brother in law was a police colonel. When coming out of the station I realised I had called him a head pineapple. Sopalot no Saluwat. He dropped the fine to Bt300 so he must have been impressed. My brother in law now long retired, is still referred to in the family as Chief Pineapple.
  5. I handed mine in a month ago at Jomtien. They didn't bother to look at it. If you didn't abide by the rules regarding leaving the amount in the account for the required time, then you will have a big problem when getting an extension. The reporting is a nonsense.
  6. The barber who was named as Khun Sweeny said he was tired and blamed the accident on break failure.πŸ˜‰
  7. Gandtee

    Rabbit / Cage

  8. Discretion is the better part of valourπŸ˜‰.
  9. I was stopped and searched and had my Swiss penknife confiscated when entering Phuket airport to see my Granddaughter off about four years ago. I got it back when leaving.
  10. I'll live with your first suggestion ,but I wonder why it has happened. What was the cause?
  11. There was a time when if your documents were in and checked by 11.00 you would be told to come back after 14.00 for your passport. I would have thought that after acceptance and checking all it needs is the boss's signature and the passport stamped. I think you have to collect it personally and they take your photo. Ah well.
  12. In my ignorance, was she identified? If not, surely DNA could have been taken from the body and compared with her child's DNA or her mother's in Thailand?
  13. In Brunei when hashing with the Banda Seri Begawan Hash and a runner got left in at night and the hares could not find him. The next morning the Gurkhas who were stationed nearby were asked to go in with their dogs to find them. A few intimate relationships were made between man and dog, so it was rumoured. On! On!πŸ˜‰
  14. Wasn't she and her husband involved with a special land deal?πŸ˜‰
  15. Good for him. He was/is living his life ,not sitting on his arse in front of a computer, wallowing in wokeism, whatever that is. Maybe he was doing the Hash. I'm 90 and a bit passed it now. But I did Hashing in Brunei and once got lost when darkness fell. It adds a bit of spice. to life.πŸ˜‰
  16. Thank you. It works, but it decreases the size in stages, not exactly zooming and when it gets down to 38% I can see to close the messenger box but can hardly see the writing. but thanks for your help.
  17. On my laptop Win11, Chrome. For some reason my menu bar has increased in size and covering the top of the messenger box. Presumably covering the exit box. After sending a message or receiving one I cannot close the box. I'm 90 and the old grey matter is not what it was. Make any answers simple please. Thankyou.
  18. "Arise, Sir Brown Nose. My father is proud of you. Go now and seek riches from far off countries. We need the dosh. You may leave."πŸ˜‰
  19. They examined the pole? And then? Denying blame as is their wont? So where did the shock come from? Lightning?
  20. Don't be so impatient. Only in the last couple of weeks have they not allowed longer hair and Hi-viz jackets? This is police reform.πŸ˜‰
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