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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Make no bones about it. This is a mystery case.😉
  2. Maybe they were if that is true. But on the evidence they were given and not evidence that they were denied due to professional medical experts not being allowed to attend to give that evidence.
  3. Two megalomaniacs. It will end in tears. But not the Thai two.
  4. Driver playing with his phone. Falling asleep or the brakes failed.😉
  5. When police were on the beat they were more in tune with the community and received quiet tip offs from the public.
  6. 'Kissing and cuddling with Fred' comes to mind. The 2025 version.😃
  7. Regarding the UK police force. Years ago it was made up with many ex servicemen. Men who were trained to deal with and get stuck in to sort things out. Now it seems it comprises of ex college and university students that do not have the backbone to enforce the law. From the reports I have seen on the news, they spend time discussing why the offender should not do what he or she is doing. Following instruction from the top to not offend anyone. What confidence does it give the public when dealing with a heavily tattooed, manbunned and bearded copper?
  8. It was an elephant and not a pink one. It's mahoot was using it to collect money and it shot across the road in front of me. Many suburban roads in Bangkok are still badly lit.
  9. Perhaps they are too busy arresting people for speaking their minds.
  10. Elephants are very difficult to see in dimly lit areas at night. I know from experience. I nearly ran into one about twenty years ago. And this was in a Bangkok suburb.
  11. I stopped reading Lee Childs way back. He became too repetitive. Storyline much the same. Only the names were changed to protect the innocent. I've just finished a Lynda La Plante, Royal Flush and well into Jeffry Archers, The Fourth Estate. Good reads.
  12. Nope. I was ninety-one three weeks ago. I'm not looking forward to old age.😉
  13. Typical Trump. 'I've heard ducks fart before' as my old mum used to say.
  14. What happened to Mag's restaurant on Thepprasit Rd? It served the best pork belly with crackling ever. It hit the dust during covid. Has it reopened anywhere?
  15. I heard that this pyrotechnic expert is a guy named Fawkes.
  16. The description narrows it down. He must be crackers.
  17. Annus horribilis. But it's had a good ending with my wife being cleared of cancer.
  18. It would seem that firearm ownership in Thailand is approaching that in the USA. When I first came to Thailand nearly forty years ago reported shootings were rare. Maybe because of no internet but I doubt it. Is Thailand now the Hub of firearm ownership in South East Asia?
  19. He had designs on threatening her.😉
  20. I think that maybe this is an age issue. I turned 91 a couple of weeks ago and certainly do not worry too much if at all during the day. But during the night after the usual trips to the toilet I have difficulty getting back to sleep. I've found the answer is reading a book, which sends me off to sleep. Fortunately, I don't have any medical problems that I'm aware of other than bits wearing out that come with old age. I'm not looking forward to it.😉
  21. But one a year maybe. Not six.
  22. With half a dozen wives they are breeding like rabbits. Wake up UK. Sorry. It's too late.
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