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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Not too much of an effort to save it to a memory stick and get the wife to get it printed off in town. I was just wondering. If immigration asked for proof of it can you just quote your password? For phone owners I suppose the proof is on their phone to show.
  2. After a thousand years I successfully did my 90 days on line. Do I need to print it off my computer and pin it in my passport? I don't own a phone.
  3. These people were young women in shock and fear, facing a man with guns and a knife. Not macho computer Clint Walkers.
  4. How many vehicles parked at the side of the road at night have parking lights. With mud covered tail lights and poorly lit roads no wonder there are many accidents.
  5. Oh the irony. The man who made it open season on drug dealers and users, now maybe, collaborating with a convicted drug dealer.Is there a word for ethics in the Thai language?
  6. I've no doubt you were offended. How dare he? I would suggest you receive treatment for for Post Traumatic Stress.????
  7. It's the most risky food to indulge in. The ill affects could appear years after eating it.????
  8. Let's hope these doors and windows allow the children and staff to get out in an emergency. We know what happens when doors are locked preventing escape.
  9. So his station chief took no action against him for his failing to obey orders. Possession of drugs and drug taking. Criminal offences ordinary members of the publio are arrested and jailed for. Talk about bring thailand's name into disrepute.????
  10. I keep thanking my lucky stars that my nephew who was a regular at Mountain B was not there that night. RIP And sad thoughts for those still suffering, Victims.Families and friends.
  11. The same as everyone else. They talked to each other.????
  12. What can one say? Just when I thought justice may be served. What will the outcome be in his criminal charges I wonder? Similar?☹️
  13. Perhaps if the councils rounded up stray dogs and euthanized them there would be less people being bitten and less road accidents caused by them. The cost to the Thai Health service must be very high. In addition to working hours lost due to bites, road accidents and hospital visits, caused by them. Yes. I know about the buddhists attitude to euthanizing dogs. But perhaps they could extend their compassion to the humans who suffer from them. I like dogs and have owned them most of my life. But liking them does not mean turning my back on a problem .
  14. Thanks to those who offered advice.
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