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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. If just makes some of us foreigners look like cheap charlies when many of us are not? If read what i said it would have been better just say no thank you and politely walk out. He did not do that.I guess you had to be there. The guy was about 300 pounds with a beach ball gut. Had this weird way of looking at people.
  2. Is 199 Baht too much for lunch in LOS? Yesterday I was at a Sizzler ln CNX. I frequently have the Sizzler salad buffet. The normal price is 139 Baht and because yesterday was the Kings Birthday the price was 199. For the additional 60 baht a few more items are in the buffet. The chicken salad with mango and raisins was actually pretty good. Also, the tomato soup was good as well. I enjoyed my lunch, the employees are courteous and find it to be good value. During lunch an old foreigner came in and asked how much the buffet was? The friendly employee replied "199 because today is a holiday". The foreinger looked around the bufffet for a couple minutes and looked at everyone who was eating. He then asked "do you get any meat with the that?". The employee replied no. I presume the employee thought he was talking about something like a steak? The old dude then stared at the employee and said "that's too much". He then shook his head and walked out. I thought to myself there was no need to behave like this. If you are not willing to pay the price for something or a service then just say no thank you and politely walk out. This was a mild case of a foreigner behaving rudely but I believe it will reflect on many of us foreingers in the eyes of Thai people. At the time the majority of diners were Thai. In the end 199 Baht is $5.55. I am not rich by all means but spending $5.55 for a salad buffet lunch is not a deal breaker. if it was I would not be in LOS.
  3. Yeah I know about US Immigration. As long as I can recall the old INS would issue Immigration detainer holds for some the suspects the police arrested. Of course most of the time INS would never come and pick up their suepcts. This was back in the 1980's and 1990's. I'm an immigrant and most of my relatives are also immigrants. If you are looking for someone to have sympathy or even empathy for anyone who entered illegally then someone like me is not the answer. Illegal immigrants are a problem. On this I guess we will always disagree. So Trump will seperate and devast families when some are deported. Yes in some cases. I knew a guy who was adopted from S. Korea when he was a baby. But his adoptive parents never had him naturalized sa an American citizen. He was arrested for residential burglary, convicted and sent to prison. He was then deported to S. Korea. He was devasted and seperated from his family. Should the same happen for someone who is classified as DACA? Lastly Trump is a prolific liar so why do so many believe just about everything he says?
  4. Again. 1) Who am I? 2) Why would you shudder? I never said anything about your career. How could I reveal myself to anyone based upon comments on this forum. Isn't that "a big leap". I have no idea who or what you are. Now you are not alarmed but would still shudder?
  5. I1) So who am I? 2) I never asked of anythign from you. Also, why would you shudder?
  6. Just because he says it does not mean he will do or can do it. The Dept of Education closing and cutting aid to Ukraine appeals to his loyal and mostly uninformed base. Also, abortion restrictions and the NG at the border are things that appeal to his base. Personally I do not agree with his views on abortion but the NG at the border I would agree. Even Channel News Asia of Singapore sent a report to cenral American to take the same land routes that Chinese have used to entere the US from the Southern Border. Channel News Asia estimates over 40,000 Chinese have entered the US from the southern border. CNA is a not Fox News. I am not alarmed at some of the things Trump says he would do if elected to another term. I am not a MAGA facist and I do not own a red hat. Every nation has the right to determine who and when someone enters. Certainly Thailand tries to maintain control of it's borders. "No excuse". Ok. Your opinion and I will not disagree.
  7. 1) No faith in Trump but some faith in Vance 2) Not sure exactly what a potentioal second Trump administration would bring. I have learned to not believe in what he says and see what he does. Yes. He lies, exxagerates, and gets people on both sides of the political spectrum to get emotional. This apperars to be his playbook.He plays people and one hsa to not fall for it. But many will fall for it.
  8. I never doubted anything you commented on. I just had a different thought on it.
  9. Wow. Never asked for an apology and never asked for hope from you. it is simple, I do not think like you. It is called differences. There are even vast differences amongst people of the same political party I thought the "D" in DEI stood for diversity? Does this include diversity in thoughts and opinons as well? Would this be a "trite one liner' as well?
  10. Who said I was not emphathetic. I have known about Kamala Harris ever since she was the District Attorney in San Francisco. I would never vote for her unless Kelly was the VP Nominee. I have faith in Kelly and not in Harris.
  11. The "Center" can be a wide berth. I do not know who or what you are. Nor do I care. But "I have now joined the MAGA crowd". Okay. Of course it is simple right: You are correct and I am wrong. Got it. Also, because I disagree with your viewpoint I am not intelligent and not capable of engaging in a "substantive and good-natured debate". I would not disagree and now I just have to buy a red hat. Right? This was never a substantive discussion becasue differnt viewpoints are not welcome or tolerated? You win.
  12. Kerry was 2003 and 2004. This was 20 years go. People have access to more and more information. I doubt anything that is manufactured about Kelly will stick. Also, no guarantee Kelly accepts the VP nod becausse of his wife. Gabrielle Giffords needs fulltime care and almost died in 2011. Don't start with gun control because I am a retired police officer and was never a member of the NRA. Also, I have never owned an AR-15 or any other long rifle. I do not see a need for privatecitizens to own a long rifle.
  13. So in short every "swing voter" is in the center? Ok. Got it.
  14. Kelly at this point seems untouchable from any attack campaign.
  15. I grew up mostly in foster homes. I went to 3 elementary schools, two junir high schools and 3 hight schools. i met my father when I was 8 and he died when I was 16. I rarely saw him. I would say my upbrining wsa dysfunctional and I do not have many weird ideas. ":weird" ideas is a matter of ones perspective.
  16. Do you think swing voters are progressive or not?
  17. MAGA attracts a lot of low hanging fruit. Those who are not low hanging fruit (like many Republicans in office) are in it for their own political gain. Also, there are two Democrats i would never vote for: Hilary and Kamala Harris. For Harris it depends who her running mate will be. Names like Shapiro and Pritzker will turn people like myself away from considering Harris.
  18. I never mentioned Trump. You did. This is about Kamala Harris and not Trump. As a life long Republican and conservative I have never boarded the Trump Train. I do not buy into what he is selling. I am not alone in feeling this way and those who are like are me feel the same way. Like me are people who are veterans and worked in careers like law enforcement. However I do have respect for JD Vance based upon what he has overcome in life. Vance came from less than nothing and achieved sucess in life. The only way I would vote for Harris is if she selects and he agrees would be Mark Kelly. My respect Senator Kelly is very big. Senator Kelly's life story is about two things: service and sacrifice. Let's see who Harris and her team select for VP?
  19. CA has over 40 million people. So a ton of family is a small fraction. Very difficult to maintain this kind of momentun for over 3 months. I am from So Cal so the enthusisam might be be less than San Fran even though she has lived in Brentwood with Doug for years. In some cases a Vice President is like Lt Governor. Who is the current Lt Gov of CA? I have no idea because this person is pretty much irrelevant. Just because one is the VP is not necessary a boost when the same person runs for President. VP's who run for President have resulted in mixed results. VP Biden did run in 2016. VP Dick Cheney? Well we know about Cheney and nothing more needs to be said. VP Gore, well 2000 and it was a mess. VP Bush Sr lasted one term. VP Mondale even with Geraldine Ferraro could not beat Reagan in 84.
  20. Sometimes one peaks too early. I am going back So Cal soon and I'm curious to see what the enthusiasm level for Kamala Harris is actually like.
  21. The Honeymoon phase will not last until Nov 5th. The attack ads are being planned by both sides. Of course the Dem VP nominee is still unknown. Harris has been in public office for many years and something will pop up in the next 100 days. The digging up on Trump has been ongoing since 2015 so new things are will be hard to come by. The obvious target on the Republican ticket will be Vance. Let's see what the Harris campaign can dig up on Vance.
  22. Then notify a moderator and banish me to Aseannow purgatory.
  23. Then she could delegate what was delegated to her.
  24. I think Buttigeig has zero chance. I believe Mark Kelly would be the best choice. Former Navy Captain, former Astronaut, politicial newbie when he was elected to the Senate in 2020 and the son of police officers. He outhines Vance in just about every box. If Kelly was the VP Nominee I as a lifelong Republican would probably vote for Harris. I would be voting for Kelly and not necessary for Harris.
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