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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. One problem I see if LOS charges for an ETA is sometimes using a foreign or debit card can be difficlut. Using the S. Korean ETA entry portal on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website was a breeze and using my American Credit Card was also a breeze.
  2. S. Korea has an ETA system and it was almost $10 dollars. But the ETA was good for a year. The S. Korean ETA response was under 5 minutes. I doubt anything from LOS will be that quick or efficient.
  3. On a similar note at my gym in CNX about 80% actually do not work out. Most come to play on their phones while sitting on gym equipment. I have asked several "are you done with the machine and I get a blank stare. Others are taking selfies and selfies. Very few actually sweat because most do not exert themselves. Most of the older members actualy use the gym for it's intended purpose. I do not know what is in the mind of a 20 or 30 year olds anymore. On a similar note I had an online back forth with a 20 something where he claimed making a negative comment about anyone is "hate" speech. I did not get through to him that using "hate" in such manner dimishes the term. "The Hopeless, clueless and easily offended generation".
  4. New negotiation tactic: When things go south just lock the other party in a room and ask for guidance. So the agency "director" or "the boss" was not in the office during a business day? I have used an agent once and the experience was disappointing. I submitted all the documents and it looks the only thing the agency did was to avoid the lines and get me definite time to the extension and photo. . All this for only a baragin price of 8000 Baht. I would rather get Non Imm OA back home every two years with the mandatory health inusrance rather than dealing with some of these agencies. I have done theOA back process home twice in the last four years. This has worked for me.
  5. Gook luck. Vaya Con Dios.
  6. In my experience a Thai person who has lived in or studied in a western country is more likely to even engage in a converstaion with a foreigner. In my years in CNX I have only met 4 people who have ever lived in or studied in a foreign country. A woman who lived in San Francisco and another who worked in Singapore. I have met two Thai men who lived and studied in a foreing country. My former dentist who studied at UCLA in Los Angeles and a Grab Driver who also studied at UCLA. Therefore, I have never even close to even having a conversation let alone a connection any Thai person besides buying somethiing or buying a service. Also, I have never been able to master the tonal aspect of the Thai language so when I try many just don't seem to understand what I am saying. At this point "why bother with the Thai language". I really don't need Thai male friend anyway. It seems like a lost cause to pursue anykind of friendship with a Thai male.
  7. Can be several types: 1) Piston powered aircraft such as Cessna, Piper,Diamond , Cirrus for example. 2) Generally lighter in weight. 3) General Aviation can include turbine 4) Most of GA aircraft are flown by Private Pilot certificate holders 5) At one time I owned a Cessna 172 which is one of the most common GA aircaft.
  8. Ah, in the Land of Smiles where a man can go to Nana Plaza or many parts of Pattaya and not rape a child in order to meet whatever needs he wants. 8000 definitely would have covered Long Time. So he gets arrested for child rape? In most civilized societies rape is taken very seriously. Child rape by an adult becomes a high prioroty case. What about in LOS?
  9. Just bought the A15 5G to replace my 3 year old A32 5G. Performs the same, ram and memory are the same. Get 5G speeds most of the time. Been with True for many years and go it on sale for 6999 at one their stores. The phone did not come with a charger and the price for a 25 watt fast charger is 490 from Samsung. I have a Samsung tablet and the tablet charger works with the A15.
  10. A Democratic pundit was on German TV (DW) and the best she could say was "she wasn't as bad compared to her previous interviews". Of course the DW interviewer did not push any further and let the Dem drone on about how she will be a great president etc, etc. In the end it might not matter I think most voters have made up their minds and the election will be close. In 2016 Hilary was disliked by many across party lines but I don't sense the same level of dislike in Kamala. This might be enough for her to squeak by. It looks the strategy is "less is more". That is one interview, one debate and one news conference. So far this has worked.
  11. This is just an example. The word certificate is actually on the card.
  12. Thanks for this. If I were to pay income tax in LOS based upon my US AGI then I could in the 30% bracket? What the heck?
  13. Negative Income Tax = Cash Handouts for the poor? Why complicate it. Just give out money to the truly poor. Forgive certain debt, tax the rich and go green. Wait, that's America in 2024.
  14. Yes. Aircraft maintenace, especially airline aircraft, must be absolute and by the book. No room for shortcuts. Because at 30,000 feet and over the ocean you can't just pull over and fix it. Safety in airline operations is very good and there are two reasons for this: Great maintenance and great pilot training.
  15. 1) The fact that a Rockwell Commander 114 is actually flying in Thaialnd is in a word amazing. Even in the US this aircraft is rare. Not excusing the level of maintenance but spare parts might be difficult to find for this aircarft because it went out of production many years ago and Rockwell went out of business many years ago. I once saw a 114 over 20 years ago in Long Beach,CA. 2) I have been a pilot for over 35 years and at one time owned a Cessna 172 but I have never stepped into a general aviation aircraft in Thailand and never will. 3) I have faith in most of the airlines based in Thailand because the maintenance is supervised by and signed off by foreign maintenance managers. I beleive many of these maintenance managers come from Europe.
  16. Ricarda Lang. After looking at her what is the first thing that comes to mind? Now be honest. Doesn't the German Federal Police have other things do?
  17. If the noodles are not prefried then how does it stay together?
  18. Healthier Instant noodles = Oxymoron. Such a thing does not exist.
  19. Sounds like it can spread easily. This is flawed because someone from Nigeria can fly to Europe or N. America and then fly to Asia. What if this person is not of African descent? People will slip through and then I guess the "Q" word might pop again? I hope not because during the Covid times I did the "Q" three times.
  20. So how is MPOX transmitted? If someone coughs on me can I get infected with MPOX? Also, I know two people at my gym who just got over dengue. Both were in and out of the hospital for a week(blood tests and other monitoring. Since SE Asia is a hotspot for Dengue will African nations require pre-screeining for Dengue prior to boarding a flight? I mean pre-screening and registration before departure can be applied to a number of infectious diseaes.
  21. If you go to S. Korea they have many casinos. I went to Paradise City next to Icheon Airport. It is massive and impressive. But S. Korea has two sets of rules for casinos. One for locals and the other for foreigners. A foreigner can enter all casinos as often as he or she wants. But for S. Korean citizens some casinos restrict the number of visits per month and some have an outright ban on S. Korean citizens from entering. Wonder Why? Koreans can get addicted to gambling quickly and get into debt. Also, there are no casinos in the Chinese mainland but many just across the border from Shenzen in Macao. The Thai Government believes casinos will be a financial boon??? OK, we shall see.
  22. In one of my deployments I worked with a young Afghan translator. He spoke a little better English than most Thai's but he was the best we could find. During a long convoy outside of Kabul we had a discssion about people in history we admired. The translator said he admired Adold Hitler and at the time the current president of Iran (Mahmoud Ahimendinijaud). I asked why and he repliced "one killed the Jews and the other wants to kill the Jews". I then asked myself what am I doing here. I feel lucky to have survived two deployments there. Some in my unit were not so lucky. The western nations in A-stan had one of two choices: Get in and get out or stay for forever. We did neither. We stayed almost twenty years and quickly bailed.
  23. I would rather confront people directly then save face and walk away without resolving the issue. Of course feelings will be hurt but I have been told "TFB". Too Fxxxxx Bad".
  24. That is one of the negatives of being raised in a country where one is taught to be expressive of your thoughts and opinons. It was mild before social media but it is now out of control. In short Americans are not so compliant and many times defiant. It's just the way we have been shaped.
  25. I think it's part of our culture. When challenged, most of us respond. If that fits the definition of fighting then ok. We fight the most. We will settle disputes directly and at times get in your face. At times we are out of control. So be it.
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