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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. I have encountered some foreign guys in LOS younger than this guy who were "losing" it. I know this one guy at the gym from the US who was at the time 61. Often we were having converstaions and he would constantly forget what were talking about. He must have asked for my email address 10 times and I never got an email from him. I suggested he see a doctor about his cognitive decline but he dismissed me promptly. Also, I ran into him at Central Festival recently and he had no idea who I was.
  2. I see this often at my Apt building. We only have 5 stories but I see t workers on the roof painting and sometimes another worker will hold him by the wais as the painter reaches over the ledge. So far no one has gone flying without a parachute. Of course they were painiting after hours of rain. TIT.
  3. I once heard this: "if you give a man fish then he eats for a day, if you teach him how to catch fish then he eats for a long time". Cash handouts sound like a good idea. Governments around the world have tried similar handouts in the past. The short time benefits and happiness do not last long. At lesst 15 million will be happy for about a week or so. Then it's back to everyday life.
  4. "misundertanding" one of the overused terms in LOS. Had several similar incidents I handled in my time as a police officer in CA. In one of the incidents an old driver contacts the police and says "can't find my car". We look(this means checking with tow companies to ensure it was not impounded) and search of the area where the car was parked. Then the last step would be to file a police reprot. The next day the driver drove the "stolen" car to the police station and said he found it. Simple process was to just file a supplemental report and remove the vehicle from the stolen vehicle system (SVS). The driver then called his insurance company and canceled the claim. Problem solved and everyone was happy and content. Never hear stories like this about American police, right? Yes, the driver had to sign the Stolen Vehicle System report as well. But in no way would this be "filing a false reprot". It was just a confused old man. Anyway, no drama and not a big deal. It seems like an overreaction by the local police.
  5. A Cessna Caravan has been a very relialbe aircraft. It is a slow mover(under 180 Knots cruise in most cases). Generally used to land in short and in many cases soft or rough landing areas. Has been a good fit for rural and out of way areas. A single engine turboprop workhouse for many companies. I wonder what the weather was like at the time fo the crash? Lastly, I wouldn't exactly call a Cessna Caravan a small aircraft. A Cessna 172 is a small aircraft. But as always TIT.
  6. Probably by lorry or boat and without any ID.
  7. True. Insurance is much cheaper in Thailand but hospitals in the US cannot turn away someone because they cannot pay for life saving care. However this can cause major overload at some emergency rooms. Some come to ER's for care knowing that they will not be turned awasy. No such thing as a perfect health care system. I have had some minor medical procedures done in Thailand. So far no issues. But I have some concerns about having a major medical procedure done in LOS because I am not sure if the concept of medical malpractice exists here.
  8. The response from the fire depatment is at the taxpayer expense but any care at a hospital in most places in the world are not free. Very few public or taxpayer funded hospitals exist in the United States. But no hospital will prevent you from leavingl if you cannot pay your bill. It will go to collections and if you have a credit file it will be negatively impacted.
  9. Yes. 911 is very relieable. I wonder what would happen if I dialed 112 in LOS. At least I think 112 is the emergency number in LOS. I get different answers depending on the day or time. This is one of the reasons I do not live on the 20th floor of a high rise in BKK. Currently I live on the 3rd floor. At least if jump at worst i get a few broken bones and a shot at surviving. I was in a hotel in BKK during quaratnine and there was a fire on in the elevator shaft and no one called anyone in their rooms. The smoke in the hallway was a clus and I broke quarantine and went down to the lobby. The hotel staff had the usual "I don't waht is going look". "TIT".
  10. What will I get for paying income taxes in Thailand ? Safe roads and sidewalks? A reliable and rapid emergency medical services? The right to own land? Actual residency status with a resident alien identify card? Ahh, no. After living in CNX for the past 7 years I am going back to the US next month and looking at San Antonio or even Lousiville KY as my next destination. Been to both in the past looked compatible to what I need.
  11. Bought a small Haier microwave at Big C for 1700 Baht.
  12. First it says this: "Join us for a virtual town hall with Ambassador Godec on September 9 to learn more about the U.S. Embassy's and Consulate General's priorities in Thailand" Then it says "Please note that the seats for participation at the Ambassador's House จํานวน are fully booked but you can still register to attend online at https://forms.office.com/g/a6Gr9amuhg from today to 2 September 2567" So what is it? Virtual Town or an event at the Ambassadors House? This does not sound clear to me?
  13. When I first read it was confusing. This is the US Embassy sending this message out so it sounded like at first it was an in peson town hall at the Ambassadors House but capacity had been reached. Therefore, Americans can attend online. But I am not sure becaue the messaeg did not say this. I would expect little better messaging from the US Embassy to it's citizens in Thailand.
  14. This was posted on the embassy FB page and to me it sounds confusing: "Join us for a virtual town hall with Ambassador Godec on September 9 to learn more about the U.S. Embassy's and Consulate General's priorities in Thailand Please note that we have reached capacity for in-person attendance, but registration to attend online is open until September 2, 2024: https://forms.office.com/g/a6Gr9amuhg. #USConsularThailandTips American citizens in Thailand are invited to a meeting with His Excellency the United States Ambassador on September 9, 2017 to learn about the important duties of the United States Embassy in Thailand. Please note that the seats for participation at the Ambassador's House จํานวน are fully booked but you can still register to attend online at https://forms.office.com/g/a6Gr9amuhg from today to 2 September 2567 Join us for a virtual town hall with Ambassador Godec on September 9 to learn more about the U.S. Embassy's and Consulate General's priorities" Is it virtual or in person? If it is in person when did registration begin? This is the first I have heard of this town hall. Also, the year is 2024 and not 2017? is this another example of the excellence of the US Embassy in Thailand? Besides renewing or replacing a passport really don't have much need for the Embassy.
  15. Hilary Clinton went to a Chiplotle with Huma Abedin in 2016 and that looked just as good.
  16. But some are gone: Merkel, Sunak and even Kishida are gone. But Orban remains and the dude with the hair in Argentina seems to adore him. NATO will have a new leader in December so there is new blood amongst the club. Macron is on his final term so how do you say "lame duck' in French?
  17. I don't think this came off as being spontaneous or even genuine. Does anyoe believe she actually calls him "Dougie" at home? I actually beleive Donale Trump eats Doritos by just looking at him.
  18. No. But Harris and Walz???
  19. Yes you are. I have never been anywhere like this. For perspective I was a street cop in Los Angeles for over 20 years so I saw the worst of the worst on a frequent basis. On the otherhand I have seen moments of poltieness and in some rare case acts of uncoditional kindness. Those moments are rare amongsts those in the human race. Whatever one may think of Donald Trump there are moments where he seems to express thoughts that many hide inside. I have never met a human being who is completely objective and without prejudice. Maybe this why there are no living saints. This election may come down to what is the lessor of two evils. Not excited or enthusiastic about either candidates but somebody has to win.
  20. 3 Prime Ministers from one family makes a Dynasty? A political dynasty or an actual dynasty.
  21. More importantly has anyone actually seen elevator technicians from Mitsubishi or Schindler actually in your building? In my old buklding I saw the guy from Mitsubishi several times a year. In my new building I have never seen a technician from Schindler. In my new buidling I take the elevator about 50% of the time.
  22. This is one of my top concerns about life in LOS (I have many concerns). While waiting for an elevator or lift I usually step to the side because one can never be sure what awaits you is an empty space or the actual elevator compartment. Also, I seem to notice elevator entry and exit protocols are not very good. Often when I get to my floor people will rush the door before people can actually get out. "common sense and routine maintenance are rare in the land of smiles". This woman is lucky because she got an E ticket ride without harm.
  23. Exactly. I wonder what the IOC really thought about her performance. At least in 2028 the world will be spared of this type of performance because Break Dancing will not be on the calendar. This decision was made before Raygun's "performance".
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