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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. In civil court sworn witness testimony has more value than in criminal court. In criminal case sworn testimony is rarely enough for a unanimous conviction. But in this case it’s was enough to convince a 9 person jury.
  2. A bond premium is cheaper than actually writing a check. Also, some cases get settled during the appeals process.
  3. The new law might not apply if the alleged assault occurred years ago.
  4. Yes because this case can be used to bolster any and all new claims.
  5. One does not get convicted in civil court. A civil jury can only find in favor of the plaintiff(Carroll) or for the defendant(Trump). Getting a favorable judgement in civil court is easier than getting a conviction in criminal court. Also, civil trial juries are mostly 9 where criminal trials are 12. In criminal trials all 12 jurors must agree and in civil trials a 6 to 3 majority is a win. Today Donald lost but he will not have to pay for many years as he will appeal this judgement for years and years.
  6. She might never see the money. Appeals on civil jury awards can take years. 27 years after the incident so statute of limitations has passed so this was her only course of action. Once this happens the floodgates will open wide and others will file as well.
  7. Reentry Permits have an end date. My reentry permit end date is the same date when my current visa expires. So the end date of a reentry permit based upon a 30 Day Visa Exempt would be the same date.
  8. A re-entry permit would be required to maintain the validity of an actual visa or extension of stay. A visa exempt is not a visa. If you exit the country before the end of the visa exempt period then it is done.
  9. This could have been the old proverbial "trial balloon"? Obviously the temperature in the room got very hot and very quick. This idea will have to tabled and revisited in the future.
  10. Just celebrated a birthday. Went to BKK and did the usual things and got a pleasant surprise: Shake Shack opened at Central World close to the Apple Store. Had the best cheeseburger I have had in a very long time. It was a great birthday. "enjoy the moments for as long you can".
  11. I saw a sign today which stated: No alcohol sales from 600PM on May 6 to 600 PM May 7. Does this mean we can buy all the alcohol we can carry rom 500 PM to 600 PM on May 6th? Just wondering because the alcohol ban was for the election but why not just make from 500PM?
  12. I encountered this problem about a year ago: Some of the US carriers require a 5G phone to work on their networks. Is the Samsung. S10 5 G capable? For ATT a 5G phone is required but only certain models will work on its network. I would suggest researching some of the US cell phone companies very carefully before you leave. I have a 5G capable Samsung phone and so fare T-Mobile has not been a problem. I spent 3 weeks back in California and bought a prepaid sim at a local T-Mobile store..
  13. I'm in CNX and two weeks ago I was locked out of the Bangkok Bank app as well. I called the customer service help line (sometimes it is not so helpful), Through trial and error and in the end the only I can access the bank app was to deactivate the Anti-Virus software on the phone. So every time I use prompt pay or access my account I have to first deactivate the anti-virus software. So far I have not been able to determine why this only impacts the Bangkok Bank Application. I have lived in LOS long enough to know the most important thing when it comes to dealing with Thai People or Thoi companies is: NEVER ASK WHY.
  14. Came back from BKK yesterday and the skies around CNX still looked like the Haze was hovering over the city. BKK had rain for two days the air was a little better.
  15. I even asked some Thai’s “who’s is Tiger Woods?”. The answer is “who he”. I thought for sure at least some would know one of the greatest golfers is half Thai.
  16. I have taken people to jail many times. A pre booking search is supposed to remove, inventory and store everything a prisoner has. This even includes shoe laces because an improvised noose can be made from them. In terms of CCTV, it is impossible to watch a prisoner 100% of the time. Cell checks should have been conducted at least every 60 minutes or 30 minutes. Also, does anyone think jail personnel are trained in first aid or even CPR in LOS? I doubt it.
  17. Yes but for this Visa one has already paid a fortune so why the need for an additional 1900?
  18. I heard from a local business person that possibly a Terminal 21 Chiang Mai in the future? But even she said “this is Thailand, so who knows”. It could also be used as movie set for a zombie or post apocalypse world.
  19. I am not in BKK. I am in CNX. I went to the 90 Day reporting window and was given the receipt for the next 90 day report date. I have lived in the same place for many years but sometimes if you stay at a hotel in Thailand the TM-30 system appears to indicate that the hotel is your new residence. For TM-30 reporting or update a rental agreement if you are a renter and probably proof of ownership if you own a condo.
  20. Did you recently stay at a hotel where you checked in with your passport? This has happened to me and I went to immigration and the 90 Day report was completed without any questions.
  21. Very few are “Normal”. If I was “normal” I would probably would not have ever moved to LOS. My first year I met a guy who said he had two passports(I presumed he was a dual citizen?). Anyway his favorite topic was a well known visa agency that can do “everything” for the right price and I should contact them immediately and mention his name. He failed to register the fact I was on an OA and was good for almost two years. He had never heard of an OA visa and kept on talking about this magical visa agency. I avoid this guy as much as I can. HIs other pitch was for an optometrist who did LASIK. He again said I should get my eyes done even though I had excellent vision. Also, I had to mention his name if I contact the optometrist. I never contacted the Visa Agency or the optometrist. Anyway, I prefer to have conversations that do not require the “hard sell”.
  22. But as usual she said the key word that most are yelling out loud: "Free". Many might support her if she had said in a humble manner that because of her large size she would be willing to pay extra for a larger seat. I do recall that there are things called "Business" class seats that are bigger. But what I do know. This just appears to be a growing trend in America where 1) It is not my fault 2) It is not my responsibility 3) It has to be free or someone else has to pay. The other con that I have heard from some former Law Enforcement friends is this. When a black person is stopped for shoplifting many are saying "this is reparations for slavery and you can't arrest me". Kind of odd because California never had slaves from Africa. I might be going back to the US permanently next year and I can't wait to sell all this in person. Actually not really.
  23. As an American I am utterly speechless at the things that are coming out of my home country.
  24. Confirmed. Went by the CNX Central Festival location and it was closed.
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