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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. The process of fermentation creates alcohol. Got it. No more soy sauce.
  2. Speaking of this currency, I was recently in Singapore at a money exchange. There was lady in front for me who presented a stack o these bills and the exchange clerk was not pleased. When it came to my turn I presented 3 Benjamin’s Franklin Notes($100) and I got the best service that I never get in LOS. Also, I counted at least 3 other people(they did not sound American) who also presented Ben Franklins as well. No matter where in the world I have been the Ben Franklins still seem to be very popular. It appears the “Mao Zedong” note still has a way to go before it become the “king of currencies. If you from land of Mao I do not mean to insult you. Just a little anecdote. ”.
  3. I know this. Jus trying to give Bazi an honest answer as to what this type of insurance will cost.
  4. Because of your age any OA Visa Health Insurance Policy will be expensive. This is the due to the high coverage limit(3.5 Million Baht). Many Health Insurance policies do not go over 1 Million Baht. I am not 67 and I have a Pacific Cross Policy that is Non OA Visa compliant and I pay over 62,000 Baht per year. Also, I believe Pacific Cross does not issue policies to new customers if one is over 60(I am not sure it could be 65). You might want to consider another Visa/Ext of Stay option? A Non Imm O-Retirement obtained in Thailand might be a better option because mandatory Health Insurance is not required.
  5. I am now even more confused more than normal. This is as of 1500 local time: Thailand on Monday rescinded a policy announced at the weekend requiring visitors to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination, its health minister said, citing sufficient immunisation levels in China and globally. I was hoping for a consistent and clear policy?
  6. This Japanese guy actually married this dall four years ago. When will the Aussie marry his new “partner”? Mr. Kondo is proud of his bride and her name is Hatsune Miku. I also know of a Japanese guy who married a hologram.
  7. 555. I have never heard some of the vaccines listed. One starts with "Shenzen??". Ah, so pretty much any Covid Vaccine is acceptable. Also, the Sputnick Vaccine is approved as to not upset our friend Vlad and his people.
  8. Well I just checked and currently it is 33.79 to the USD. The worst I have ever seen was 28 to USD back in 2013. As long it stays at 30 or higher then the impact for me is negligible.
  9. On this slow Saturday I just thought “what vaccine did Xi Jingping get”? Recently I went to Singapore and SinoVac was a not an approved vaccine for entry. So for LOS any vaccine will be accepted? “Great countries are lead by great leaders who give careful thought before making decisions”. Of course as an American I no longer apply this saying for American Leaders. In essence the US Government is now a “clown show”.
  10. So what happens if a Chinese or any Tourist shows symptoms upon arrival? In S. Korea the government has been testing all arrivals from China and so far about 13% have tested positive. Of course all Chinese arrivals got negative PCR tests before their flights to S. Korea.
  11. I got a booster months ago. Although it was in the US and with the Bivalent Vaccine.
  12. In the last 6 months I have been to the US and then Singapore. I was never asked for proof of vaccination when i came back to Thailand. I was only asked to show my vaccine certificate by the airlines when I checked in with Singapore Airlines and then Scoot Air.
  13. For the first time I went to the Central Festival Immigration Office and I was impressed. I arrived at 1115 to get a ReEntry Permit and I was out by 1145. Not many people there and most were there for 90 Day reports or ReEntry Permits. On of the young ladies at the front counter made the copies and took the photo. The copies were only 2 Baht per page and the photos for the application were 120 Baht. I was expecting to be told to come back after lunch but to my pleasant surprise the entire process took 30 minutes.
  14. Can anyone blame Italy? We all remember how hard Northern Italy was hit in early 2020. Can’t fault any country for being cautious after what they saw two years ago.
  15. So what is Step 2 if a group of Chinese Visitors being to show symptoms and some test positive for Covid 19? What is the Thai phrase for “Contingency Planning? Also, what is the Thai phrase for Murphy’s Law(if can go wrong it will go wrong).
  16. The B-21 is the US Air Force newest Stealth Bomber set to replace the B-2 Spirit. Just about everyone knows the per hour cost to operate the F-35. The acquisition cost for the advanced helmet that the pilot of the F-35 wears is over $200,000. This cost does not factor into the per hour cost to fly the JSF F-35.
  17. For my last trip to the USA I purchased the International Data Roaming Extra Pack for my True account. I paid 1599 Baht for 30 days for 15GB. The speed was a little slow but it got the job done.
  18. Just one more thing to consider is the helmet for the F-35 is over $200,000. What the heck. Shoot for the moon and request to purchase the B-21 Raider as well. I believe this aircraft will cost over $100,000 per hour to operate.
  19. I never said "they do not exist". If you read what exactly what I said it was "I have not yet met" Not exactly the same as "don't exist". So there is hope???
  20. Great statement. I have come into contact with many rich and successful people who are modest, humble and generous. I have yet to meet on in Asia or SE Asia.
  21. I saw a news broadcast on an Indian News Channel(keep in mind Indians hate the Chinese) and they showed 5 videos of bodies and bodies wrapped in hospital gowns in Shanghai hospitals. This channel also showed a long line of Chinese people waiting to make funeral arrangements. The broadcast claimed these videos were recently shot. The anchor also said “is it2020 again”. I have never believed anything related to Covid that comes out of mainland China. If the US had over 1 million die from Covid then what are the true numbers out of China? At a minimum a PCR test at least 72 hours before departure should be required. I hate to say this but arrivals from mainland China should have to check in on an app for the first five days. But what do I know except I am a 3 time graduate of Thai Quarantine System. I graduated with high marks. If I had to pay for the privilege of experiencing the 14, 10 and 7 quarantine stays in order to re-enter Thailand then my Sino Counterparts can at least submit a PCR test and be tracked . For Chinese being tracked by a governmental agency nothing new.
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