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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. I have been saying this for a long time. Few people seem to care: 1) 34 Trillion and counting in US Debt 2) Interest on debt ranges from 3 to 5% 3) Annual interest on US Debt is now almost 1 Trillion. 4) US Social Security is now at a tipping with benefit reductions set to begin in 2035. 4) I am an American Citizen and I am not old enough to collect Social Security. 5) I have other sources of retirement income but even I know I am not immune to what could or would come.
  2. At least in the years I have left in this life I hope what you said is true.
  3. In Between. Not a permanent or eternal state or place. Afterlife according to the Christian faith are two places only. Of course some would argue pergatory as well. There is no eternal place like Hell in Buddhism.
  4. Do you honestly belive this was an idenpendent decision by the Thai Government based upon logical, objective and rational thinking? Or "big daddy in Beijing tell them which the wind blows"?
  5. This may not apply to LOS but it is a famous and old saying from Dante: "There is a special place reserved in hell for those who remain neutral during a moral crisis". Of course there is no hell in buddhism but most of us getting the meaning. Ironically China seems to think the same about Ukraine. What if the country was not Ukraine but Taiwan? Then it would be crystal clear.
  6. Meanwhilre Japan is expecting 31 Million vistors this year. Japan is handicapped by brutal winters for 3 months and the high cost of just bout everything compared to the Land of Smiles. It looks like many are chosing Quality Destination over a Cheap Destination. Do Thai Tourism officials do anykind of self assessement and just ask "Can we do better?"
  7. Everywhere I have lived in CNX the quietest part of the day has been 0300 to 0700. I can understand how she feels. I have never considered buying a property in LOS. Renting gives me more options.
  8. Good point. Pardon Hunter on election night and make it public the next day. Either way he has nothing to lose.
  9. Standard policy whenever compensation is offered. Release of Liability and NDA(Non Disclosure Agreement). Any lawyer will say do not accept any first offer. It is not matter of greed but protecting oneself from future medical expenses. One might be fine now but in some cases the effects of injury that is not diagnosed in the present could be expensive in the future.
  10. 5 years and with good behavior maybe 2 years. Essentially he committed a paper crime. He lied on a federal application to purchase a firearm. Howeve he does have another trial later this year. If Biden wins in November a pardon could be probable because at that point Old Joe has nothing to lose.
  11. So you know or have known a "typical" police officer? Define "typical"? At any time there are almost 1,000,000 police officers in the US. Did you know the "typical" police officer as a suspect, victim, witness or an acquintance? I doubt you would have any "typical" police oficer friends.
  12. I do not suggest or imply. I say things directly. I am just another irrevelant member of this forum. Of course everything and anything you say is in high demand.
  13. So you are the "entire forum"? Did not know that.
  14. Not necessarily true. I know some very attractive and educated women who had no desire for foreign men. I knew a bank manager in BKK a few years ago and she told me this: She was 33, university educated, studied for a year in Austraiia, very beautiful and spoke English almost fluently. She was looking for a comparable Thai man for marriage and in no way would consider a foreign man due to the perception that she was being taken care. She had her own apartment and car. She was very nice and it was actually a joy to speak to her over coffee. However most of the girls working at the hotel I was staying at were very intereted in me. Many of the hotel girls were very attractive as well.
  15. I never said it was not corruption. Did I? As always your thoughts are so insightful and in high demand.
  16. Because I was waiting for your valuable input. Also, I was responding to someone else.
  17. It's not a simple matter of waiting for a job. An applicant does a lot to get past each step in the hiring process. Corruption is a broad term. Some police officers worldwide commit crimes on and off duty. This does not mean there is pattern of corruption. Also, every police department in the US has professional standards unit(AKA Internal Affaris) that are very busy. What is the Thai word for "internal affairs"? I personally knew several officers who terminated after Internaal Affairs investigations. One was fired after having two wives at the same time. Is this corrumption or just stupidity? Another was fired after being filmed working security at a Lakers game while under disability status from a work injury. Is this corruption, stupidy, greed or all 3. Another was fired and almost indicted for 2nd degree murder after shooting at a motorist and killing him because he claimed the motorist was trying to run him over during a traffic stop. Back then we did not have body cameras. Ultimately no charges were filed but he was fired for violatiing the departments use of force policy. This may have been a case of incompetence that lead to the death of a drunk motorist. Lastly let's say an officer pulls over a motoris for a minor traffic violation and the driver is a fellow officer. The fellow officer looks and smells like he has had a few drinks. His home is few blocks from the traffic stop location. Let's say the officer calls his wife and she takes him home. The vehcile is left at the location. Would this be corruption? Depends on who you ask?
  18. Did you earn 40 credits for Social Security? Was FICA deducted from your paycheck? Did you work with a Social Seurity # or a TIN? What social services did you not have access to? Just about anyone can obtain food stamps, rental assistance regardless of immigration status. I know a number of former US resdients who never became citizens who are happily living in other countries who are collecting Social Security Checks and some are even collecting State Retirement checks.
  19. Mainly because getting hired as a police officer is long and complicated. It can take from 6 months to a year to at least get to the police academy. It's not like McDonalds: Apply on Monday, get hired on Tuesay and quit on Wednesday. It took me 8 months from application to police academy. Then another year on probation to become a permanent employee. Most police officers in their first year are on their best behavior. I am strictly talking about how most US Police Departments hire officers. 1) Written test 2) Board Interview 3) Physical Agility Test 3) Medical Exam 4) Psych Exam 5) Polygraph test 6) Background investigation 7) Final Chief Interview 😎 Police Academy. Not so easy to quit after going through all that which is time consuming. All this that an applicant does is not compensated time. I do not know what the Thai Police hiring process is like.
  20. Ok. Then what do I get in return from the Thai Government for paying my fair share in taxes? At least in the US I can apply for public assistance like food stamps or if I get disabled I can apply for SSDI. It's almost like "foreigner you pay but get nothing". I know it's to pay for safe roads, sidewalks and the excellent emergency services like police and fire????
  21. This type of statement sounds like something US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen would say.
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