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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Yes, I have been a fan of Classical music for over 50 years. I am familiar with over 200 piano Concerti, many more than 200 operas and quite a few symphonies from the Composers that are familiar to most of you. My favourites include the main repertoires of all genres but with many less well known as well. All of this as it relates to me and what I think of as great for me, might well be different from you as an individual and of others - all a matter of taste. I now make a bold statement! In the last year I have been listening and watching the best Singer in the world! If that was just MY opinion, it would be worth little but since this view is held by many, including Professional Singers and Vocal Coaches worldwide, I would recommend you give him a try. His name is Dimash Kudaibergen (sometimes spelt with a "Q") from Kazakstan. If you know of him already, you will see what I mean but for those who haven't... He has a vocal range of seven octaves, sings in 12 languages, plays 8 instruments. Classically trained since the age of 5 and sings all genres of music, sometimes in the same song!! I know there are some tough nuts to crack on this forum but I would be very interested to hear what your reactions might be when you have heard just one song!! Choose one from his own YouTube Channel and afterwards watch and listen to a few reactions - there are 1000's of them, all of them finding it impossible to believe what they see and hear. His first album went Platinum in 7 seconds and triple platinum in less than one hour. Over the New Year two of his songs were number 1 and 2 on the US Billboard. Yes, he is unique!
  2. You can pay sin sod if you like. But the technical answer is, that a never-married AND a virgin are what CAN make a sin sod justifiable. I wouldn't pay it either way, both for my personal opinions on the matter as well as those of other Commenters here.
  3. Stop arguing. I stated some FACTS as part of the relating of my observations (not perceptions) I wasn't under the influence except for knowing what I was doing, over a two hour period. My EVIDENCE could be proved by repeating the exercise with two lawyers and a judge accompanying me or maybe with your good self for you to verify my findings. Would that be permissible? You can call things what you like but I DID see (about) 206 motorcyclists without helmets! THE END!
  4. So anybody that witnesses anything, it is only anecdotal evidence and somehow needs to be thrown out! OK, you win!
  5. That is why I preceded my remark about under age, with, "Here's a silly comment". You silly billy!
  6. It is NOT an anecdote. These are accurate figures, either I saw them as stated or I am guessing/fabricating them. This is a general forum, I am not creating statistics for the Transport Dept. or for any official use. And it WAS the quietest time of day. I know the road well! If it helps you, while I didn't count those who WERE helmeted I guessed it was about 50%. My exercise had to take account of riding my bike at the same time and nothing to do with other vehicles - only the helmet issue which was easy to do! Sorry, maybe there were 209 or 203.
  7. Only yesterday, I had decided I would count the number of motorcycles with Riders and passengers without helmets. It was the quietest time of the day and I was out for two hours on my bicycle I counted 206 that included 3's on a bike, babes in arms. Not to mention, other observed offences and of course unobserved offences as in some having no licence and so it goes on - and on! Multiply this by a whole day, a month on just one road 0f 20kms, then multiply again by all the towns and cities in Thailand and one arrives at a number so large that one's "gasted" couldn't be more flabbered. I find it distressing to know some of these people will have left home alive but won't return!
  8. Here's a silly comment. At 16 - under age drinking, under age driving and the two combined?
  9. So many questions and few answers I am afraid. Is your house and farm unoccupied and if so how long has it been since it has had modest maintenance? Will you receive any pension at all as a pensioner - in fact, are you a pensioner? How old is your son? If never been to Thailand, is he fluent in Thai. If educated in Europe has he acquired a skill that would enable him to work and help support the family? If he is now too young for such a situation that isn't an option. Is your wife able to work? As others have said, it does seem your chances of permanency is looking very fragile. Strictly financially, and supposing getting into Thailand was free (no Immigration stipulations) and further suppose you as a family of three could live on B20,000 per month (unlikely, I think), your circumstances at the very minimum would be serious after just five years. This also pre-supposes there are no emergencies and unexpected expenses of any kind between the three of you and your home and farm. Depending on what that was worth in assets and land might determine if you could sell it for a substantial sum that would provide capital (to use as income) for many years! I wouldn't want to do that, though!! I have said what I think and I am sorry, it isn't very inspiring or promising!
  10. I am not saying it is a statement of fact- I am saying it was offered to us Readers as such, and that is what I am commenting on! I don't know if fact or not. It might have escaped some Commenters here that a cause of death has be entered on an official death certificate by a qualified Doctor. Why should he circumvent his profession by "blaming" or ascribing death to one cause (for convenience) rather than the one he believes it to be from his actual knowledge of the case? in any event no-one on this forum has actual real knowledge of the case so can only speculate or express an opinion.
  11. Yes, there IS always a reason for everything but often we never get to know. In the case here in question only two parties know the reason and both would probably lie or misrepresent the facts about each other. Something to be filed away!
  12. This is a vegetarian story of no meat (no reason) and two veg: One swede and two turnips.
  13. Either she died from omicron (cause of death) or not. We are informed of this as a statement of fact. What is "unfair" about it?
  14. A TIA or "mini stroke" is potentially a sign of a possible more serious stroke to come and should be treated as such by the patient. I had what I thought was a TIA about 14 years ago. The symptoms were that I was unable to remember something I was writing only a few minutes before and I couldn't operate the TV remote control - no other symptoms. These matters lasted only for a few minutes. I went to my local Doctor and the first thing he did was feel my carotid artery - he told me there was a problem (confirming a TIA) and suggested I went for tests at the hospital. This I did and had an brain scan and the result showed that 1% of my brain was affected but the neural networks had already by-passed the damaged area, taking me back to normal. Measurements were taken of my cholesterol, blood sugar and LDL levels. No hypertension in my case and no other underlying predisposing factors. My cholesterol and blood sugars and LDL were too high and this was deemed to be the problem I kept the measurement from that time and took action that amounted to: No more added sugar, no alcohol for nearly two months and had new measurements taken that are shown in the attached excel spreadsheet I created and sent to everyone I knew at the time to prove that dramatic action had dramatic results quite quickly and without any further medical intervention or medication. The attachment is a photo of the spreadsheet as the original file will not upload here. Send me a PM if you would like the "template" and I will send to you if you believe it could be useful. All my comments above relate to me as an individual - you should consult your clinicians for advice for your personal situation.
  15. A wonderful job being number two in the world re deaths on the road that hasn't changed in 20 years Can we mention that in the form of unanimous observation, rather than criticism?
  16. ChrisKC

    Cash refused

    In real practical terms, I have not been inconvenienced by cashless transactions in Thailand. What may prove to be a problem in the near future is the gradual disappearance of ATM's.
  17. Only four days ago, I met a Thai man and his wife plus their son, all friends of my wife and connected with the Thai military through their careers. Apart from the son (now 46 years old) are retired Colonels; in fact the son is also a Colonel. I asked my wife a couple of times to confirm they were actual colonels and she assured me they were. The article here that prompted your question makes me think that if colonels can be "non-commissioned Officers" then their status is not so high as The "Colonel" I understand whose responsibility is for about 3,000 soldiers! I now know 5 colonels arising from my wife's connections and it seems therefore, if true, colonels are more common than those below them (ugh!) A bit of research on this does not really answer yours or my question, especially as it may relate to the Thai system. In any event, a sad tale of a man - whoever he may be, has been murdered for the value of a plastic chair - which is virtually nothing!
  18. Both the water and Electricity bills are paid by direct debit monthly from my wife's account - KTB, and has been for 5 years to my knowledge
  19. I, too, can recommend Sketchers shoes. I bought a pair about 4 months ago can wear them as smart, as walking on beach, pavements, etc. In fact I bought them in a Robinson's store with a sketchers department within. On that day, my wife was with me and we got a pair for her free (two pairs for one price). Mine were B2500 but with the free ones equal to B1250 each. I consider these shoes to be the some of the best I have ever had, very comfortable, supportive and look stylish. And they are machine washable!
  20. That will answer my question, where I caught my cold. They told me it was a buffalo, but it looked more like a rhino to me
  21. I was there for a few days in October last. Virtually everything was closed. But plenty of peace and quiet! Immigration was open then!
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