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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Your reply is really useful and helpful for the OP I am unaffected by the condition of the OP - just appreciate the time you have given
  2. My pleasure. Older people - of all nationalities - have perceptions that are often misguided and of course there are those who are stubborn, too. Some people just don't like being told what to do! It depends on who he trusts and feels comfortable with when trying to persuade him to do or act on something they know they really should - may have to be gentle with him. My approach would be something like, "You are in pain, you need someone to help you. Your teeth are giving you lots of trouble and there is someone that CAN help you. Go and see the Dentist, I will go with you and sit beside you. The Dentist will look inside your mouth and he may recommend an Xray - none of this will hurt. He will study the Xray and give you some information about what he thinks is best for you. It is unlikely he will give any treatment at that time, maybe even suggest an appointment in a months time and you will know already what he will do when you get there. This will also give you waiting time to think about your decision to go ahead. In the meantime. ask the Dentist about anything more you can do to reduce the pain!. Do this for me, but more important, for yourself. Later you will say, "I glad I did that!""
  3. It's important for this man to be persuaded that the experts will know the exact nature of his problems. Tell him that Dentists; won't drag him kicking and screaming, tying him to a chair and having their wicked way with him. He will be told exactly a process of treatment that he is entitled to reject. In any case, I doubt their first plan would be extract everything there and then. Maybe after (if he cannot accept), that some palliative treatment/medication to ease his pain. It's a tricky business convincing those who don't even visit their Doctor - white coat syndrome. Good luck with your efforts - but if he won't go, then he is left with the pain or matters getting even worse.
  4. Who are these "Rankers" anyway? Sorry, my "swelling" is not so good these days!
  5. Why should he worry about all his teeth been extracted? Yes, he has teeth and possibly gum problems or ulcer or abscess. The first thing to do is go to a dentist and be properly assessed. That wont cost a lot at all! And at a dentist he will get encouragement to have done what is initially the priority in his case. They understand about people being "scared". It will still be a choice he can make according to what will be recommended.
  6. My comment relates to personal relationships which is directly appropriate for this post. The reference to a war in Ukraine is entirely irrelevant.
  7. We hear and read many cases of relationships ending this way. Headlines and stories are frequently reported as if the main reason was a bit of jealousy or for B200 or somebody was insulted or offended or lost face etc But most failing or failed relationships occur because of underlying problems that have festered for some time. But one day there is a tipping point - often something trivial and not worth anything in itself, but that does trigger an impulsive reaction that in reality could easily be a manifestation of that underlying problem that has a history and a build-up of tension, anger and frustration. I cannot however justify killing someone, especially as I also believe that in relationships, both parties are likely to be contributing to their problem to lesser or greater degree.
  8. With a name like "Titan", sounds like a derivative from the "Titanic" and a "Navy Captain" to boot A disaster waiting to happen! What this lady found wasn't just the TIP of an iceberg! "Full Steam Ahead" and headlong into it
  9. Quite understandably, the accent here is on the gullibility of a woman. But it is tinged with - "Don't ask us to sympathise or help you". You got what you deserved! It's happened, she knows she has made a disastrous decision! No salt in the wound from me!! But what about more on that despicable man?
  10. I don't "blame" the Owners. They don't "deserve" their loss! If they knew as much as some of the people on this forum, they wouldn't get burgled would they? Hindsight - never around when you need it. I have been burgled twice within six months at the same place (in Thailand) in spite of taking as many precautions as would be considered reasonable. If they want to get in, they can get in! And if you have been burgled and discover it when you get home, they have ransacked the place, I can assure you the emotions run through you like a sharp knife!! You don't need anyone to tell you, should have done this, should have done that! And forget the return of anything. The Police will want you to point where they got in and take a photo - for them end of story!
  11. I find it rather strange and just a little double standardish (is that a word? I don't care!), comparing with a previous post that for tourists and the like to get a possible 2 years in jail for contravening Songkran rules and for Officers of the Police Force being given a job where it is official they don't have to do any work!
  12. A "mysterious" object in the sky IS a UFO. mysterious means, don't know what it is - unidentified. If it was a spaceship then that wouldn't be a UFO either.
  13. Feeling "upbeat" would not be my feeling ahead of what I would hope was an awakening by Thai driving culture to cool its attitudes down a bit. So when some figures are published a few days into Songkran, he and we will know his predictions were true. Good JOB, Man!! I cant prove it but I think accidents where more than 70% of accidents involving motorcycles and 50% or more of those wearing no helmets, causes more deaths than being Drunk in Charge directly. Being DUI causes accidents in the first place but many deaths arise from not wearing helmets and has therefore exacerbated the DUI situation. And of course speeding. And... And... ETC
  14. Yes, I can vouch for the military hospital a couple of kms from my home. Have had occasion to visit for various bits and pieces and the service excellent, the nurses beautiful and attentive. .In fact my wife is ex military nurse and she has even given me a flu jab at home - free! My experiences in other parts of Thailand at Government hospitals. Very inexpensive and I never find any reason to go private.
  15. So the two accompanying Headlines for today are involving one man, Khun Anutin saying a continuation of no realistic entertainment and next door to him the TAT man saying there will be 8 million visitors for the rest of this year. Why will they come with any kind of limitations of entry, and if in fact they happen to materialise, what will they do when they get here?
  16. Actually, no. Given she would have undeniable pleasure from my company, it is very likely she would accept my romantic overtones in the form of an invitation to examine the topography of my boudoir!
  17. Leave her alone! She is beautiful. And with the added bonus of being educated. I would be waiting for halftime so we could enjoy a cup of tea and a meat pie together!
  18. Ten dogs, among them a bull terrier. However much they are probably not very neighbourly, shouldn't be always on a lead or caged up! Not advocating poisoning them but what a sorry existence for animals with no freedom! In my opinion, the owner not my idea of a Dog Lover!!
  19. Even women in Thailand would prefer as everywhere else, a man of similar age to herself Thai or farang. About the age gap between Thai women and farangs, one has to think about the problems that brings, those in addition to language and cultural differences. Gaps of 20 years or more are greater of problem the younger the girl is. So if she is 18 and her farang partner is close to 40 or greater this is more of a difficulty than say a women of 30 with a man of 50. When the man is 65 and the woman 40 the gap is less significant as it relates to their potential compatibility. I am not going to spell out here what all the ramifications are – I hope you can appreciate them for yourself. 18 to 22 year olds everywhere are mature of body but not of life and worldly experiences, particularly with much older partners. This is particularly true of Thai girls who in many cases are still living at home with their parents.
  20. One has to be in a real sorry state in Thailand to be without noodles enough for five. Don't they have any family or friends to help in this rather easy to satisfy way? Why did the Noodle Seller feel the need to ask who the bag of noodles was for? Only to receive an answer by the child that somehow seemed to attract more attention than the Mother who would otherwise have been buying the noodles herself. it does look like a set up for sympathy and help - and that worked!! If I am wrong about this then I am sorry, and someone high above should be taking notice!
  21. Exactly! Alternatively, I think that one can easily ask a Bank Official to witness - one doesn't need to know of someone personally, they can trust.
  22. and throw the book at him And make that the 'Encyclopaedia Britannica' (plus year books) and fired from a cannon!
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